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  K. C. RAILWAY. f » [
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ton wnth every Cll`('llIll_]2l('(%llt town uml IHIIIRIGL. g ` `  ·, ;
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{ !'** Tlus 1ssue cmmtzunns clcvcu (-llf)ll$1iIl(l four h\llle twmutnpe·».·,u11d1tg1xc¤<>11tu1tyu Q , Q  1
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F1 ’ ·· · : » · ml ` t
FQ & Snyder, and it would give us $$8,25)%. Thu multiplu C$\v<>uI1] {Q; .\ ' iv  
‘ P- . , . . . . , * :` ;~·
Q gwe us $4-164. As lust xssue thc I)n·<~<·tm·y (*Ull[ZlllIS il Ixst, of U 1 ;· ‘  
g héuscholxlers amd business mum 1U`l'2ll)g(*ll by streets uml numbers. ,_; xy x  
· , . . . ` ’ ` ·’; A
‘ “ 1`h1s 2ll'l‘iLllU`(3l\1GIl[ has l)0l‘Il wcantlv 2ll)[}l'(¥Clll(l}(l by the ]>u|1I|<=. 'Ilnc '7 ,· -   1
U-} D D . ., 7. ll _· {.
5* pubhsher, }1owcver, has not been bcuchtcrl by 1L ])(‘(‘lllll2ll`lly to the 1 1, [Q $3 1
‘ g extent that the fC2lElll'C deserved, C()llSHl0l'll1;;` tllU{l(l(llt,H)ll1il QXl)(‘l|5(’ fj 4 ;  I
” .... ,, ·· # < cy; a
EL mcurred and the tune and labor l`C(]llll'(§ll to proeLu:z1l <)l'll€l` uml are (l(‘S('l'Il)€3ll by gwmg the   Q K; .;*21  g
c . . . ‘ 1 ‘ · ·. ·¤’ “
~ ¤ pmut of C()f`i1lll(éIlCClll€II[2il}(l 0n<]111<·‘<>f czwh street um} 1ts <'Cll0I`1l| if &·   $3 i
_»:_a · r· ry F__` `   jr  
[ m 1incof`dirc0ti<>u. The nun1\w1· ~ i. e`
    Ordcr of thelr0c(·u1‘1‘0m·<·, thus lll2l|{lllg‘ :111 2lllSUlllI(‘])’ <·n111]»I<·t(+ strvvt      
E directory. The l)ir0<·Lr>ri<·s of thv grunt l‘;2lF(,l‘l`ll (`itics uml 1lu»sont' IL ·   l"]
gn Chicago, Nt. Louis uml (`ill(5illllllli {:1}} to ])l`l}S(iIl( thisvx<:m·II¢·11t.;111I'fl\'l'll stage llHl(']]il](‘I'y   .    
A and effcctw thrcc >ubI1<· mrks; il wvll sl<»c|<<·>0< ’“\'l]lll{lS ll 21114 rom `rw I'()()lII' il Youn r . vn s l j E.
· EL fi I) 1 H lg; llll l Inn , \ L \l ’ }__ J  ·
— _ (;hl`iSEi3.l1 Ass<>ci:1ti<>11 well f)H`](‘O1’(*fl§ Tho K(}llIll(‘l{\’ (`lmutum 11;;   t} 1`{ ,
7 ` I 1 yy • \
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»§ Assembly, holrhng illlllllill llll?CI.lllj.f$ ut llll1l)l`:\_L§(}<)\lS uml ])l(TI,lll`(%S4lll(B l__‘ y A  
<‘¤ . . ” .f· ‘ — ‘
"’ Woodland Park; {wc l11·st-class hotels uml Hlllll(}l`UllS small clubs; c; _§] ·  
U2 . . . . . · . . . "' r ~  V
5,* a, l`lC}l fum] of lllSU)l'l(f2lI f021t11r‘0s; Vlllllllllg uml l1‘<1l,t1ng l'il(’Ui, h[)l'lllg`, V   .‘¢'\·
; ni . · · . · T l` ‘ '~.
Q, SllTDl1l€I`2ll1(l Full ; the I:u·gcsL {:111* 111 1110 hmm ; il snumtyumequ:1ll— :. ex   {
. · · . . . . ` . U wl 'vi `
_ ed 111 the world; two l(;‘(5T,lll'(¥ :\sS0<¢1:1l1m1s ; $(!\'(5l'1ll ]l[(‘l`1ll`y (}l`g'2lI]]ZiI- U)    `i ~
tions; a musical :1ss<>11, uml mzmy nthvr things ton lllllIl(¥l'<)llH QT ;·· ` jv ' l
. Cb ‘· _ ¤~.` n
to damn]. 9+ Q M [ 
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  *’»1» . , , ; , . . . . YQ   v
-` YVIHRMLS, »S])(¢IHfl*l‘ d' (0. S 15 thc place for l)1l.l'gilll]té 111 M `_ ¤
4 " BOOTS SHOES 61, RUBBLHS. lh Lust Mum. ?’ .i ¤ ,
.. ; I . I
2;-, 'kr. ·' ‘. · , 4 ,
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&;A`v`_·3`·;Li .,5   4 f. `_  44.;., .4 ;, __ _ M ` _ 1 3
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