STARTED Foremost American Poet

The Business Manager Announces Rules For Canvassers For "Biggest
and Best" Yearbook



The subscription contest staged by
the Kentuckian staff for which cash
prizes and copies of the annual will
be awarded the winners is progressing
well. Several prominent students of
the University have entered as contestants and the Kentuckian editors
thru the kindness of the Kernel, take
this opportunity to give the rules governing the contest and to state that it
Is open to all students of the University.
The student who gets the largest
number of subscriptions for the annual will receive fifteen dollars in
cash, the ono who obtains the next
largest number will receive ten dollars in cash. The third prize is a copy
of the 1918 Kentuckian. The business
staff of the annual announces that 350
or more copies must be sold during the
contest. However there are usually
400 to 500 copies sold each year and
it is believed that more than 600 copies
will be sold this year, because the 1919
Kentuckian surpasses in general makeup and quality any annual produced
by the Senior class of the University.
The 1919 Kentuckian will be bound
in grained leather with a
cover. The features of the Year Book
in the hands of Eliza M. Piggott and'
an efficient staff promises to be uniquely interesting.
The prizes given this year are large
enough to assure interest and competition in the contest. A member of
the staff discussing the prospects of
the Annual with a member of the
faculty was told that during ten years'
connection with the University the professor had never been asked to buy an
Annual. He has bought one every year
because he is as interested in the Annual as any student on the campus,
but no campaigners or contestants
have ever asked him to subscribe. His
case may be representative of the entire faculty. With 107 members of
the faculty and a student enrollment
of 750, a large number of subscriptions
may be secured. "A hint to the wise is
semi-flexibl- e

Rules of the Contest.
Any student of the University Is
eligible with the exception of the
members of the business staff.

The contest ends Thursday, May
must be entered in the manner and form stated
below before 3:30 r m. of that date.
The winner of first prize must turn in
150 or more subscriptions and will bo
awarded fifteen dollars in gold. The
winner of second prize must turn in
100 or more subscriptions and the con- 2.

16, and all subscriptions

(Continued on Page Two.)


Southeast In Interest of
Theory of Poetry.



Mrs. Nola E. Miller recently received
a letter from Captain Powell of the
ninety-nintAero Squadron, verifying
the announcement of tho death of her
son, Lt. Howard Kinne, and containing
a map showing the location of his
grave near Romange. Altho Mrs.
Kinne had been notified of her son's
death, she had still hoped that the report was a mistake until she received
the letter.
Lt. Kinne was a former student of
the University and especially prominent in football. He will be remembered by all who saw him for the
touchdown he made in the Purdue
game nearly four years ago. He was a
member of A. T. O. fraternity.

Former University Boy Killed in Crash of Plane at
Hampton Roads Air


Harold A. Pulliam, former
student of the University, died Friday
April 4, as a result of injuries received in a seaplane accident Thursday, during a flight near Fort Monroe.
An operation had been performed in
hope of his recovery, but efforts to
save his life were of no avail.
Ensign Pulliam entered aviation
service at the beginning of the war
and was considered one of the most expert flyers in the service. He had been
selected as one of the pilots to make
the trip overseas in the coming
After serving in Europe during the
TREE TO CLASSMATES war, he was appointed instructor at KY. BASEBALL HEADLINER
Pensacola, Florida, where he has done
notable work. He was a member of
Slomer or Lasley Will Pitch
Memory of Dead Comrades the Sigma Nu fraternity.
to be Honored Arbor Day;
Funeral services were held Monday Opening Game of Season
Patterson to Speak in at the home of his parents, 505 East
Friday 3:45 p. m.
Main street, the Reverend R. K. Mas-si- e
The varsity baseball season will beofficiating. He is survived by his
The tree to bo planted by the Senior
gin Friday afternoon with a game beparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Pulliam,
class on Arbor Day, April 25, will be
Georgeand one brother, Captain K. G. pulliam tween the Wildcats and the
dedicated to those members of the
town Tigers to be played on the local
class who lost their lives In the war
The pallbearers were Grover Creech, diamond. Both teams and their "backand to their classmate who was killed
Floyd Wright, William Baughn, Morris ers" are confident and a hot contest is
in a parade in 1916, when he was
The game is to begin
Collis Ringo, Monroe
thrown by a cable Jerked by a speedpromptly at 3:45 o'clock. A large crowd
Fletcher, John Wesley Marr and Guy
ing street car.
is expected out to witness the first
At a class meeting held Tuesday aftgame of the 1919 season in Lexington.
ernoon the class decided to honor
Seven Letter Men In Line-up- .
those members of the class who would BOYS, GLEE CLUB TO
Practice during the past few weeks
GIVE FIRST CONCERT of good weather has been held regularhave graduated with them had it not
ben for their service in the war. These
ly and the team is in excellent condiThe Boys' Glee Club of the Univermen were L. W. Herndon, Stanley H.
tion to begin the season. Seven letter
sity will give its first concert of the
Smith, Aubra H. Townsend and Chesmen may be seen on the diamond
year In the high school at PIcadome,
ter B. Helm.
with the Wildcat lineup Friday afterFriday night. The boys will be met
noon, and it is believed they will show
Eldridge Griffin was a member of
at the end of the Broadway street car
the Freshman class of 1916 and was
form. Propps, a letter
line by automobiles which will take
man who did exceptionally good batkilled at the corner of Broadway and
The last
them to their destination.
ting and field work last year, will be
Third streets in a parade celebrating
practice before the trip will be held toin- condition to begin the season with
the class victory in the
day (Thursday) at 3:30 p. m. and
the squad at second base. He was abThis is the first recognition officially
every member of the club is urged to
sent from practice for several weeks
which the class has been able to make
be present.
on account of a bone bruise on his left
with the exception of the flowers sent
Professor Lamport and .the Glee
hand. Kohn, Muth and Mizrach, three
to the funeral.
Club have received invitations from
A decision was reached in the meetother letter men, will take everything
Ludlow and Bellevue high schools, to
ing to have a special chapel hour for
that comes to the outfield. O. Brown
come to Cincinnnatl for two days and
and "Dutch" Burnham, at the positions
the members of the Senior class and
sing one evening at Ludlow and one
of first and third bases respectively,
to invite former President James K.
evening vat Bellevue. These dates will
will defend their corners of the diaPatterson to address the meeting. It
be arranged.
mond like veterans.. Captain Zerfoss
has been some time since the "Grand
The glee club is said to be much
and Sauer are also good at their posiOld Man of the Campus" has spoken
stronger this year than it has been for
tions, and are expected to make their
to the students of the University and
several years. Professor Lamport exmany are anxious to hear him.
share of the runs. Thomas or Kings-lanpects to give several concerts in the
will catch, and Slomer or Lasley
The tree to be planted will be a burr neighboring towns.
will pitch.
oak and will be placed in front of the
It is probable that as many men as
Old Science building.
Lee McClain
possible will be used by Kentucky in
and Ed Dabney will be the speakers of
Colonel Samuel M. Swelgert, comthe occasion, being representatives of mandant at the University In 1902, died the opening contest to give them all
the Senior and Junior classes respect- Saturday at his homo in Walton, Ky., irvno experience, unless Georgetown
ively. The usual Arbor Day program as the result of a paralytic stroke. ren'.ly appears as dangerous as the
say. In
of tho team
will bo presented. Classes will bo held Colonel Swelgert was seventy-threthe outfield Sauer, W. E. Brown and
for the first two' periods und a holiday years old and served in the
Mays will probably bo given a chance
will bo granted for the rest of the day.
war. Ho was buried Monto show their ability.
day morning in the Frankfort ceme(Continued on Page Three.)
"K" DANCE SATURDAY tery with military honors.
trans-Atlanti- c


old-tim- e










The poet, Vachol Lindsay, will lecture in the University chapel Thursday afternoon at 3:30 under the auspices of the English Club. The public
is invited and there will be no charge
for admittance.
In the opinion of Professor Phelps of
Yale, Mr. Lindsay Is the foremost
American poet, and will probably create a new school of poetry. In his lecture Thursday, Mr. Lindsay will read
from his poetry and explain his theory.
He is touring the Southwest and has
been well received by University audiences.

No. IB


With Tenative Cast Chosen,
"Under Cover" Gains Momentum in Student Ef-fto Stage S. R. O.




With Gus Gay, Emery Frazler and
Lucy Young in the leading roles, rehearsals of "Under Cover," have been
gaining snap since the announcement
of the tentative cast Friday afternoon.
Gus Gay, who has the part of Stephen Denby, was the leading man of last
year's play, "Mice and Men," and will
also be remembered in the part of Jefferson Rider in "The Lion and the
He was a member of the
Soldier Players, of Camp Taylor during the summer season.
Emery Frazier, by many considered
the Strollers' most promising dramatic
find, is cast as Daniel Taylor, a deputy
in the Customs. Frazier was the leading man in "Father and the Boys," and
"The Lion and the Mouse."
Tho Lucy Young is a new comer in
Stroller productions, she is handling
the difficult role of Ethel Cartwrlght
very creditably.
A cover design for the program is
wanted, a prize of two orchestra seats
being offered for the best
design presented. Since the play will
be presented about May 1, all posters
submitted should be in the hands of
Stage Manager Creech within the next
two weeks. Mr. Carroll M. Sax, who
is to coach the cast for the last ten
days will arrive in Lexington, April 20.
free-han- d


The cast as selected by Stage Manager Creech follows:
Ethel Cartwrlght Lucy Young.
Steven Denby Gus Gay.
Daniel Taylor Emery Frazier.
Michael Harrington Lee McClain.
Mrs. Harrington Eliza Spurrier.
Nora Rutledge Margaret Smith.
Sarah Peabody Carlisle Chenault.
Amy Cartwrlght Mary E. James.
Monty Vaughn William Baker.
James Duncan Duane Rogers.
Harry Gibbs E. T. Tapscott.
Peter Fred Augsburg.
Lambart A. E. Bell.
This cast Is not the final selection,
but if members prove their ability to
carry the parts for which they have
been selected, they will bo retained.
For the leading characters there will
be understudies, who will be called
upon in the event tho principals proves

Mr. Owens "Y" secretary, has several applications for students to do afternoon work, tending gardens, cleaning houses, etc. Any student wanting
any kind of work should call at tho
Y. M. C. office in the Gymnasium
