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Mechanical Engineering Design Team   ,,·; ,     `-,i ; .,,   _. · . · ·
Pitches a 5hu¤=¤u1=  naa5   *4;,;   i     ·* X   . ~aai
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1 A baseball—testing machine designed by a team of me-     ». A     r· »
¤ chanical engineering seniors shut out 34 other teams      v V   _» I · Z = I ) I
from engineering schools across the Midwest to win first   tr2_   ~           .;
place at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers     , _  :*1-%,,,4 Y , _ _ '
(ASME) Regional Design Competition held in Evans-   tg-       L"     `Ii,;  
ville, Indflhe UK team (Chris Delaney, Jennifer Smith,      
i Dock Carter and Karen Ballman) had slightly more than   r-,       
, four weeks to research, brainstorm, design, build and test {  ‘     I  
{ the machine. Their final product is a machine designed to   V`’’   I  
’ toss 30 baseballs into three different holes in less than .     ,t_,   `·,·»_. Y   , 
l two minutes without assistance. Their design has a practi— "            6-`ji,     ,»`‘  gf. ljji${’
cal application for baseball manufacturers by helping de- ” `I`”"  '"I     Qi   *’°°“‘ ° is  
tect defective baseballs before they are packaged and shipped to buyers. Engineering schools from Wisconsin, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Michigan and Kentucky fielded teams. As a regional winner, the UK team will compete in November in _
l New Orleans at the ASME Congress for the national title.
‘  ee;   *~*g‘ ·._ .. The Health Giving Soy Bean I
3*        While UK College of·Medieine · Positioning the Kentucky farmer to help meet this ris- Q
Qi     eg 4% professor and endocrmologist mg .demand,Ag researchers are developing three soybean E
_ rw   "* Q   James Anderson has been en- varieties to be used for soy flour, and green immature ed-  
ew   ee,"si“ ¥ $ egg gaged in researching and promot— ible beans and black mature edible beans to enhance the
tg ‘ Q ~   s, , ing the beneficial effects of soy taste of soy foods. The College of Agriculture also is pro-  .
 E  .3, Q I§i4i¤ tv if   protein for the past seven years, viding reliable information on grain yield and quality un-
 e    ith   II}! Q researchers in the UK College of der a wide array of Kentucky growing conditions and
,   te We ,, we si   Agriculture have been researching developing a set of best management principles for optimal
ry   f me ee m Q ae how to produce the best soybean grain yield, quality and profit for Kentucky farmers. Testing
, e sa _,   ,,_ lp in Kentucky to meet the growing 1S taking place in Caldwell, Calloway, Fayette, Logan, and
we h ee eee Le % ‘”'4·:s &lee1mandfortl;1slhealthgi1l bean. Unepn counlgicis. lf d h K k b
na,   g · . , e powers o t e soy can were ou can e p yourse an t e entuc y economy y
first substantiated in 1995 by the making soybeans a part of your diet.
FDA, which approved the claim that soy protein, taken • Soybeans can be eaten like peanuts, used in cooking or
with a low—fat diet, may reduce the risk of heart disease. processed into other foods.
Anderson and other researchers who have published in • Tofu is a cheese-like food made by curdling fresh soy
p the New England Journal of Medicine point out six major milk in a process much like cottage cheese is made
I health benefits of soy foods. Soy reduces the risk of heart from cow’s milk. Tofu often is called "bean curd." Al-
1 attack by lowering LDL cholesterol as much as 13 percent; though tofu has no flavor of its own, it does assume the
  has an impact on reducing some cancers such as prostate flavors of foods with which it is combined.
I cancer, and possibly breast cancer; protects against os- • Soy flour is made from ground-roasted soybeans. Tex-
I teoporosis, reduces menopausal symptoms in women; and tured soy protein is made from soy flour that has had
  decreases protein leakage caused by damage to the kid- the fat removed and then is compressed and processed
l neys from diabetes. into granules or chunks. It has a texture similar to
p Packed into the soybeans are high levels of calcium, ground beef when moisture is added.
I iron and several B-vitamins, along with isoflavones, pro- • Soy grits are made from toasted, cracked soybeans.
  tease inhibitors, phytoesterols, saponins, and fiber. They range in size from tiny flakes to particles as big as
i With all pieces of cracked wheat.
  For more meormadon about this good • Tempeh is made through a process of controlled fer-
 1 e eeseeeeh taking plaee at UK_ pevxg, scfy Eentatiog of whole spybceang Ig has a mushroom-like
visit www.rgs.uky.edu and O0 S8. CS 6VO1‘ all 1S 3 S Hp C OO m H OHCSIEI.
  www-m¤.uky.cdu directly or have in- • Miso, used extensively in Japanese cooking, is a salty,
“S° thc °°“"°“i°“‘ lmk from creased by 20 fermented condiment made of ground soybeans, some-
’ me UK ALUMNI ASSOCIATION to 25 percent times with rice or barle added
web page, www.uky.edu/ y ‘ _ _
Alunlni each year • Soy meat analogs are products that mimic the taste,
since 1995. texture and appearance of meat and can replace meat
I in some recipes.