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Leading the Way in Treatment
. for Parkins¤n’s Disease
it.-i·¤····l~> ' ’*"""` ( "mwm   I In a move that demonstrates "bench to
I ·   i bedside" health care at the University of
‘ ei . U Kentucky, a team of UK College of Medi-
1 f   y cine researchers has begun a clinical trial of
i   *     a new investigational treatment for
  ll if l       Parkinson’s disease that may directly Cqllggg Gets
§   y l ` l iéegj z~ influence the degenerative disease process
8 ‘ _j ‘ ll _ l  jelfige by regenerating damaged brain cells. New   and
E ‘   * l l   The research team is composed of Greg New Building
ig ,_ l ‘z€i‘§?__'-B! Gerhardt, Anatomy and Neurobiology and Th UK C 11 f
E   , I lo i     , Neurology; Don Gash,Anatomy and Neuro- Allied Heglllfgc 0
{JETS - -   `Y   Fs- . ,,..,   i   i Y l§lgi]?§yliIE¥l;g?O;v;;g§l’gggglilrgéglglgiom Professions is doing more
    _ · M-  · 1 1 ;;f  ·__eo     W? > _ _ · th h ` 1 t`
,_;;..;»s»>·~·· ·t‘#‘· T ”‘" ·· » .   Funded by a $5 million grant from the Na- th;ny(ee?l??§S;l§O1OnS
tional Institute of Neurological Disorders changing namesjhe
UK LBBSBS Space and Stroke, a division of the National Insti— UK Beard Ol Trustees
in Downtown Lexington tutes of'Health, the research concerns del1v— approved 3 name change
ermg glial cell lme-derived neurotrophic ln Aprll to the current
The University of Kentucky has leased two factor directly to the diseased part of the
floors of office space in the Kentucky Utilities brain, ggggggsof Health
Y (KU) building ifi d0WHt0W11 L€Xi11gi0H. Gerhardt joined the College of Medicine awhen the college
About 60 people from UK will make up in 1999 as part of the "Bucks for Brains"/Re- was establlshed ll had
the first group of tenants moving to the KU search Challenge Trust Fund (RCTF) set up .
building. They are employees in various by the 1997 Kentucky General Assembly to eléiagazgzgliiellih Cale
departments of L€X1I1gt0H COH1mUH1ty attract researchers to state universities. metlllenels for the
Colle C (LCC) ’[l1C College of Social Work R( I E ave UK a com etitive advanta 5 in p ” ·
g , ’ . . . ’ _ _ g P _ _ g Commonwealth, said
and UK s Interdisciplinary Human Develop- bymgmg Gghgydt to the Umveygity_ Dean Thomas C
ment Institute (IHDI). Robinson ashlee that
LCC will locate its Continuing Education time We Have emer ed
and Workforce Development coordinators   Archagqlqgist Heads as 8  Olle e that tmgls
downtown. In the long—term, LCC plans to Excavation the {umn? facult Of
offer office skills training classes, computer . . . y-
courses and, eventually, credit courses leading Umverslty Oi Kentucky archaeologlst Other c?lllCgcS` illus new
· Donald W Lmebaugh has located the n3me 3 e€ln3te Y
to the two—year associate degrees offered by _ _ _ · · ·
. l l ll d ll ll f describes the mission of
origina 7t century we ing ouse o
the community college. . ll · ll
· - · merchant—trader Robert Bolling on the our eo ege Wn
President Lee T Todd Jr. said UK 1S _ _ _ ·
. . . . . K1 ax plentellell lll Hopewell Va increased graduate-level
delighted to have Kentucky Ut1l1t1€S and its Pp _ * ‘ , d · d l »
· Lmebaugh and six UK College of Arch1tec— e ne3non 3n Ye$e3Ye l·
parent company LG&E Energy Corporation . . . Tl · lll
- ture graduate students m historic prese1va— ns Summer e
as a corporate friend that understands the . . . ll · l l cl
- · tion excavated the site for artifacts. eo ege is S 3 e lv move
needs of the community and the true impact . . - . · b ld-
Of education Bolling was married to Jane Rolfe, the mlo ns new nl mg _
' granddaughter of Pocahontas and John €0¤$iT¤€l€d on me Domi
Rolfe. Bolling imported trade goods from 3l Rose 3no South
England and other parts of Europe and sold Limestone Sneetn
them to traders who traded furs with Native
Americans living further inland.
Linebaugh said the structure was built
about 1680 and was destroyed in the early
1700s. Artifacts recovered from the fill
within the cellar date from 1730 to 1740.