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What 1S the Kentucky Network? ·     r
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Its the little things, the b1g th1ngs... _._,......"t`?“
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It s eve1·yth1ng...It s you. _    
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Alumni Helping One Another. * A y
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i he Kentucky Network is an on-going ·       {5
connection between the alumni and     -.;=  
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university community. 1t°s fun and good   ict.   3
times when attending local Club events. lt s the   3;
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warmth and camaraderie you feel at your Class  ig;  A  
. .    ‘ ·   · ·—.     
Reumon, and on and on 1t goes.     q
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lt°s something only a Kentucky graduate can     _g_» 4     ¤,  
understand. 1t°s everything we stand for, and the    »-~   i  - '_`”  
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essence of who we are.     _ ly
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   e   a.
400 Rose Street, King Alumni House   :5    
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0119 {E5.   1]  ` iw
859-257-8905 or 800-269-ALUM (2586) y
t T   Ti ET ,cc ji