On motion made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Broek, Preei-
dent Barker was authorized to spend $500.00 in improvements in
the  hemistry Department.   essrs. Brown, Nichols, Johnston.
Brocif, McKee and Terrell voting aye.

     Mr. Johnston moved to authorize President Barker to em-
ploy a professor of agriculture in the Dopartment of Eduja-
tion. Mr. Brown seconded the motion which was adopted, essrs.
Brown, Nichols, Terrell, Johnston, Brack and Mc'vee voting aye.

     On motion of ar. Brock, seconded by Mr. Brown. Free.
Barker was authorized to provide fire escapes on both dorm-
itory buildings on the campus, Messrs. Nichols, Brown, Terrell,
Johnston, Browk, and McKee voting aye.

     Mr. Johnston voted that the salary of Miss Garrie Bean,
postmistress and supply keeper in the business offices be in-
creased from $55.00 to $60.00 a month. 'Kr. Brock seconded the
motion which was carried by the following votes Messrs
Nichols, Johnston, Brbwn, Brock, and McKee, hr. Terrell having
*ith-drawn from the meeting to catch a train.

     On motion, the meetinl adjourned.

                                       Inoch Greban
                                       Secretary Boazd of
                                       Trust ees.