Feed Regulatory Service    .  it
(Conlinued front page 7) V if       V    
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know promptly the results Of the analysis.   ...  /‘ [ez .~:·       A
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Special reports are prepared periodically and if de- E  V Q    __ #3 §V»_   =~_V.;   *
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stred anyone may learn what these analyses are. Every . ;   . E  ; {  2   ’ »
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3 months the Experiment Station publishes a bulletin .  ·      {___ __:.V  L __ _ ’   T j
showing all of the analyses made in the previous ’         l st · e¤ » (
3-month period. These are usually available within P $4 :~ i “ rg ‘ W., 7* 2 Vj
one or two months after the close of the period cov- ‘ ‘ ’‘*‘` ‘ "  ,‘_ _.   -iY 3·   :     {V
ered so that the general public may have constant  v_   . ,_ ·   ’f”'   •
knowledge of the work.   V Q;  ‘
Xlore than 80 percent of the samples analyzed ful-   Y     .lr·—·  it n   .  
fill the guarantee. The few that do not are usually so ` ?`__L?_A V_,V_ QQ.   " _V ·   A A V   T Q
close in this respect as not to be considered greatly V     * A   Qt
- flfihclflllh lt ls €X°€l)t“"'*‘l for fl Sample te be Scrlously Vitamins are important in animal feeds. This apparatus is ,
out of line. \Vhen such ts reported, the manufacturer used to determine the amount of carotene in alfalfa meal. l'
takes immediate steps to correct the matter. Likewise, pure vitamin A is extracted with this instrument, AV
Tho [Cu] control program is Operatgd with Q miDi_ The laboratory also has equipment to determine the `pres-
- . ~ . ence and amount of each of the several drugs used in feeds. —
uuun of court action because of the splendid coopera— •
tion between the manufacturers and the control of- it
fiee. The producers of feeds sold in Kentucky are the laboratory, and the reports concerning feeds are a .
anxious that their products have a good record with credit to this important segment of our industry. r
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"`ft>’> \\icC"` V" \\tt\¥“ l Official   RepQ'·t On R _
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The feed control law ret uires the nublication at least once may be obtained from the Bulletin Office, Ex ieriment Sta- f'
a year ol the results of analyses ol olhctal samples. Since tion Building, University ol Kentucky, or from your county
lillti the office has published the reports cptarterly. (Iopies extension office. *°`
S l{tiN‘rUCKY .—\t;tttCt*1Jt‘UnA1i EXt>1·1tuxttiNT S’l`A'l`lON if
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