the charter of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, ap
liberal provision is made for educating, free of tuition, the energetic AS
_ young men andwomen of the commonwealth whose means are limited. an
An act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky . es.
approved March 16th, 1908, changed the style and title of the institution Ht
from Agricultural and Mechanical College to that of State University, , Of
Lexington, Kentucky. The University, with the additional departments pr
which will, from time to time, be opened as the means placed at the dis- 19(
posal of the trustees allow, will, it is hoped, in the not distant future, do ` ye
a great work in advancing the educational interests of Kentucky. Being In
entirely undenominational in its character, it appeals with confidence to I an
the people of all creeds and of no creed, and will endeavor, in strict con-  
formity with the requirements of its organic law, to aiford equal advant- l Su,
ages to all, exclusive privileges to none. The liberality of the common- j ap
wealth, in supplementing the inadequate annual income arising from the ` ga
proceeds of the land script invested in state bonds, has enabled the the
trustees to begin and carry on, upon a scale commensurate with the ‘ as
wants of our people, the operation of the institution whose management ` {rc
and oversight have been committed to them by the General Assembly of he,
Kentucky. _
_ am
Scope of Studies. Q am
In the act of Congress making provision for the class of institutions { are
to which the State University belongs, it is declared that "their leading * cor
object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, Q
and including military, to teach such branches of learning as are related Q a g
to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in order to promote the liberal and E sta
practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and   res
professions of life." To the three departments of agriculture, the me- T The
chanic arts, and military science, contemplated in the act as indispens- i adj
able, an experiment station has been added by the United States, and   due
liberal provision has been made for instruction in all branches of science V edg
and in the classics, so that this institution is far more than an agri-   ful
cultural and mechanical college, embracing as it does, not merely thel
three original departments, but many others.   4 Loc
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. l em
The Agricultural Experiment Station of the State University was; wa-
established by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees in '° Citi
September, 1885, when the department was organized and a Directori V