xt7qnk361p0s_701 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright M (General) text M (General) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_125/Folder_7/88m6_125_7__2784.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_701 xt7qnk361p0s 1
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k 2;; Tip” LI11;,
(1‘;. 711‘s. ‘ Grads. Dept.
Same letter to U. S. Marnetic Products Corp.,
Mill Hall, Pennsylvania
. f \ V 7 1 ~72;
1 - _'ss-

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‘ MIIWAHMII1,Wlw(,rli‘{,lN
MILWAUKEE PLANTS [71 "I,“ ’r/{r n)"
Februar 22 1945
.Inland Steel Company Inc., y '
Wheelwright, Kentucky
Attention: Mr. L. S. Becker
Supt. Bldgs. & Grnds. Dept.
Gentlemen: '
In your letter Of February 19, you requested
information on small magnets. However, inasmuch as we do
not manufacture this type Of magnet, we are unable to
submit the required information.
Yours very truly,
{I 5x 7 éILEE4——
E. M. DeMares
Consumer Sales

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 s P E C I A. L N o T I c E For lowest delivery cost check rate 0 The Moanowzn is made
. . in one size and style only and
chart and map before mailing order. CmS a mu 15.. swath. “ is
sold direct to the consumer
only, and at one price. $22.50
at the factory. Traverse City.
I , Michigan.
WWW. I ;
~, ,' .: ‘.' ‘ j“-~~.\: MW We do not quote a deliv-
‘~~—--.-_,_-__‘/ -. MMM ,' NM.» MW ‘.‘ . “x‘ ‘ ered price because of the
j, (' l' l ‘ \‘v‘. .‘ ..‘ ‘-‘ wide variance of rates to dif-
o q .’, “‘i L-~_--.--___, __‘ MW' ,; 0““ , ‘\ ‘. I: \ terent parts of the country' At
,0 on 1 \ rs--.“ .' f ‘, “ l ‘. ,t A ""‘“ ’" one time we did quote a flat
...» . ‘ ~-—7-‘ . o \ ,--" _‘.I/ _ , .
._‘ 1’ ;.4 II .”,, a...“ : Ix ”‘“ ¢ r 2 ‘.‘ ' m. :26: delivered price, but this prac-
‘ “'~,-__ I.' Hm .' .' l “l / _,v _,fl \ 7 “" "‘ ”“‘"” tice proved unsatisfactory.
i ", ~-—»—._,I I ““"“‘"\ .J 4 x _..»A— -4" I . » Some people prefer to have
I l .' ‘ X ,,- I p. H . .
I t , . W \ ‘ 3 l I ‘i ‘ ‘ VIM , . transportation charges prepaid
I L__ , i nn< . . s ‘, . .
I lea ,’ ‘r~———___ -.L--“ 5 \ il’ '. lI ‘ .., I, .'I\ “air” 5" by us,- therefore, if you Wish.
\\ I: W * W : um...“ \r__»__,__\{» I. .‘ I ’,.’ ”xx/«0) ‘“' you may include parcel post
\\ I: £6 5----___---_-_ I.’ .x mm ii [I K--. fix... F/ or express charges as shown
Cmmm \\ 5177114 ',' ; mimic II \ 4 ‘.., ,‘r 5191’: ‘.‘ “'““"lz' “'1 on map. This applies only
30;: \\\ 7 I‘- I l: um... I t (a (I,__-I~‘ 4 [‘,xv/ _ \ when the full amount of $22.50
8 ‘\ 1' Nu" “‘~~+'»___ -' E ‘.‘ ..’ ”'"“ "'>_A—,’L-—-r “"1 ) is remitted with the order. (It
\\ I." .' “""“? ‘r--——-————~——A——1 _“__ {__1-”"" I, ’ “"‘”W , a deposit of less than the full
\.I .‘ 5' “'"; {"'" :4, . .—»--~_»-\ purchase price is remitted
,: A M .‘ _ l l ““‘" 'M 3 MW“ /I:—_A_,LLL.—-.‘—r""7.\ 5H,. * with the order, shipments are
," . “"an .' I : 3’ l ‘. Ian-m ‘IIII made in all cases by express
‘ - I ~\ I . , I ‘c .
. .' .' --.,_____.-\;_ iMmm ..: C.O.D. for the unpaid balance.
I: : ;_______"/’ W : MMM \5/71! 5 ‘ plus express charges.) Shipping
; _______ : l 7 i ‘ weight of the MONTA MOWER
._ I \L ”“”." '. __—___'i‘______.‘:' is twelve pounds.
\ -’ j Bale Chart
Zone Parcel Post Express
3 ‘ 1&2 S .22 S .72
3 .32 .80
, \ , 4 .50 1.04
' 5 .72 i. k y ‘
6 .92 .‘,. ‘ik—é‘q‘0édr
Mail all orders and correspondence to MONTA MOWER Distributing Co. 7 1.16 “"“ '.‘ I‘
" General Offices, Keeler Bldg., Grand Rapids 2, Mich. s 1.40 1.90

 4 ‘ I , , 4
I l V s 2;;" .4 I;
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. NS -- "..' mm. .111.» » ,4 ,4 4. 4 -...
ORDER BLANK i ' ‘ . W "ill t w“ s?tiff-(l:‘.::liifll“' Cl 5\ \V
I ' 4 '4" l" .'-:».‘r 14 (x ,:- i
No orders accepled WII’I’IOUI a deposd. One price Io all regardless o q y I . \\_ . \ r {a “ \Ct"‘~l\l,.‘v'l‘ “‘4‘“ \Ixiflwn ‘1 ’34- ,1 \
I I ‘ \ r l \ a“ ‘l ‘.‘.' ‘.' .W- I
l\I()NT.-\ MOWER DIS'I‘RIBI‘TING COMPANY s .50 F O B FACTORY l «‘“X‘é‘ /' I‘ll ‘- ll r; c \, , n.1,!) rii'
SALES AND GENERAL OFFICES: KEELER BUILDING - - - l 1 ., \\_‘ \\\ | l s , ,2,,,‘11114‘3‘8 ,4 ‘4' , 4 .‘ 4.
4 4 4 ~ 4 1 , . 4» « ' - 4 . : “‘x-n . ,,-_. .,
GRAND RAPIDS 2, MlCHleN Michigan ResidenIs include 68c Sales Tax : I|\ .I}\ 1, 'Il / / \\ \ . ‘- :‘ _,.l‘\\-\.‘(E;f . [I ,
aranfee on a e 4 and a ree ’ro abide b our Terms of sale and am enclosmg — : \ l \l“ 5 4‘ l, /‘ l 44 M" A25-
ave rea your gu p g I ,,,, 2.4lll4 ‘ 3
I \‘ .» ‘ , . ‘ , l l l ‘ 5 \“ _
[:1 $22'50 Please send one Monlalfluwer by Express. All shipmenls by Express unless ofherwise 'specified.’ Please give : ‘ l' \ Iml‘b‘HJ“ '4‘ y) 4 . « ‘§\\ 3 \\\ ' , ‘ ‘ \
locafion oi nearesl Express office if none in your cuIy. I lllll ‘. l ‘ ‘ $ “ §§§F§i \_ ~31: , 4 , \ 1i 174—3: 1‘
$ 5 00 deriosi.‘ Please send one MonfaMower C.O.D. for : Illlillll'll‘l\\ ‘ \l‘ x-\ M‘ l o E k «k‘\ .\\\\ 6&4777 ,44 . 5 l’f , J
El ' balance 7 $l7150 . - I1 h h [7‘ l , T. N“. ‘ \ \ l' I ‘, k \\\\ ‘ lg" 47
If shipmenl by Parcel Posl Is necessary, c ec ere _4 I \\ ‘l‘ I} , [\ V; E g l, _ 777:7:er / y .7
. 4 1 4 4 _ 7
NAME 444fl_ 44 Iowa 4 4 4 STATE 44444—44444 4 4 . . \\\\‘3_ 4w. 4 n .» , 4 44\ ._
7 7777' ’ ” " : 4;» 74 V \____ 44,,4 \ ll D‘ n . 4,,/I
cm 4 4 4 4747 44 STREET AND No. 4 4 4 4 4 44,444 4 4 . 7? 3?» 1» may c“ 3““ .. ,,,, 44 4. 4 fix”
” "" " ’ ' 0 EE5 Iii-777 -
_______._.._————————---- 7———--—"—""""'-—"__""'"'_'~—_"‘"""'___”“""""""__—______-———_'—_'—_—__—_—- Ar, f?! —\
_______________ ' .. . _- _ ._44 7x4] ll lF’% 5;.» 4!
0“ W \7\u“l filly _: l’
‘ flBOlIT THE NI()\"1‘A1\I()\VER e ew IIIPI‘OVG o e as mpor an ea ures 4, _4‘ l ,5/ 4 \
anT TH 4 » \l 4 4
l.. .~. . \"74 n55 4172/7 —\
The Mon+aMower is a diilerenf kind of lawn mower- 1+ repLessinls NO HAND TRIMMING . you can cu? closedio I. New modern all—me’ral one—piece handle prov1des beller lever- ._.), 1,, ,1 , JIIITI// ' \
ihe firsf basic improvemenl in lawn mowing devices during 1‘ e asl Irees, buildings, hedges, .garde- walks, flower beds or un or n r ,4 ".ul‘ . § 4 , 4 ‘
half a cen’rury. Yel’ if cosl’s less lhan an ordinary mower. Thou- grill-i55- Igbgf:i|'::sn?::ll: Iwahslliealflfecrmyfosptlarvfrileiiescuyfou compleioly age and perieC’r CO T Ol. H V..,” »444l 1 §{/, 4‘ .
I . I . I . n u . l ‘l l l ' l ‘ I
”"d‘ are perfmmmg sal'Simory semce for as many del'ghmd 444.1 HRH/”4 (41414”‘44 1‘ ”In (W! WWW”! 1'0"! MW 2. Sealed ball bearings have lubricanl’ sealed in of lacfory. Bear— llllllfl ,.l 4‘ . ll
users‘ I). (.' "I smut In {(5} Mn .'hu/ 1::! arr MINI/y ratirhzdvu'x/h Th1 . . , I , +- v ..4“. ‘m J] \ ' ' ,
Alla-»unlugm. '1')” 44.41.1441, “um a/i Um! \‘uu ([aim {or 1:7."me ings never need addl‘honal ubrlcanffiyour guaranfee o J: ”,..-4 4 m% /
A . . 2h [1; I h ‘1" :11 r I]? N I I I)!!! I." Hy." . . ‘ ',_ .. , ,“~l.""'- ‘
HOW IT WORKS“ “’9 she-'p’edged' P'°°"'°"'b”'"' ( N H m" m l N ”M "I" con‘rinued easy and smoolh operahon. ltl. , 2 , ,4 "
hollow ground fool sleel curring dlSCS revolve Toward'each llll‘l , “a, . ,4 “Iii! 32:5,. ‘.‘
olher, each slighlly overlapplng. The_ grass rs galhered In ‘by SILENT IN OPERATION O The MonfaMower is k ' I. . + .I. ”I‘ll llll , \ ",4,. 4 "TEE-“K. ‘
Ihe CuHeVS and CUfl Ohff CleanlY 6* lhde lniihseCllo? o; fhe’ ":0qu pracfically silenf in operalion. The eighf seis of culling discs 3. lmproved bac 7p 5T8 prevenls grass C Ippmgs rom pl ing on ,\ lid lMll' , , ‘ ‘ \\‘ . ' Mair!»-
discs. There are eigh’r ‘els O l ese cuflers an as. ey ‘3‘ en 0” o e are precision builf of fool sIeel. They cut cleanly and withouI - - ' '
exfremexedlgfe ?; Ihe 717/WIS? 3221:499er, [its/ital: 2.5 unnechexs‘sarly. ”n , cla‘Her. Never needs regrinding due Io self-sharpening feaIure. lop Oi mower. NOW The Clippings are aulomallcally and
4. ‘ , '. r ‘ .4 H H., “M4,; , 1 7mm, (17 4’, . . 4 4‘ 4. v , n 4 4 ' ' '
1:7 mm film! I” MW: "I: m mm W ,I,,/,,.”, W,,,“ ,, “,,., iii-i \ n. m [lily/Trim”, 51057124., ‘1, rang/nihlul/x (my a evenly dislrlbuled over The lawn lo prOVIde a proper mulch.
Hart Inn [HM ,,,, ,,,” ”“51",,“ mm," am] a! fraud 1,,. romp/Ila"; 1'. 71,712 fliléluflil n, my mm m run 141! rm .» anhl. nun. II_IT light .,,‘
Inrt withoutl it.” win ’(an (Lt my lawn mou'rd trim/t a/ In! mI'IIAf/J. It (mm: long §
4 hum/(Hm: 51mm and mnu-I around my 17m Imgr hlar quhu am! In addition to these three major improvements the MantaMower 4 ’
11' m1: my narlurlium [Mn/Hm! walk with (ht In”! (1307!. Th! pri/t d d . d . 1 h , , - - "
CUTS ALMOST ANY KIND OF GRASS "4:7 mm a w m m m .T/nnmimm m n in“ ,W,; bus 1,“, refine an xmprave m man) at er ways to n"- ,q.
O The MonIaMower has a posifive aclion and will cuf almosi "" "“7" ”‘”" ”““ “"“””! (”"”/1“. I"! ’1'”! will Whit" prove its cutting efficiency and insure life-time satisfaction.
anyihing The? shears will cul, provided, of course, lhai‘ Ifaclion ‘-
ls Provided for ihe drive wheels. The MonlaMower will cul LIGHT WEIGHT: 8% POUNDS ”1"”; ‘ 4. ‘ i.
weeds, bu? if is no? inlended for fields or paslures. The drive wheels Will ' ' 35m; . _ 4,1,, ’
he? run in loose sand nor in war, swampy ground because of lack of Irac- 0 There '5 no 999d for YOU *0 PUSh 40 lo 50 pounds 0i COST Iron '1 V ,.4'::' :3'
lion. Ordinary sod will furnish ample lraclion. when fhe sun rs ho? and your lawn needs culhng. The Monla- . 4543‘; 5‘ {‘a’ In
from [712' I..~II\'I) [1.0/(INT. Ilr m- «4' Sir’rm; [Wm/run. "I rail/r.“ Mower operales so easily.and cleanly lhal if ma es II a pleas- mil-44:“ 4 ' ‘ A— , . f \4 {.;f‘jfilftfi.’
a ,‘in/ n' Hulk rim/12ml! .mrr ~/::.}r rm rrrui’m [awn mriu‘fl u'nuld WE if” YOU I0 keep your lawn looklnq WEIL 4‘ ”Q! 4 g “ ~ ,4; .1.?» '
rm! Mir. Cl‘ilh rm T:«'fJ.'\ rrlrxs'n: limzln.llnu/r, and am hapflv tn / \, n' DETROIT, JUN/1., (ruth: "1 will [Waxy your {pond/nuf >4, . Q" . A v, I NOLA- ",4, ,4 ::1
"pm! that 1! 1/111 fizz mm (7414 H." Unwrallnya (III: I (an Im'amr i! don u‘hrzr / haw h/nr luv/Lin; ‘m 1144-. ' , .4:» '36” " ' i"; ’_
Inf\ in rip/ml; am: 1' durrn'! .'er mr sul , . . " «“"” . 493; ‘_ g; 1.,; $3 /"\ ' '5 if ’i ‘25:”;
LEVEL OR ROUGH GROUND ~ 4v ““4, 1'. 4 x @335,“
‘i "“C‘u' » T" - "“'“- ,:wg'qx
OThe MonIaMower is equipped wilh eighl upper and eight . 5 4 , ‘3 ' 4 ”«I 751% ,,, l} Mflflfifigfia ‘54,», 1&4- 1’3»
lower culling discs Il/7 inches in diameler. These are driven by S «4». z » ., 4,;; it 44%“: (£5,511. _, ( {fir/2". 5,2,, 95 4.
a series of nine drive wheels fwo inches in diamefer, There is com M 3“ p 4“ "x - '2 3,44, 4, x 45? ‘5 1 yr,” {21 My
a separaIe wheel for each pair oi culIing discs, and These drive wheels are age . it; ._ . _ ,,, 4 ,4 ‘ 4, ‘ . . , ' j; x __: ,‘ 1424. A, ,. ,, 22.4 , .. 4 _
all shrunk onio a solid drive sha‘l, so Ihaf any one or more driving wheels ' - . ‘( 5% ,, /, _ ) M4; % A, 4,5,, .
on Ihe ground will lurn all of lhe culling discs. In oTher words, :.ll of lhe "" l K, ..,. :4. - - 4 A . 4 , v. ‘ « 4,?" .;;] “,,, 5 $4.
culling discs operale in pairs as a single unit The MoniaMower lhereiore I 5% 6:." 4:5 ‘ ::1,“ , $6 . 4e 4, .
iollows ihe confour of lhe ground. . J as .;- 4 5.4 *iég‘éw _ 4 4 iii"
11mm 41.474“: An 31144417141144", I.. f. (.'. ,4» H'ESYI’UR'I, ' , 2,4» $ 4, {1. — 5 X 247: ,. 1_4 ‘11:- .
(YLVNH rnyr ”I! rr/mr :mn‘vii/rg‘x flux! n mmhznr (IT {xii/'2? ::1 ma 5 , . v V ”442$? . NI”; ”\x _,- {'53 / .ng; 4- Ki: ,‘
Thu/{inn and (u rarV In nprml/ IN MI .’llnnla,”nrl‘n {an rrrll."\ dn ,4, 4 5w ‘.. 724/5"; \ ,1. $3 " ‘. 4 244.?
\ rh/ (work 0" thr n.’r17lrz4vhinnr.{ [mm mow/r and (In if Inn". ’7'! haw ' 3 »' 4,” ,» :rr . ‘ %‘b 5 @S’ 4: 4 \ y.» ,1 '
(RT/01w} (mint mu A’lInvzt/zfllmrxr n Murmur}: fir! 011 (hr :vn‘ru'ar ' ‘,‘-g . ‘ .~ .5- ,5_ :_ 4, ’4"; 4 5" 4:"
Iloflzr. mrh‘ lnllirr and TIE/11 waif/4r (7' :r'hirh Hn'r mm (1" 1'"an {r "' ‘ , L11 V .5}; ' 7‘?» 4 ”‘“ :3 51,45".
rompnrnf." ' ~ 5 \r g , 4 A I (f, (3%. ‘ V 1;. . - . ,
ADJUSTABLE TO CUTTING HEIGHT ,L , . . .~ W , / @315)» g g 4 4 . 1 _ _
0 When The MoniaMower leaves The faciory, ii is adiusled ’ro cm ' "4 fa“ , 4f _ é ,5‘ ‘ 76151,,» ‘ 4 4 ,,. '
The grass lo a heighl oi approximafely one and one-half inches 4 . V ' ""3 _n,\ AX, :4 *4,“ ‘5'. 4 .i i“
which is ’rhe proper lenglh. By carrying the handle lower, or ; 4...; W4 5‘4‘-/ " , 4. 5 - 4,;} ~
higher Than normal, The grass will be cul longer, or shorfer. For permanenf 2 "- 4 .44} ,44 , 44f 5’3 4'9: 74‘4“” ' A ,
; adiusimenf for close culling, simply reverse The handle. 4 ,,, 4 42‘ 1K : 4 ‘ .4:; .
Mr W »‘1/ ..1: ml ."rarr mm .4 4.4744 111,444144114471474 ”1:41;. ,4» (.‘,:R)‘ ' ":14: I, _ 4, 4 a: 4, . , , '
» IND/111V] had [hII rrnINirr 1n (1 fr?!” "7'th mummy: 77W 7.':7 'wrgfi'fl ’ g; ’14f,:1§‘il;"ifl“ l,_ l i I .
web in! up a! 7:00 a. m. In rum: nu! and IX! thz larz'n, xt {001‘er —, :1 H r '4’ I,
m [yr/11v. 5hr .rmd 'Now that i: 1h! hash! 1 airways fl‘flflfftl H21 ’ - :5,” 3 > “”43" . , "’I\. . .: ’
gnu! In IV. In!" ruthn", 1t, 7102 rhmf and \‘I/lnu' lonkrnpb“ $5}? ‘. ‘ I} ,
CUTS A 16-INCH SWATH .The MonfaMower l .. .813 '1 é? ‘ , ‘
is buill in one size and sfyle only, and cufs a full l6-inch swafh4 D4efi4iii35’5’pggg'f, ’22. ’ 4, 4_» »
H would nol be pracfical ’ro build The MonfaMower in any olher ‘32:“ ”i433; 157,4" ' 1’ 4
‘ widfh. The small poinls a? each end of The MonIaMower feed ' ,3,“ W157 7 l
lhe grass info Ihe cuIIing discs, so Ihaf ii is nol necessary Io overlap. ',y." - {£2 ’ l ‘
7721: paragrcfih 'mm 16./.E. m SIG] \FI”: Ell/(ill, "I ":1th {mint 1; i l
nut that Hm lift/z mallzmr hlu 01/71/774 (1 ”maria/L? l/(l! in Hull :' l l ‘
ha! nduud [ht work of laun»rultin; ‘07 m! a! [fart (Julia/l." l
T. . -
I ,
' 4 l 41 . _ .4 » I
L . 4

 l‘ - - - I
. I’ . .
A T Tl: .
l ‘ T h N E W I
74 ; l . I 3' e m I r o v e d
___—__I— . IT
421 cm W I _\. M .
I - ‘ ON I A OW IL R
E \ -.
The MonTaMower IS a lITeTIme lawn mower and we guaranTee To replace. Tree of charge, any parTs Tound deTecTIve ; \ . ‘4 , Srlent H! 011mm”
'l - ' ' ___— ; . . . _
...... Io years I..... am or purchase. Movmg pans or sumed +0 ......I we... . W = I I Isa» w... .I
Every MonTaMower is shipped on approval. This approval is IT Tor any reason you are noT pleased wiTh The MonTaMower. ‘.‘ 4‘ . ‘ I l ’
sT:ichy limiled To 30 days from The daTe of shipmenT To The daTe you may reTurn iT. prepaid. wiThin The alloTTed Time. and we will l. i V 7 :3 1:. , ‘
‘l ‘ \-
on which iT is received back aT The TacTory. This allows one week allow Tull crediT To apply in exchange for a lawn mower of The l . , . i .. .. g. :1
. . . . ' T J‘“ I‘ ‘~ . "e. . I ~
in TransiT To reach The cusTomer, Two weeks In his possessnon, and convenTional Type. I f, y ‘ “T T - \l!‘ / 9
. - ; . 1. To
one week Tor iTs reiurn. POSlTlVELY NO EXCEPTIONS. CASH REFUND. If you do noT wish To exchange (or if maTerial y ‘ I.. ‘-' 5 \ “,..-133°“
CompleTe insTrucTions Tor iTs use and care are packed wilh each shorTages or oTher reasons beyond our conTrol make iT impossible {I W [165 2“"; .‘ I: .-: , T. 1 1 - \ I
MonTaMower; if These are Tollowed, There should be no quesTion Tor us To supply convenTional Type lawn mowers aT The Time). you may l : , ‘
'- of highly saTisTacTory resulTs. reTurn if, prepaid. and, if reTurned in good condiTion wiThin The l- l flj‘fi
if a mower is damaged In TransrT or found ImperfecT In any way. alloTTed Time, we will refund The purchase prIce less a packaglng 1. \ (Mfg-1%?
n . . - a l . »"T‘ \ '.
deTach iT from The handle and mail IT ImmedIaTely To The TacTory. and handling charge of $3.00. .1 “A j , \, 1 .. 1 \ if!” D 1'.
. - - - . . .L/ . ‘ 7." ‘.: .»'; ' ' " .1 .. " . - ~'
The MonTaMower Company. Traverse CITy. Michigan. where IT Will H Tor any seasonal reason proper TesTs cannoT be made aT ThIs l (L L ’ ’ ‘ ' ' 1 W
be promple repaired or replaced erh a new one wIThouT charge. Time. shipmenT wrll be made on any TuTure daTe speCITied In your I. us
When ou urchase a MonTaMower, iT is assumed ThaT you are order. ' '7" x » I, 1= "1 A f“ ' ~ u, .~ 8 W' ..T rTI' - ._ y _ g I . .
Y p ..ls. Ay g... __‘ L, .L L,,I< «.V. . _ . ‘ , ._,.1. 1 ,,,...» ,fl‘. 11_11. uh
in The markeT Tor a lawn mower. There are Two kinds oT lawn mowers: CAUTlON: A mower raTurned for any reason musT be addressed I‘ (.1311 LUVT' II, ,» he, In. .. . .1. ., i“ . , l . 1 . ‘ ‘ IV l
ous I. . “I.. _ I.I.V. ..I ;: j.“.I;‘I 175;: "N f‘ri‘f‘f y" ‘r‘, 3: ir' I «y .1 1. ‘
The MonTaMower and The convenTional Type . . I we have boTh. To The TacTory, The MonTaMower Company, Traverse CiTy, Michigan. "1‘“ " 7 ,. . . T . l ‘ "l : " ‘ “ ' ' ‘ I. l . - ~, ' .
1 I.“ 1d, Up»: : < lav-re: 3:13:13“ li".-;.“£S": ii. ' ' I i;. L: _,l; ‘ ;.I:‘:,C‘ i .
I I; -T 1 a r. , ,s . ‘~. 1 ,,, w ..
Address all correspondence To Sales Oflice, MonTuMower Distributing Co., 222 Keeler Building, Grand Rapids 2, Michigan. I dvl‘ll +\.«I.« :;‘.’I..I ,WIJA b.
r . : ., . ..' , . . ,. , ~ - -I I . -
fig... _f‘. .lIi : Li . ”TM '11"; ‘11.,1" ;‘ -- . , 11 .,
r . 1 1 1‘ T ,. ‘ ‘ ‘ « - . . . . » . . ~
111'] i'lII":I [I \l V I “ ' "3 . l i {TIII‘I'TI’T‘ ”5“ S i" ‘ T‘ ,I i ' ‘1'“ ' I1 I r. ‘ »r‘ -- 1 ‘r.
.‘fi . I. ...c s I. .I ... ..I ., ..A 1. ..'.I,. ' . I- “
.'..."~11~.I—L"‘ "T 'i '. ‘.‘,l’jwir‘wd 111: ,I- p Inn—i -- 7 A] ~ . »I . - r . .: .-. I )1,
. I TI , -I IIU. . .... . .. ,._ . 1’ 11 ’i?,.’
A ~ , _ _ _ o. J ' T ‘
CUTS WEEDS 0 The MonTa—Mower cleanly culs long grass, Ber- G RASS CATCHERS . We do "of manufaclure— nor ._. ['1] T U1 71 1 iii“) ‘ : 8'71. i '.' I s .. .1 ,1 I . C1 . 1' j . _. ,1 ' .~ 1 . . ,I . 1 ._ _ , ,,
muda grass. spike grass, wild geraniums, plainTain. dandelions and do we recommend—«grass caTchers for The MonTaMower. H is much 1 '1. T N ' "H " ‘ T" T - ~ 1 - w . . ._ 1 1.;
oTher weed growTh which are leTT sTanding To be hand-Trimmed or To beTTer To cuT The grass oTTen enough To allow The shorT clippings To I ix“. T _ I“. I? ; I l 1 "I‘V‘f ‘.' ' f'“ l :1 ’ _'i ‘IT‘;.'TI»-1 . ’.‘ . I. . - . " 1. ~ -v i 4 '.'-,3» - eq- .5
reseed Themselves when The lawn is cuT wiTh convenTional mower remain on The ground. They serve as a very valuable mulch for The ‘.. . _ .. A \ _ u i ‘V 3 ‘ ‘ " " ' ' ‘ “ " ' “ ' T ‘ *3
Users Tell us ThaT one year of MonTaMower use brings abouT a remarkable improve- lawn. Where a grass caTcher is required, however. The ordinary canvas Type may l 2' Ll. ‘ j C . :_ ‘71}. , ‘.1 ‘f '. j ; ; (1 1‘ 1 ’1."ng '7}: ‘ jffl '.1: {TV . .' .~ -I: ., ' .1 . _ . 1 y _c
menT in lawns from The sTandpoinT of weeds. be aTTached To each end of The MonTaMower and suspended by a chain from The _— N 1‘ 4 ~. .. _ ‘ 1 1 1 . .. .I s .4. .I
"I tion/Ii no! Hui/r nI\ .lIIIII’II.lI;II.IrTv 'l‘l m. Ih/ «INT/r .'rmn mun/yr maur handle. 1 V i ’ "’T‘ ' ‘T‘ ‘“' “ ‘ l . - ... » V - j '_I.. ,L .‘ ..I ‘.. T '
[I n m mrI. In «Ir/raw Ami Iu’mr rinh (1 mm IrIlI. ()ur I’arzn lanky hmutrlul I.I.n- (1 [Min by [..(f. I\. II’ CLETVEIHLVI). (ll/If): "I :Irry mufh doubt“: 1.: 2:: . “13ml 1 1; ”’. z ",'“.”I ' m“”,# 3’ Ti . ‘I - .I _ . I X. . ..4. .. ~ ,~ »» . .. L 1
all fhr firm." .Ur. (i. I’., (i/‘f'l'll'hlll Rh ['.1. I'M I arm n' InIrIranrnInIT In T/I/ lar/In bu! In my anIaI-(mrnt my lawn Innl'I ., U ‘T l 41“ “l .4 L V ‘1‘“ J i "I ’ ""K L ' ‘ ’ ‘7’ ‘T' » T’ L 4 T . _.’ .
Fri/IV Than any In Ih/ rirrihhnrhnori."
Es ”3% e ._. < 4' f s 3 -' . ‘ r . , w. . , ~
HIGH TERRA: . MonTaMower's lighT weighT, 8% pounds. -- A“; / U , i} I h . ' . .' l , ’ l" ..'. " ",‘ ' V. ‘ ' ‘ " .' . ‘; 5 . . I- l
is a real advanTage in such cases. Unlike convenlional mowers, Monla- MANY THOUSANDS IN USE I 1 H h ‘ . m M I, A 1 1 1 z ,1 , 1 ., » ~ I . ~ ,1 _ ,1 ,1
Mower's design prevenTs shaving The grass Too close al‘ The break of The O Don'T Think iT sTrange if you have never seen a MonTaMower being T' " " . I"‘.l ' ‘ ‘T‘ ’ .._ 1 : ..:. fl ‘. l '. i ‘ "1 , . 17 1' . ~ : ‘1“ « ‘ 11
bank, exposing The rooTs and killing The grass. MonTaMower can be used. AlThough many Thousands are sold each year, MonTaMower is a 1.1“... I ..‘ 1:1; 1 , .11 1. _- I. _w 1 .1 'I 1 _ 1 ‘ A LV'
used To cuT up, down or lengThwise wiTh equal ease. paTenTed lawn mower and is obTainable only from us. While our sales ‘ "l.“‘TWT’ "“ ' l" '- "T- ~ e H ..I 3 1w '_ . 5A , ..i‘ ’ ‘ '-_ 'I " ‘ f '.") " i .' ,’ ' 1 L: .
. . .. . 1 _ . , r are large They represenl only a small porTion of The forTy million or more lawn V "
H. [1.1]. III hhrrltrn. PURI h.l\[)flll‘.{.lll_ .lllhA>()l\ 4. (”TIN-I'll! uritr‘ moWers in use in This counTry alone. \
/ ,,,] 1. mun/1 \‘Irur _llunanl/rrn' ‘II ‘7; In, rIIIIII un- u, Imi. I hnrr MIN urn. 'I T" l~ .. I q . . . ._ Y
I! .r “TI/\‘III’I'rII I'm .uttiu.‘ Irrrurrr uriu lI/r [rimming ‘II/Ir/ I!) [Tr/r, build ‘ HII/ul IIUI \nlrr (II'!) I bought a ATInnlaJInuyy ,‘”)?" Va“ and i! ha; 3,9,, »’I“..- "i ‘I I ‘. 7" T, i , l .7 I13 '.1 >_' ”'1': '1 ‘ ‘_ I‘ ‘I ' T' I . T , . . .. , .
ianI. NIT. Your urr'rx Iirrrnptmn m ITr qum'IIIrr and ('hfl/nfy I'a/l; Tm Ihnri Wm} ”vi-II“: Ally uric/rho! now HIIrIEI hr quul/I' IIl'I tn, haw our." C.I'l>I.S.. l -_ , - I . V ‘7 l N I ‘ V I i ' ‘
,,I II; Iruz :I-mh." (.‘.HTI-A'I-ri'. 52c, . . _ 3;. . l. ILIE ”I ' ‘T ;I‘ .I,.» f‘, ‘ er, 1" T 3T : . ., . -.. -~ I . . I. , , ‘ - 1
.'l T“ 'l l‘. 75": 1 il‘ Ui‘.’ ‘ "I T " l ‘ 'l’ l ‘ - . ‘ .I' TIT . . . ~ ~.- a . . ‘I i’ .. .. H :4
AERATES THE SOD o The nine drive-wheels on MonTa- DIRECT SALES IThe sale of The MonTaMower is causing; lo éi . 1 ~ » .. . I. .1 1 . I 1. . . ‘ I x 1 ‘ _ i ‘, . . A I , I ' H ‘
Mower are each equipped wiTh l5 TeeTh for peneTraTing genle buT mail orders from consumers on a cash basis. Our producTion aT This -’ 1’ W ' i “ ‘ ' _ ‘3 ~ - ~~ 1 l . .i l' ' _, ~. 1 ' T'1’ g I. fl
firmly inTo The sod as well as To provide posiTive lraclion. These TeeTh Time does noT permiT us To offer a plan for resale Through jobber;l up iv in“ _ ~' ..‘ -. . . y-, . 1 .~ . 7 , , . < .. 1. .
agiTaTe The sod around The rooTs and provide The beneficial culTivaTing dealers, or agenTs. I T- ... .. ' w I- . I. _ I» / I . I . ,~. .. T l . . . ‘ _ f I, _ I A _ K “_- _ ."iid
acTion oblainable OHIY by using a MonTaMower. 'lI\ mun/I‘m hm u lI’IInII. llnrzrr thIrh Ir ubrm! l() or 15 van: 0141. W: I at 111} S i; I” I.“ l
- . - - , . .. MITI/ lrrrn crIzIII’Inq uni. ll'r ,lefz' your adrln‘rv in Mr ("Ol'\'7‘R}’ (‘EVTLE- T T U" '
[VI/Y7; liafrn’mr. f).\/,~H\‘IU. (.III\_»IIl.1, lllnl/‘T II .rllrr IrIIm R..~I.H, [[Iru' , .. I. . , , . ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ .
IIIIIIIII'II’ / um mill: l71\ ,l/zIIIrIrl/rwwr I (In IuI‘ lhr _mrr In hul‘ thr Izmx Hi“ 'UN' I‘“”‘R" IRI"\]0‘\' NE" fERSE}, 1
III/II‘ I uI/Tri TO MAI/I lIrI'uurr I I.:mI‘I haw NI ll‘r‘ vhf/NI 11./rm: 1hr Iran!” and I- {.1 j“ 1 1 I H ‘ V ’7 _ 1,. . A; .'J 1 l n 1
(Ir/Iunr/ I/ITIITII Hur lat"; II‘IIVI'IIl _Uz‘rurr in}: huIIIIIIIr Than 11 {I‘M did zzilh 1" -- -_ _‘TH I I '..' L _ ,1 I _. 13' " It”; "i: l i“ _ j T‘ ‘ ‘ - I ' .. a 1" ' yTIrTI‘
. th/ TIM Imhinn/Ii {\fv II' "(HEP/Y.” VOLUME MAKES Low PRICE _'1 5 ,- 4 1 .. . 1‘ . V ‘ ' ' " ’“ ' "~ ' ‘T ‘ ‘ ’“ .... ‘-
0 The MonTaMower Is a very fine. precision machine, and iT cosTs a 2,”. I; J .'I‘ ‘.‘I}, . . . L‘ i»7 i If II' 713 ‘ l" I' . ’_I : I'I ’ . .- ' T ,~ ‘ ' T' T. - 3 v.
greaT deal more To build Than The ordinary, convenTional Type lawn l 1 _ - ‘ .. 1 r 1.7 A 7. 1 . . ' " i T V " ‘ '1
CREEPING BENT GRASS . Many people like ’0 a” mower. The facT ThaT H is naTionally advedised on a large scale and in illlglhcll i. :1 ,-T,‘ l C. 1’6; 161'- 0C5L.j1’; 3‘ '11" __I _
1 (1‘ TT .,1 . . . . .
creeping benT grass righl down '0 The rooTs. The MonTaMower how» so d Irec 0 users accounTs for Is low once which puTs IT wIThm The reach of all. i
' ever, is builT purposely so ThaT iT will noT all The grass shorTer Than 1nd Inn; Ir Mr Imm ZJA/Hl', VII/II, (III/NA. uIritlrn Irv RIFJL‘. oi (hr _I‘ — .1 H, - - .
one inch. IT is our firm conviclion ThaT H is deTrimenTal To The healTl: Hun Ihnu (gh'll‘llm‘ (Tall/”J- ”I hm" ""“Wd 0’” -Tla"l“AT'[°illt' am! it ‘1 I. 143W To?” :: 01; l ( 1‘1. .'. ’7 .7' 1. L.. l l l «',1 ' ' T I ..(~. ‘.“ T . i V ‘ 5 -.. ‘ 9 T‘ . . -I7 I 2 .:.-4
and beauTy of any lawn To cuT The grass shorTer Than one inch. ’(IiI/erflil rp/rmird "rem. Thzy do all and man than you rlaim [or Hum." 1 A : 1‘ _ . 1‘ ‘ ‘ _V I) ‘ ‘ T .. T T . ‘ . ~ ... .- ' - s. ..I-..
,1. +1. .,. , ; I. .. . :.. II. . . , ._ V... _ . .T TT. _. -.
II.I.I~I’. III I?! 12mm [I’.-IT. ,I/Iss. mm “.4 mm W W Th! .llnnla— v v ,. a - I .1 - . . I I . , EI I (_ e, I .. . . . I_ ‘ _ j. _ _ .. 1‘ 1‘ . (he
.’llrrcw'v haw IIIIII:III,IrI/ "II {liar I1 Ir HIP but {Ink Iimr and labor mm! n‘ 1!! . ,\ P‘s ) ray-1?» ‘r. I . ‘ 1,. L :' VI . ,. IT: .\ 1 1V . . .u. : . I . . .T a . .
kind (‘Z‘I'Y manu'mlur/d.” ___—__I— O V d V. "1 k” 2‘ \' Tl T" 1 Y J. (7 : iu‘ _.f (I l o ~. .- ,. i '.1; l J . , hi. I. I: i: ,cl’)Tl'3
1 new, -.; can :1:; .7; L11. JO.) L-l‘ izzrr; dim. 5. (:21 ‘I‘J'ery.
CUTTING DISCS ' The cu’llng dls“ °f ”‘9 M°"*“M°We' “'9 pleads do 1101.644 ,4“ 10 W W A); W ‘:
made of Tool-sTeel, heaT TreaTed, and are almosT unbreakable. They will (
'35? approximaTely .Ten years on The average lawn and may be easily We are noT permiTTed To furnish names and addresses of MonTaMower users wiThouT II YO”; f”; v.41"? ‘ I": I12“
replaced aT a relaTIvely small cosT for a seT of eIghT upper and eighT Their permission as mosT people obiecT To making demonsTraTions. especially aT '.‘ ., -- w J 1
lower discs. compleTe wiTh screws, bushings, eTc. inconvenienT Times, Tor very obvious reasons. Such pracTice would noT be saTisTac- ‘3
P . 1 _. . , 11 , Tory anyway since There is such a variaTion in lawns. The only way To deTermine ‘ .. _ .. 1 .. ‘ ‘ ,. . .
{mm [If/[IIIIIIIIQ ills . {41mm {1 In.” Irv/rm R H II. Mm [in yum ago To whaT exTenT The MonTaMower would Please you is To use H on your lawn. In I TL; : :1 «a. r ;T :T T :..L...‘ T I -. f I
. Tim/Tm.“ "’150’ W1" [MM-I’W’I", ’1’" (”Will" ’1 ”’3" “""- I‘MW'MK 1“” lacT, iT may be necessary To use iT several Times in order To deTerrnine To whaT i ' " " ' i" i i ' " " ‘T ‘T ‘
"" "'13:” 4",. ll 1’ I“‘” “Hm“ M "”'W "T """‘T'""" Tu" ""d 0"” ’0 exTenT The MonTaMower will improve your lawn and reduce The amounT of Time {
"” " lD "WV" and labor involved in caring Tor H. l.

 September 18, 19“?
fiomta Howcr Eistributing Company
* KREIOI fiufldiyg

23.13,‘ 1:?»11‘735 LL, i‘vjA,?T:1,v-»j1n
Gent ‘J_ U. PA? EL!
We hzte Tfiift y 52?; courre in a rather wount»i:0us
_"z-ngjiul‘. I}: .."flzi‘x‘.'z=3r’ Luz!) it But {LI-u E108} I‘illfiififl (:1
anal 3‘92. mfgrh E9a ‘wen Eevad with Bluegrssw fesrue »
mnfi S‘TR r7” :::«E. ?thE is, in aIGitfvn in thO
saerPO ;r*«x(s: : ap*t:fi~ amnu1* :5 bTO'J :Egs 21d
other ‘feefivt.
$127 y»m*rwa°r cut such E terrain TS T hpve fazeribed?
The areas on the hi} Side Olere the?" are the an rue ‘
types of grassew, sore brOOR 2=;@;Tfi other weeés, we
are interwfited to know whether or DOt ;Our m*wer wanl?
do thi: jch S'tisf“7terily.
In Adéiticn. what is the livit of thc height Of grrrfi
and weeds which it will Out?

Tuur“ ”Org truly,


BuiidingE and Grounés

l ' fl
.I am“ K/
I , . , Mix . ..,~, ‘ - ‘ ~:-.:'é:“!:::2u| 3
‘l‘<|»““dllllln.4.1,,in .T T I.L!‘Il‘.‘M.Al‘lir.~.nil‘.>l __ _ .‘ ..,_ *;..-.;:.:i i:,,i:x:~1»l‘ll’ .1... u‘.w..::-..E~u.w
.5"/MES All/l7 BEA/{PAL [Dr/7555 K/SELEP BU/LD/NG
9€pt€mber 25, 194?
hr. L. 3. Becker
Inlnnfl qteel Compary
Yheelwrirht. Kvnfucky
Derr gr. Eecker:
"1th reference to your letter of the lCtLfi vc ere
PRCEOFLfig herewith, Feroriotive folio? of 116 Eontogover.
"e 60 not Yeiiove tlpt thie movcr wouif 16 97119118
for tle conditions *miCV you fiercrihe. You V111 note
frox t3? enoiored €(Fcriwtio: tkfif the ”rive "keoic fire
95811 anfi cannot «Pt fraction in locre, cprdy CT "et‘
Poft grounfi.
"p re yet thrt v9 carter reengrnfi the Montrfiover
for r1u;h, looee drouné.
Yowre very truly,
.r — J
\ ‘ , .
/f/ t/V f, «3"("1
'Vv \r« I I
'1. l‘. Iioz‘ztpgue
PIN: 91516131:
v. v ‘ C I .
9&9 %fM/wflec/ Mos I‘AMOM LR 7% WWW WWQMM W 445 @114

 , I The NEW Improved
7711a A Warm guarantee
. . . , k, ‘33 . . . .
The MontaMower Is a lifetime lawn mower and we guarantee to replace. tree at charge. any parts tound detective \ . g V) 5119!” 1" Operation
w-thm '0 years from date of purchase- Movmg Parts are. of course. subied to normal wear- 2W ‘—_—‘='- II \\ {mi 7”“ “"0" Cu“
! . o I . ~. ri-
. \. ’~. \
Ever MontaMower is shi ed on a roval. This approval is It tor an reason ou are not leased with the MontaMower. ‘ . ""“ . \-
Y PP PP Y Y P . .
. . . . . . . I » r. ‘.
strictly limited to 30 days from the date ot shipment to the date you may return it. prepaid. within the allotted time. and we WlIl l S »_
on which it is received back at the tactory. This allows one week allow full credit to apply in exchange tor a lawn mower ot the . ., . ‘ PI ' ‘
in transit to reach the customer, two weeks in his possession. and conventional type. 4' , .. i _ ” 13°
- . . _ -' , ‘ e " . ' ‘ , my
one week tor its return. POSlTlVELY NO EXCEPTIONS. CASH REFUND. It you do not WISII to exchange (or it material . . > (3’6”
Complete instructions tor its use and care are packed with each shortages or other reasons beyond our control make it impossible _ i ' r . , ' . l . ... '
MoniaMower: it these are tollowed. there should be no question tor us to supply conventional type lawn mowers at the time). you may . j
at highly satistactory results. return it. prepaid. and. it returned in good condition within the l Ari-fl
It a mower is damaged in transit or tound impertect in any way. allotted time. we will refund the purchase price less a packaging _J*fi#. "
. 7y ...).
detach it trom the handle and mail it immediately to the factory. and handling charge of $3.00. \ MI}; I.)
The MontaMower Company. Traverse City. Michigan. where it will It for any seasonal reason proper tests cannot be made at this 1 . Hy"?- ‘1
be promptly repaired or replaced with a new one without charge. time. shipment will be made on any tuture date specified in your 42'
When you purchase a MontaMower. it is assumed that you are order.
in the market tor a lawn mower. There are two kinds ot lawn mowers: CAUTION: A mower returned tor any reason must be addressed ‘1. 3: '1 11‘ 3.12.1": ; _j. '.":}:‘_: 31‘1“”? ’_ ;‘ I .3 _‘i “ jig!“ ‘.L_ .:A ‘ 3; .- i 1: _ xi)". - . '. I. _ . -; ;~‘ L‘
the MontaMower and the conventional type . . . we have both. to the factory. The MontaM