i for Business Agent, and the local oflices of the United States Weather Bureau 1
F and of the department of agriculture, as well _as the chapel in which the .
¤¤¤d· . students and the faculty meet for worship, and in which are held public
m of gatherings and such other meetings as bring together the entire student l
ming body. The remaining space in this building is occupied by recitation rooms. - ,
r the Chemistry Buildings—The Department of Chemistry is housed in
ualed two buildings. The Old Experiment Station Building, seventy feet in l
b°?St length by fifty-four feet in width and two stories high, is devoted to I
with i advanced work in chemistry. The new building, with its Hne lecture
enter hall, recitation rooms and laboratory, is used exclusively for the large
days` if classes in general chemistry. It is the first part of a projected larger
miles _! building.
pew` , Mechanical Ha.ll—This building is of native limestone and brick. It
these € is designed to take care of the work in the College of Mechanical and
lmms Electrical Engineering. Shops, laboratories, recitation rooms, lecture
d the · rooms, drawing rooms and apparatus are provided to give comprehensive
  training in the science of dynamic engineering.
`, Science HalZ——This_building. erected for the departments of natural
j` science, is three stories in height, 96x97 feet in size, of pressed brick
land, ,(Y' and trimmed with Bowling Green stone. The first and second stories
=St0¤€ , are occupied by odices, laboratories and lecture rooms, the latter being
fY01‘d· Y equipped with opera chairs, projection lanterns and other suitable furn-
The I ishings. The third floor is occupied by the College of Law.
{ith 3   Gymnasiimn and Arm0ry—This structure of pressed brick and Bed-
mom ( ford stone, 100xl57 feet, with the central part three stories high, the
iheast ‘·. right wing one and the left two, stands north of the Administration
*¤ are i Building. The first floor of the central portion contains the Armory,
‘ f the offices of the Commandant, and the Physical Director for Men. The
hola? ij second floor is occupied by the Y. M. C. A. Hall, and the Trustees’ Room.
ndred   The third floor isdivided into two literary halls for men and the Alumni
ll We   Hall. All of these rooms are commodious and well adapted to their pur-
iletles ,_ poses. In the basement of the left wing are baths, lockers for men,
shorti j Wash stands, closets, and a swimming pool. The second floor, the gym-
· The Y nasium proper, is equipped with hrst class apparatus. The right; wing,
md Off ll- Buell Armory, which is 48x96 feet, is used as a drill room during bad
$· weather. “
Education Buildi2ig—This building was erected for the use of the De-
partments of Education and Home Economics. The structure is of
brick, ` pressed brick and Bedford stone, and the design follows the most ap-
r, the ~ proved style of modern school architecture. The first and second floors