xt7qnk361p0s_249 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 70-109 text Houses 70-109 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_101/Folder_31/0316.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_249 xt7qnk361p0s 0/ 2” / . .. ' {I I
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March 5, l95h
To: H. O. Zimmerman
From: J. T. Parker ,
A decision has finally been reached by the
Company to tear down the house formerly occu-
pied by Mr. Price and build a new house on
the same site.
Therefore, we should make our plans to have
the house demolished, either by our own or-
ganization or by contract.
Please discuss this with me before you start.
/ é’ V
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‘ Mahag- o=l Properties
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 Form C.M. Acct. 20 _
WHEELWRIGHT, KY. g, g] 7 "
Date _SߤL_,,195.%/
Mr. _______.______...___.__. Supt. .
Please order the following for ._,___.____.__.____.__--___._____ Department V
Quantity DESCRIPTION To Be Used For 011 Hand
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Approved? 13;“ fl ,. :3; rflge—neawe ' a “W
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NOTlE—eMake o\ut in trjplisate. _Spgply clerk to Wm ' _
return one copy showmg requlsxtxon number. ‘,  

 . . _Uim_eflimwsfaanhhgslgh1_.,"

Lancer, Ky.
March 12, l9Sh

Inland Steel Company



Att: Mr. Zimmerman

Dear Sir:

I prOpose to tear down and remove house fonnerly
occupied by Mr. Price, for the sum of 6h7S.OO. I will clear
the site of all trash and derbis. 'Work will be started

. immediately and pressed to an early finish. Every precaution
will be taken to protect the grounds and shrubbery. Work-
men's Compensation will be provided by contractor.

Thank you for the priviledge of submitting this quotation.

Yours truly ,
Jgti114 /£g;¢;23§7.
oe T. Harris, .


$3“ \ 456‘
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Please ship the following to INLAND STEEL CO., Inc., Via
to Wheelwright, Ky., affifigrieessgnd upon conditions named below: ,
$231333 DESCRIPTION rmcn
2 wearing»: down house lie. 1% ( "Greer 12.5%. melee MI. 3
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s-.".-,-. 2;: . 5g 5..-A A
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A' i-.‘-' l\‘ :3 .:5 ,:(_ob _..... ..‘
" ‘.“: “ 5.1.. ' s whatsoever. 2:.. 2 ‘ '..{3 ‘t‘: -.
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;;; :33 “:3:? ' I; For a period of one year from date 01‘ lifSt installation, we warrant ’0 The owner is particularly cautioned that both the Genera arran y at? '53? 0 \‘v .33“?
21:3?“ .7} I; the owner at the first installation that we will furnish a replacement the 10 Year Protection Plan apply only While the water heateigremaincsl :35 . "leé-jfly
4252:3511‘ EEEI for or at our option repair, the water heater covered by this Warranty installed in its original location in accordance w1th local plum ing an Egg ' .;_.;. 1’:-"ha".
'72:, Egl or [an art or portion thereof it proved to our satisfaction to be deteC- building codes, ordinances and regulations, and'when the water a; er 1;; Valiitff}
‘4":in \I :51 five irI, Ina/orkmanship or material under normal use, service and condi- has been used only (a) at water pfssuris or tiring ragesT not exc'ee ing: git 4": 31...:
5' ‘1‘:“ o‘ ~ 2:? ' ‘ ' al 'nstallation. those shown on the water heater; ( ) Wit an approve empera ure 0 :35 _ {1'}, 1:93:51
5.14:5? §§S¥ tions at the origin I Combination Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve; (c) at temperatures I: % 533:5:
5" 5::: ‘4’: ' £2: 10 YEAR PROTECTION PLAN h' not exceeding the maximum setting at its thermostat; (d) for DOMESTIC!~ E? t \\v 4.3,?
.'" 51$.- (‘5? We further Warrant to the owner of the water heater covered by l '5 purposes. This warranty is limited to a period of 7 YEAR from date-0 5? A's—#1:;
"o‘._'~';:~:._ III" E? Warranty, that (I) if we are satisfied that a leak In the original tank original installation when the water heater has been used for commerCial, E} ".5-'.~.“'.,‘~
V’s‘:~'~';-‘_.-=' E23 has developed under normal domestic use, servrce and conditionsllat institutional, industrial or any other NON-DOMESTlC purpose. is .(flv,&,:.2
i519". II E; the original installation, at any time Within 5 years of its first "15.0 a- . b Iteration at if E? 0% :3:-21‘:
;fiv’fi‘f“\ 9%; tion because of defective workmanship or material, we w'“ furnish a Any accident to the water heater, any misuse, a use or a . I ks, :2: 4:;-.‘. 33$, 5
5";“: 3}: E3? replacement water heater of the nearest comparable model current any operation of it in a modified form, or any attempt to repair ea E35 % {.'.}...
i n. _ .. :5 . ‘ . . . .:5 ‘
35321:; C¢>“.' 523 at the time of replacement, :ndf(t2') it SItICh ;Jblelal; drizzlfcfirsednfrhhn: Will vord this warranty. f; My)“;
" ""1 ' 55‘ ' ' ' ' rio s o ime se ou e0 ' ‘ . . . g 2 5:. -,
132:? 5?: E? 3293’s,:I:?'§,-,:’i”i;i;afii:ii§: we will furnish a replacement water heater The warranties ltlerelz arebltn lieu of inléflI-her waeraSZe’s thrweesis’h: 2! ..._,553'3‘
‘.‘ ‘.’.“ ' 53 ' ' ' - ‘ ’ l t er 0 i ations or to i i ies on o . :2 I ~.':., .A
0. :.- . ; amounts. im lied and ofa o g : ,. . .
f9 {2 a;- E upon payment by the owner of the followmg prescribed asime’ nor authorize any other person to assume for us, any :lhtfr ;5 I 4’ Tips,
"--".= E . , . .I . . . . . :5 ’21,- n .
555$}'.‘%.' g», Within the 6th year . liabilities or obligations in connection With the water heater covere y _g; '~..".‘.; ;;;: 5;
..V.-‘.'? \\\ if: 50% of current Consumer Price of the replacement ””._. Warranty. IE; 0 ;‘V 52:.?
‘u" ;\- 5;; . . . 155 ‘ ,'....v
3133:“. ..2? ii: Within the 7th year through 70”! year. We reserve the right to make changes °l any k'”d '.n the design I’l’ or E3: l‘\\'gj3"_.‘9""
512‘, :7” Q E21 60% at current Consumer Price of the replacement materials used in, water heaters or any part or portion thereof, WItZOUl [1:33 2‘, 552.“;
‘.'M : Z‘ . ' ' '.. = .:.-
fife. '4'! ES: LIMITATIONS ON WARANTY any obligation on our (for, to install] theseIimprovzmentshupogdpgzfiugcrt "ii ’10. ‘5'}.9’0,
"‘ .:5: '.'-'9 52‘ . ' n improve or C any :_g ‘50.).
I'm; . , :2- ‘ labor cost or reviously manufacture , or to supp y a y : / ,., r
‘vg'fisfl 2;: ;Ne ire nothresgonsible undeenrsgiitry snails:cvsiihhi’iteal'l’m‘hmg of any 5pc" replacement at any water heater warranted hereunder or any part :5; ‘ 2,4 {3:5 :.0:
». »..; €21 reig tor 0 er e ivery exp . . h of E: 21‘.“ ...... ..'
5:3? \\2'. 323 replacement water heater or any part or portion thereof, nor for any °’ p°m°n I ere ' 3‘: NS}: 3??
. .v - g. - :3. -. —»-""‘" “V“ - z . ‘ ‘
'4. W I..-’.‘ 52-1 ~ ' r - I ' .:.‘-.‘-'.-9'
'1 ’7’, #2. THIS IS YOUR WARRANTY. KEEP lT/IN A “W2 {_EIs; in»:
,\. :_..é... "Wit g: , fi . 2 / \ I"; .flni'fiz.’
$501514.- EE; Ownef (,Z/7 '56 / C Dealer's Nume“—_——“‘——‘_——_ 3..“; t I," :.?-.1}
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9795:. €23 . I ‘ d d :g l ‘ 1." fl
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E _, ‘ “113122223231? '2” ,2: , _ j_ , 'j, , ‘ T 1:» 9:,,,, ‘%g_’.’ }
9 ’9’ .. .9 99 9 9 : 99 :, .,9 1:9 .9 __ 9 999923”; I 2. 9 9 .
e- , 99 9:}: T ‘1' , . . ,1 j 3.9 991????
9 £2 _ 9 _ 9 , 99 999 __ 9
:2 \\\9 2 . ~ i T. 9 ‘ _ ,, 9: 9 X123?
’: ’ "'\-»- , . ‘: ,. ‘ K T
1 .. ‘ . 9 9 9 “'2 . __x 9‘ 9 ‘9 9 ,.,.1119 ,'; ‘ 9 9
:T , , T
92 9 .9 9 1' '
' ? 9 " 9 ' ‘ T
FIG. 1
c? ,
The MAYFAIR Summer Air Conditioner
IN THE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE the Mayfair of the Ivlayfair with a quality built forced warm
Model HC _ZOO Summe r Air Conditioner is air heating unit assures year ‘round air con-
shown installed in conjunction with the Seneca ditioning comfort in the home. The addition
Winter Air Conditioner and the Magne_filter of the Magne-filter provides the ultimate in
Electrostatic Air Cleaner. The combination SUper-Clean air.
, 7.7".“
9 Page 3 . (9 .T../.,..

 MAYFAIR Summer Air Conditioner
DES C R I P T 1 ON imwmmw . . , 1 3 I
T he May fair C onditione r s , Mode ls HC _ 2 0 0 . 'f’ _ = f: w s
and PIC—300, are self—contained summer air g j - [ '1' [I m 1 . 4‘
lation in conj unction with forced circulation :32»*'W,*5 w
warm air residential systems . (See Fig. l.) “7”” 1: W .
The Model HC—ZOO is a Z h.p. summer air Vévg.%::3 “ ' : ~
' ' - - - = :e A»‘§‘*.’£*W%o«i*<“%m~ . v
conditioner which 15 equipped With twm 1 h.p., \afi:%§%§§,~y“§ewtr 3:. I' .
removable, water cooled, hermetic refrigerant ‘.,
circuits . The two 1 h.p. hermetic refrigerant links‘i‘g‘ .
ci r c nit s , at r f i lte r s and air by - pa 5 s dampe r :m’xfaggyf‘» , ,
are arranged inside a decorative jacket. (See i’sgéggfiw’figgoggfgp ,
Wu» 2 and 3.) teats
- . . The Model HC _ 300 is a 3 h.p. summer air Pr: . - . ,
#mditi‘m" Which is equipped with three 1 h-Pu Ifiaxawilo ‘ ’
removable, water cooled, hermetic refrigerant ngiéfijifaggéifiggaifgg” . ~ , ,
ci r c u it s . T h e a r r angem ent of this unit is gsnfisggeggweyaa» ' 7 "
' - Lin: drawings showing dimensions of these FIG- 3 - FRON '“mliv f
, air conditioners are shown In Figs. 4 and 5. PHYSICAL DATA
9: MR INLET, Cooling Unit HC-200 PIC—300
' [ Number per Unit 2 3 ~
[ fif- MR Rows Deep 3 3
_. It . .. OUTLET Tubes Across Face 9 9 .
[ Mal—3’5» 4‘ , FILTERS Fins per Inch 12 12
. " . ' . ;‘ ., Face Area - Sq. Ft. 1.17 1.1-7
. ' of "x W-
a ' “ , . , , . . 1, Condensing Unit
I [ a”. . . I Number per Unit 2 3
w :7 if? ‘. ..I: Compressor Bore 1-9/32" 1-9/32 ”
...Z‘ 3:? \ [/1 No. of Cylinders 3 3 ,
1 .13; " \x Condenser
- *2” , , g M in. Length 18-1/4“ 18- 1/4 "
[ Ru 1 ’ fir ‘1 o. D. 3 " 3 '
ezaw*%msflr£’%'fiwwwy $3 Sq. Ft. Surface 7.7 7.7 .
. “.WfifiwI . j ' [ 1 Water Regulating Valve
> . ' 1g féfl ‘3 gi Piping Connection |
' , .. f” " ; Drip Pan Drain 3 /4 " FPT 3/4" FPT
[ f [ gr? e2: .' , , ‘ £33: Condenser Water In l/Z" O.D. l/Z" O.D.
. ' 2% "f I. __, If; Condenser Water Out l/Z " O.D. l/Z ” O.D.
.. $.34 1%,, . i332“ $3 ; Re r1 geran
a ” sizes :9 is: § FREON 23 — P'sr Her -
‘ ‘ '* .- {‘33 [‘\ fig‘ém 7. ”a $3? metic Refri erant
w a: :1 a! g Circutt 1 lb . - 12 oz. 1 1b.- 12 oz.
.- Lo vmo a as ‘
' 3 gig? ' , r” “ Operating Weight
- ' -_ a; g.“ . “serenity“ RMETIC COMPRESSOR Complete Unit 420 lbs . 575 lbs.
[ .. COOLIN [[ ( Electrical Specifications - ‘
. COIL-5 For Models PIC—200 and PIC—300
Line to Unit - 230 volt, single phase,
I 60 cycle .
Consult local power company to assure
FIG. 2 - FRONT INTERIOR VIEW adequate power supply is available.
Page 4

 Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Dimensional Data
Model HC 200
Am mm Alanna?
i iii—LL“: . . ‘57:
- I [..»—t4 i 2.4 *
, i ”l lw i r—
e \ .. I Bypass r
‘ ': .W I Damper l l i
3 | I \ I l I
‘ l ‘ Filters ' I I
~ V i . :
‘: \\ Canvas : : :
""‘t-o%‘-§—---‘f Connectors ---—---—"*—---"’ 1‘
ri—--'-- 'l—"-—; 451“ r’“-“‘"‘ii-‘--——--i i
i : x - 4}1hp.mzit:flhp.uniti f
i ; ; x . 7 ; l
' \ ’ 1 ‘ 1.
l \\le0011 I o : I o l . i
_ t “i i 77 3 '7 L ;
vg2-1 hp.units ; ;F’ e I" ;- .
- . : . Drain . . . :
F!- V E2 S‘d V' \ Water; Inlet
t ‘ 1 e law “ A ~
on law FIG. 4 ...'and' 93‘???
Amourii‘r “film-l? ‘ -1
‘ s4 5 . 55 f;
r-I'lé‘flr—ldv—I—l ‘ r— ‘56 ————"1
. S "(.‘.‘.b l .1 f .
. j ' 9! (,.J\ ‘9 I By Pass ! - — - - : T i ,
, "’i I ‘ Damper I . . I
.. : r:/( I . . i i
‘ i. ‘\ Filters ' . i l
.l \l ” ' i i i
. . ’I \~ I Canvas ' i i I
1 j-_ __‘J ‘__-.\ __---_-‘L__--__._|_______-I
‘ .75 ‘2 O Connectors . ..
”R" -'%‘-"""‘, 45'; r‘“—"-‘1r-"-"".—.i-""::1
t ‘\ ; ; // l 1hp.uniti, lhp.un1t:: 1hp.um~oI
I l \\~ l l I, l l. i l
\ I i ’ ; l l I z
. a a Q , St .
; l \LTIFK Coil _ I i: . 77 . l 1525 A?“
' - : :3-1 hp.unitsl . i ,I a 33} 52
? I : i Drain i, x,‘
d'r--——- -.-‘I I ' - - I .
v.11...'....~ . ‘J. 1. . b _ — . I ‘ _
E \ Water Inlet "
. Front View 2 Side Vie" and Outlet .
, FIG. 5 H y .
Page 5 , ,

 MAYFAIR Summer Air Conditioner -
HC—ZOO 7 ’ .
l Carton _ Enclos_u'_re- T 178 lbs. or complaint, the Inspector Packers Check
2 Crates - Refrigerant Circuits _ 145 lbs. ea. Ticket 21151 be returned. '
I 1 Carton - 2 Air Plenums _ 14 lbs.
, 1 Carton _ Controls _ 9 lbs. Mag- To prevent damage, the unit should
, be left in the shipping container until moved
HC—300 to the location where it is to be installed. . ‘1
I Carton - Enclosure .- 22.8 lbs. '
.3 Crates - Refrigerant Circuits _ 145 lbs. ea. Location — The Mayfair,Home Conditioner '
1 Carton _ 3 Air Plenums _ 52 lbs. should be located near the heating unit on a. .
1 Carton _ Controls _ 9 lbs. level floor that is capable of supporting 'a. I
_ _ concentrated load of 50 lbs. per sq. ft. It is .
115338.992 ' A5 50°“ as received, all crates recommended that the conditioner be installed
. an cartons ShOUId be 1n5pected for damage on a concrete base or other suitable base. ’
done in transit. DO NOT open any crate or - . .
' carton which shows evidence of rough hand- . Allow approximately an 18" working space '
- 1mg or damage. Contact the local representa- on outlet side of unit and a 30" clearance at '
‘ tive 0f the transportation company. The“ either the front or back of the Mayfair to per-
, agent will inspect the package and endorse mit removal of air filters and refrigerant
and make proper notification on the freight or circuits. ‘ '
' express receipt. . . -
1:. Access for maintenance, testing and ser-
”a After opening packages, check contents with vice can be gained by removal of the front,
‘ ' (““"? packing slip. In case of shortages, damage rear or side jacket access panels.
+' * . . _ ASSEMBLY - -
.. NOTE: The following directions and photographs pertain particularly to Model
’.’". _ ‘ HC-200 but Model I-IC-300 is assembled in a similar manner.
. '.?%,a_, _Bottom Pan IPart No. l) - Place onlfloor shown in Fig. 7 with rubber—faced frame '
, .Mrwnh arrow pointing in direction of the Up and with .wide flange 01‘ frame toward '
" ' , #‘WAII‘ Flow. Level pan in all directionS. Cooling Coil. Slide lower frame flange _ .
,v ' " ’ —, (which is directly below wide frame flange)
~ buW- Place °n suPP‘irts under edge of COOLING COIL COVER
I 3 , - In BOTTOM PAN, between and locating PLATE. Attach other 3 flanges of lower ,
" ' “81,85 and “’““ 3/,4' ,WW 9°“le8 P°mtm8 frame to AIR PLENUMS with sheet metal ;
, to Side where drain IS desued. V , .
, screws. .
c. Refrigerant Circuits _ Remove. from ship- g- Control Box (Part No. 4) __ Place against .
. pm'g crate and b? sure t9 save hold-down Refrigerant Circuit frame as shovim in -
bolts. Place Refrigerant Circuits on DRAIN Fig. 6 and Fig. 8 on thevHC—ZO‘O, being sure
. P‘AfN as. shown ”1 F‘g' 6 Wlth ti“? c°°1mg that hinge is at top. Mount control box on
, , . _ . C011 fac1ng inward. Now to P051tl°n these the center Refrigerant Unit on the PIC—300.
I ' exactly. drOP hold—down bolts (frOm ship- Using CONTROL BOX as template, mark ,
‘ ping crate) through holes in the Refriger- . loc ,_, .”7... "‘.'.”Qbolting to frame. - v ,.
. ‘ ant Circuit base angles and DRAIN PAN, I}; fig} coorms cm ' -
3 Nuts are not required for these bolts; the spa :35”: , ggggggfim
bolts jui‘tvact as locaters. When this has ’fiwggggffl‘;éx /
‘ . ‘ been done, remove thodstrap and shipping “' v
, - blocks from the R'éfrigerant Circuits. " A, 711;,» “Ewan.“
- ‘ ' THIS IS IMPORTANT _ ' ”law-WW '
' d. Coolin Coil Cover Plates Part No. 3 — fiwfifl M”
into place. (See Fig. 6.) Tilt slightly tq - g?- { * i?“
start engagement of end flanges with top’ .‘ W“. I ““"I?« '
flanges of Cooling Coil frames. é « . ,~ , 1' ""” “’"”
. ;» «g . "In.” \ M , WATERVINLET
e. .Air Inlet Plenums - Remove 6 screws ' I3”? » «fig 9121
1. which hold Cooling Coil to frame. Place l F’s)" if v, C ,
- AIR INLET PLENUM against face of Cool- Lg ’ ; -‘~ ,_\ '
ing Coil being sure that blank flange (with- PM" “‘“ I . I, 7 L‘-“'-..,,.% N I
- out holes) is toward bottom of Cooling somnoL Box I .._ "”““ '
' Coil. Attach as shown in Fig. 6 with same PM" "0" ‘\ '
screws that held Cooling Coil._ 223%,.pr ,
4 f. Canvas Connectors with fram'es attached - - ' I
, Place one on top of each AIR PLENUM as
. Page 6 FIG. 6

 Installation, Operation and Maintenance
man FLANGE ”fly ”a“ CONNECTOR frame of Refrigerant Circuit with two 1/4"
1 _ ,WM/W’p i’"'"'-::,;;_. -20 x l/Z" lg. round head screws and nuts.
Electrical power lead - Bx or rigid con-
,,.. ‘$.f=“:‘¥3;%fii . through a hole drilled wherever convenient
Ev; lgififizkm 'i‘j."—- . _ in the side jacket. If practical, one of the
{1:1} I ;J ‘ , 5 unused knockouts at bottom of left side
,. .- ’
' ah comma , — panel may be “sed'
l ,5" “$9113 I N.”_ Wire Refrigerant Circuits in accordance
’ ' , ‘rfifji‘izf‘iés with wiring diagrams, Fig. 12 to Fig. 15. .
/9 gjjj. 3:13 :_ ; ‘ CABLE E LEC T R ICAL C O DES .
A ‘ " '-:" ' 2 V 3555‘?"
‘ Drill 9/32" diameter holes in Refrigerant gm .9
Circuit frame. Do not mount Control Box ' ' ‘ , i'l .
yet.‘ , ,,.; A ”’” " V, iii . '
- xx.-. ‘~-
Insert large rubber grommet ii: hole in . a"?! ” - . '
top (hinge side) of control box. {6* 4, r. .:l w
h. Thermostat _ Attach clip angle to THER— I L M) , i; ’ ,.
MOSTAT"'with two #8-32 x 1/4" 1g. round ‘ . .. / y . ' . ' Ii .. .- .
head screws. Carefully uncoil capillary _ ’ 3.I—”Tl (I ‘ " a i: 7 3" .
tube and insert bulb and capillary tube :' w \ _,_ _‘f __:ul-.—1V.,pfv 5“ : 73;: ' .
- through large grommet in top of CONTROL 531.3‘ 3 I—___._ ’ «5% figs .'.'f;-‘.3_ v _ >3
BOX. (See Fig. 9.) Be sure screw ends ”._’“.-.‘g 1;» 3:... . .3 . '1 , " "
' do nOt touch Thermostat armature. ”*5LN a fig 3w: 1
- Mount THERMOSTAT in CONTROL BOX g , ' . . til ' ,
with two #8_3Z x 1/4" lg. round head screws ' ' '5 ~ ‘.l :
andnuts. ‘ ., ,.w, ' L
i. Relay _ M ount in C ONTROL BOX with “”””" .
two # 8 _ 32 x l /2 “ lg . round head screws filg°vwii ‘
' . . ,and nuts' (Seei‘ogbglfisydgloN _ I, ., i V I l
' FIG. 9 . L '
. ' ‘ , j. W .. Make Condenser ' ‘ i:
L , _' ’V «a , 4i ; _ ‘ Water Inlet, Condenser Water Outlet and .
V ' A 1:; ”my?“ ” ‘ i .é Drain connections approximately as shown ‘
,I’njk" {g6 [c "ii ‘ L in Fig . 6 . Four 1 /Z " flare to 1/2" male ,
,' - ,~ ‘ figj‘fif \ IPS couplings are supplied. All other pip- _
- , ..x 3“ mg m ust be supplied _bY the l.n5ta11er- ;
' f , , : “:ig— 1 <7“; Knockouts are provided in the Side Panel ;
‘ " “.;oc “ ~ for the piping. BE SURE TO COMPLY ‘
' L . 33W”- . ‘1 ‘ CODES. fig. ‘
' QEE‘SM‘SMW '32 ”(“91 \‘\..~_:T§"7’g £33;ng k. side Panel Part No. 5 Without Insula— I .
L L L 3%? :/" ég‘gfh‘iljif ., :- tion _ Engage lock seam on bottom of
. ”g" I” 1 1' SIDE PANEL with flange on BOTTOM PAN. . .
' ' .gjgwfi‘ 192;; "wig?“ ‘ _ 1. BEFORE turning on water, check supply ' ' ‘
,- , I 33;,” Li$/’* - ‘ pressure. A minimum pressure of 25 lbs. 1 I
«2.916) DRILL'I/JZ'HOLEHERE per sq. in. is required but if the pressure
$2: " exceeds 100 lbs. per sq. 1n., a pressure 3
”A FIG. 8 reducing valve MUST be used. “CAUTION" '
" / be sure to use correct inlet.
__ Page 7 '3‘2 1:3... ,

 HAYFAIR Summer Air Conditioner , »
In. Side Panel (Part No. 6! gWith Insulation! s. .
. Engage lock seam-on bottom of SIDE t; .
’ PANEL with flange on BOTTOM PAN at 3&1;ng ‘ .
air outlet side of unit. \
ll. Deck gPart No. 7) - IMPORTANT - Care- hymn" Ian/”SWAN“
fully fold up bottom edge of insulation on \ .. W . ,
. SIDE IPANEL (Part No. 6) as shown in W .
' Fig. 8. With arrow on DECK pointing ‘ " {‘xig; '
‘toward this panel and insulated side of W W 3"“ 34"“ ‘4‘“: I ,
DECK facing upward, insert flange of DECK ’ " '1 N ‘
into _clip on'SIDE‘. PANEL. Insert opposite / -
flange of DECK'into clip on opp‘oside SIDE ‘
PANEL. Now fold insulation on SIDE PA- ' 1* “ 3; ' ‘_
' . I NEL (Part No. 6) back into place. .1 , . ‘1‘: W
- ¥>aé-%CW£‘%¢”1 W
0. Drill one 7/3Z“ hole in the sloping side of ~
‘ - the AIR INLET PLENUM, the one nearest ‘ ‘ FIG‘ 11
. ‘ ‘ the keyhole slot in the deck. Carefully ' , W
- . feed THERMOSTAT bulb and capillary tube TOP PANEL with insulated surfaces iacin
through keyhole slot in d'eck. Split the each other and with BY-PASS PARTITION .
. W small rubber grommet by cutting one side on insulation side of angle on TOP-PANEL.
. . ., W and place around capillary tube. SFd-e this DoInot force BY-PASS PARTITION in place
. grommet into the small part of the keyhole or you will distort rounded edges to TOP_ ’ ‘
slot in the DECK and lock in place by in- PANEL. (See Fig. ll.) Attach with five _ W
' . - . serting the ‘PLUG BUTTON into the large if 10 x 1/4" sheet metal screws. .
‘ part of the keyhole slot. Attach thermo- . W
' stat bulb support angle to slope of air in— r. Filter Frame Part No. 9 - Place FILTER ' W
. ' let plenum using 8.32. x 1/2“ screw and nut WASS PARTITION
' supplied. Spread the coils of the thermo- with centervangle toward BY-PASS PAR.
' stat bulb and hook to the support as shown TITION. Attach with five #10 x l/Z" sheet .
,in Figure 10. metal screws. '
, p. Canvas Connectors - Raise top frame (with " _ ' - '
I ‘ _-%, rubber gasket; against under side of DECK. s. Assemble To Panel, B -Pass Partition ' W
% ' Slide toward SIDE PANEL. until flange is and Filter m-m
at" Wis-... securely held by clip on under side of with insulated side toivard Ai-r Outlet. '
.Ig-rDECK. . Attach each one to DECK-with two Attach the Filter Frame and the B _Pas. ‘
. . “ if“?! 10 x 1/2" sheet metal screws inserted Partition to theW'lDe_ck' —with ten “bl—172'“ I ‘
I“ ,fr°m upper side Of DECK- . sheet metal screws. , ‘ .
1" . B -Pass Partition Part No. 8) - En a e Temporarily install FRONT DOOR (Part ' ,
' q rounded corners under rounded edgegs 8of N°' 11) and REAR DOOR (13"! No.13). ‘
I Square up entire unit and try all doors for
y . , good fit and easy removal. FastenISIDE *
' PAN with eight #10 x 1/2" Bronze Head .
.... WWW. ,,,, Sheet metal screws. '
. 1:27 {a}; Complete external water supply and .
i g drain connections. . . -
1y: . g s t., Filters - Remove FRONT DOOR and place:'
5 . l"ix 16" x 20" FILTERS on FILTER FRAME '; . ,
, 1 t ‘ 1::; as shown in Fig. 2. .
I? I; u". 'Attach air inlet and outlet ducts to Ilanghs , ,
LgI «newiimy r provided on TOP PANEL. (See typical ‘
1 3 ' f illustration, Fig. I.)
a I) NOTE: Under certain conditions where un- ,
usual dampness exists, it is possible that the 1
supply ducts as well as the inter-connecting .
. ,. ....-. ..., , . ' , . duct between the MayIair unit and the heating ~
if ' unit will show some evidence of sweating. in
. ' - ' ' ' extreme cases or where this is highly objec- ,
tionable, this sweating may be eliminated by ,
- . ' insulating all the surfaces on which the sweet- 4
FIG. 10 ing occurs. . , , , ‘
't - . > Page 8 ' ' ' ‘ ' , - I

 Installatxon, Operation and Malntvenance
- V ‘ - I E III fi_ 7
I I I I I I.
I i: i 2
r I I: I: E”, I | IE: “. i gTI—Tx I I
_Vm . 3 w _ _ _ ___ I
«I | = "' g; I = = 85' / I
l T: . 1 U9 I . TZ TI DI. I I ‘
‘ I I O | I 9 ~ 1 I
~ I © "" I I @ I T‘ |
-’ i
.. A_ # _ H ..
_ w W I
5 Nos TAPED ‘ _ ,C _ _
. E R . . I? -
‘ \ I‘VWM #2 FROM “‘.. 1 8x END l I ,