` » All applications for athletic excuses must be signed, approved and of ti
· l · handed in by October 14, 1914. Absences from required work will not mm
. ` _ be excused on account of athletics unless application is filed with the deve
A - · Director. (gym]
Tournaments and Contests. A
_ The University is a member of Southern Intercollegiate Athletic T?CE
` . I Association and enters teams in all branches of collegiate athletics. The C HS;
student must be an amateur and is not eligible for the varsity football  
· team until he has been in the University one college year, must have no  
_ . A conditions in his academic course and must be attending courses amount- Studi
ing to ten (10) hours of credit. Univ
The Athletic Association is a member of the Sigma Delta Psi, the fessc
athletic honorary society and encourages, in every way possible, the 1
personal proficiency of the student. Offer
All students are urged to devote one hour daily to recreative exer- Pryo
cise, and the facilities of this department are open for this purpose when- lem
ever not demanded for prescribed activities. Advice and assistance may mus,
be obtained by any student at any time. year
Boxing, wrestling, fencing, single stick, etc., will be conducted by dire;
special instructors. the {
In addition to the work given, as outlined above, there will be given Som
to those students who have fulfilled all entrance requirements of the Col-
lege of Arts and Science, who expect to interest themselves in the coach-
ing of teams or Physical Education after their college career, a course
in Practical and Theoretical Athletics and Physical Education will be in-
stituted. This course will have for its foundation, the theory of teach- ,
ing and coaching, methods of training, first aid and diet. There will be re- `
quired a certain amount of practical work and actualparticipation in the
work on the part of an instructor. Lectures in Anatomy, Physiology, and
Kinesiology, Medical Gymnastics, Physical Examinations and Prescrip-
tion of Exercise will be offered. Only Seniors are eligible for this come
course. It is the aim of the Department to gradually enlarge this course, COW
having in view the thorough preparation of men for the teaching of ugh
gymnastics, coaching of athletics and the work in connection with the Spec,
play grounds, municipal recreation system, etc. .
For Young Women. °f ll
Department Aims. _ EEN
The aims of Physical Education are educational and hygienic: First, E
to stimulate the functioning of all bodily organs, and to correct defects