xt7qnk361p0s_442 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 300-399 1/2 text Houses 300-399 1/2 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_106/Folder_19/88m6_106_19__12267.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_442 xt7qnk361p0s H O U S E R E C O R D
HOUSE-Apmt. N0. Rooms Bath Storage Room FURNACE . Type Modernized Kitchens
/ ; Date Installed
No. .5”? fl I I W“
COST 7% (J 6’
DATE Additions - Painting - General Repairs, etc. Total \
k E: I 7 7 7 WA v
,,_A,,,,‘_— —7* fli¥fii77~ *H s m _ “#77 777'“ TWW" , , ,,,, ,,, ,
__—_ iiii, v-77,» ,, 7,7 . if,i7777-7777”,,,JNW,_WWVW _,r,,%, 77,7. WWW, , ,,,, ~-,,
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“fire-m *7 ,,,,,,,,, ,,, we we r ,,, ~ ,,,, , ~~ ,,7 f ~ I r r I ~r r r
Reference No.
Remarks: 77 ”777* 7777777 ,,, ,,,, 7777777 ,,, ‘fifi , 7777777777

July 15. 1955 "
Mrs. Edwin Johnson
House No. 376
Wheelwright, Kentucky
Dear Mrs. Johnson:
I have your letter of July 1h requesting that an additional
room be built to your house.
All of the funds appropriated for this presen; orogram of
room additions have been assigned, and there = ~ no further
funds available at this time for this type of uprovement.
We will put your request on our list, : . :— - on as addi-
tional funds are appropriated for . add1t10a= we will
give every consideration to yo -qu~=-.
If, in the meantime, you we r like to nave your present
house masonry underpinned, r an do . s as soon as the
work schedule for this type 0‘ mpru «ment permits. The
additional rent for t ~ n==onr .. rpinning will be $h per
month. If a baseme' ..u . in~ ded, it will be $2.50 more.
Your house is one vf the few n the ~ntire neighborhood that
does not have ma:- ry underpin‘ ng, and we would very much
like to install 3 h underpin--.g under your house. If this
h dose, it will an to the at ~:ctiveness of your home, and
I feel wi“ be hap04 ith it. Also in the winter
time 11 1d to ; n . u-m the possibility of frozen
water ipes, whic is an nconvenience whenever it occurs.
If y‘ would like our house underpinned and will accept the
addi onal rental entioned above, please have Mr. Johnson
come the offi to sign a new lease incorporating the
rent ease,/’ e should do this as soon as possible as we
cannot p~afi§L¢h’s on our schedule until the new lease is
You understand the rent increase will not take effectuntil
the masonry foundation has been c0mpleted.
Yours Very truly, pH“
, ”W_W“-
/ [1. "‘ ”J
\w‘ N- ..‘-‘1' ’Wi
r‘ V“ b
H021mmerman-kf'//// Manager a1 Properties a 8 ’ J
cc: RIMcKinney firs“

 . w , . \ . ,.. ‘ . V ‘
I q.
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.7 ingwsb 43» lfifli
' :w.TflvszMmcm;
Iowan 130.. 3176
15319233.? 1?»;21“; 7 'iie:.;'f;'1c1:;~‘
. Egar Jr. Johnson'
This is 30 goofirn On: é;scuso;ou at your image to- '
day recording The ueafition of a now room, flufihruom
convex-$1321, CZJEI'IICS :::ng uhanrfingg; ';;?‘Ie. :'m‘Ir' figurclz,
Chan‘jillzf 1:33;; kitchen (‘zltrmum :::”.r'i 7731(161‘:'Iii'zli'tfjilig your
33 0139'.
Extra ran: Chg28c: go? ;oath will he a: fallaVfi:
New room adaition $12.06
Bathroom converoion 5.00 '
Cloiho: press , 1.5U
Underpinning h.00
Total $22.50
If you have not already signed a new loose incor- _
yoyatimg the new rent increase by the time you re“
ceivo this letter, please do so as soon as possible
- as work cannot begin on the project until the new
lease has been signed. 7
' All other improvements that are to be made to your
house while the work is going on will be at Company
expense without extra cost to you on your rent.
Yours very truly,
///”7 .
,. Si§§§Tntendent
Buil ings and Grounds
cc: 3071mmerman ~x w l ’
RThornsberry ' r”) I E .
. I
( T". I! \" "3
. \T"7 b/

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 C'M' ‘““‘ 7 INLAND sum. comm
a. No. ._.___ DAILY JOB CARD
Name ; - _ Date
nnsonxrrtox i noun ‘ Rate 1 Amount ; Acct. No.
‘ ‘ l
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Dept—_.___...— Shlft____— Foreman._._.__.fl .....—
CUMPUICO. PIKEVILLE. KY. 5-53 ‘OM 45‘33 ‘2-3

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WWW—WP WW WWW, ,W, [gel/W
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Project Cost Sheet
Project No—j’. £441 3 2 (: , Acct. No.7.2£_éé7/7,77_ Sheet No.77777_7 . -7
Descripfion7zé#9747MI/<}t"&_ £32273:77:7:D:te Startedi .""_’,:;:'2j:77 __g
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Project Cost Sheet
Project Noyaéfi: 5 ZI— Acct. No. 674/[1’ _ Sheet No.

__licsgigtgfléig:géfij:;:::;Sj:0:ufla:L7/€:9:L:Jg#7:?f—_ L..-
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Proiect Cost Sheet
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