time she reached Jerusalem our mother was
thoroughly convinced; her heart had been with
Him all the time, but she had been bewildered.
During the last week in Jerusalem she saw Him
several times, and when He hung upon the
cross she was there, very nearly His last words
concern her. He provided for her care in case
her sons did not become His followers.
  But we did become followers of Jesus. After
His death a great wave of self-reproach came
over us that we had let Him die, our own
brother and dearest friend, and never had en-
couraged or helped Him. I myself had a vision
of Him after He was risen from the dead, and
upon my bended knees I asked Him to forgive
me for my hardness of heart and unreadiness
to believe. That which I did not do while He
still lived I did when I knew that He lived
again. Other people called me His brother;
I call myself His servant. He is my brother
but He is also my Lord.
  I must mention a strange thing that has come
to pass. When I became a follower of Jesus
it was with the thought that I should be the
humblest among his followers, for I had known
Him longest but had been latest in confessing
Him. I gave up my home in Nazareth and
came to Jerusalem. If there was any peril I
wanted to share it; if there was any work to be