we positively know where every dollar of the University's money goes, and for

what purpose; and that, in this way, we cannot have the slightest excuse for

living beyond our means. This has been the result of several years of patient

labor under the management of Judge W. T. Lafferty and bM. Eywel Davies, and we

can now say that they have brought order out of chaos.

     Under the authority of the Executive Committee, there has been purchased and

installed a Printing Plant, which is situated in the basement of the Education

Building. We have Just commenced its operation, and I feel perfectly certain in

saying that it will pay for itself within twelve months. We, of course, take no

outside printing but confine ourselves entirely to printing the publications of

the University.

     I shall not undertake in this report to give in detail the workings of the

various Colleges composing the University; they are all in a prosperous condition

and doing faithfully the great work for which they were established, I will, how-

ever, call attention more specifically to the development of the Agricultural

College, which includes the Experiment Station. The activities of this great de-

partment cover the whole agricultural interests of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

It is engaged, day by day, in enforcing the Pure Food Laws and the Laws requiring

proper sanitation of all the public places wherein the people's food is supplied.

In this way, the public health is greatly protected.

     By means of the extension Work of this department the great agricultural

secrets of Nature, discovered by learned scientists in their laboratories, are

carried to the fanner in his home, thereby enabling him properly to fertilize his

soil and increase its productiveness.

     There has been erected at the Experiment Station one of the most complete Hog

Cholera Serum Plants in this country where pure serum is sold to the farmers of

Kentucky at actual cost and where a sufficient supply is kept on hand to meet the

requirements of any epidemic which we may reasonably expect to occur Sng the swine

December 9, 1913