" D · s · r it
jg       S Conditions influencing production
A-A     3yS to Ald of water-insoluble free fatty acids in ·
*·     farm-produced cream being investigated
inns By T. R. FREEMAN
Kentucky creameries manufacture about 17 million It has been found that many conditions under which
# pounds of butter each year, thus providing a market cream is produced and handled on the farm do in-
__o for some 40-45 million pounds of cream. To insure fluence the VVIA content of the cream at the time it
  the continuation of a profitable market for the cream reaches the cream station. For instance, cream ob- ·
I 4 producer, the creamery operator must, in turn, be able tained by means of a mechanical separator will have
t o to dispose of the finished product at a price which will a much lower WIA concentration than that obtained
repay him for processing and marketing the butter. by hand-skimming methods or by the use of a water-
F The quality of the butter which the creamery offers dilution “separator." In fact, cream obtained by the
A for sale is the most important single factor determin— latter two methods generally is not acceptable on the
t ing the price which that butter will bring. In fact, the basis of its WIA content.
* quality of the butter may at times determine whether The method of cooling and storing the cream on the
5 s there will be any market for this product. farm also has a bearing on the production of WIA in
` such cream. Cream that is cooled quickly to 50° F or
H Fedeml sl°"d°rds below, and held at such temperature until delivered
M But there is also another reason why the Kentucky to the oreanr Station, will have a rnnoh lower WIA
yo butter industry must be constantly alert to new meth- oonoentratlon than orearn not oooled properly_ Solng
’i‘ Ons ni niainiaining and iniPiOVinS inn qnaiiiY Oi its sort of artificial refrigeration (ice or an electric re-
  product. Butter entering interstate commerce must fngerator) is Vlrtnally a neoeSSrty_
meet certain standards of the Federal Food and Drug _ _
Administration Frequent Delivery Essential
A tow yoots ooo ohomists to tho Food ood Dtoo Ad_ One of the most important factors related to WIA
tt mnnsttonon doyisod tt now tost to assist tooo, to judo concentration tin cream is the age of that cream. It
s too tho quality ot button This tost moosotos tho has been consistently demonstrated in many trials and
I, omouot ot Wotooiosolublo {too totty ooids to bottot experiments that the older the cream the higher the
"* (ot Cream), and is popularly totottod to os tho <=“;IA VVIA content. Our studies have shown that most of
~ s. Tasty Because tho Wotootosoloblo ooid (WIA) ooo_ the cream over   days old will not make butter that
fl centration of butter appears to be a measure of chemi- will Pass inspection by Food mi nm Omcmli Flui-
ool btookoowo ot tho tot molooolot tho Food ood quent delivery of the cream thus becomes a very nn-
ii Drug Administration feels that the WIA test on butter pommt part Of the quality butter iimgmgiz _ (
as gives an indication of the extent to which the Cyeglln It appears that the tuncunt pf   mf  
P had deteriorated at the time it was churned. There- rated Cream in in limit to tin" Swsim O Y i/UX
- -, foto, bnttot with o WIA oootoot oboyo o oottoio moxt Strangely enough, it has been discover ed thatlt ie lVI.
A n mum value will not pass inspection by the Food and Cniicnniiaiinn is iiigiinn On the `aV€?g°’lin   Wmtfii
Dmg "“‘°”"S· iii? “` ii`€f"`i"i`iK‘ ni`ZEiiZE.Yi.JE§rI l1Z.§“i.`§°§i3Q°§
r , u yunt ers oot, nu a ea. t · · . r +
- Q Problem Studied Since `l9S`l on the basis of information thus far obtained: (1)
1 Since 1951, the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Certain minor chemical constituents of milk, capable
Ta Station has been studying the VVIA problem in this nt PT0m0iiU2I the Pmiiiiciinii ni Vi/iA in mw Cicain nin
state, in an attempt to discover the conditions which Pf€S€¤t in $iii§hiiY téiaaiai ‘inaniiiY