*places without the incentive of a certain amount of pay. When the
system of making appropriations for the support of the different
departments was in effect, the Commandant made these payments
out of that appropriations. However, as thAt plan is no longer
in effect, there is no provision for the payment of these young

           I would strongly recommend, therefore, that certain dis-
bursements in the military department be made routine, and inde-
pendent of any annual appropriation . This would be simply fol-
lowing the system pursued in the other departments in the payment
of assistants, and would make it unnecessary to bring the matter
up every year.

           Thereupon it be FXSOLVED: That the following annual
payments to officers of the Cadet Corps of the Uniiiersity, be
and are hereby authorized, i.e.:  The Major $25.00;  Captains
$25.00; First Lieutenants $20.00; Second Lieutenants $15.00:
Provided, that the total amount expended for this purpose shall
not exceed $350.00. Proffided further:  TEat the Commandant, in
order to maintain discipline, be and is hereby authorized to
assess fines against the pay of cadet officers for delinquencies,
and in his discretion to remit said fines.
          That the payment of fifteen cents an hour to the cadet
adjutant, for the actual time engaged in office work, be and is
hereby authorized.

          That a salary of $8.00 per month, to the cadet quarter-
master sergeant, when engaged in the care of the arms and ord-
nance equipment of the University, be and is hereby authorized.

          That the sum of $75.00 be and is hereby set aside
annually for the purchase of prizes to be awarded to the members
of the best cadet company. The realtive proficiency to be decided
by. an annual competition, under rules and regulations prepared
by the Commandant.

          That these resolutions take effect at once- and embrace
the present school year.

                               Very respectfully,

                                       High M. Kelly.

                              1st. Lie~tenant, 26th Infantry,
                       Professar of Military Science and Tactic&."

          Motion was made and seconded and on roll call tire motion

was unanimously carried.

          RESOiVED: That the care of our trees be put under

Professor Garman, who is authorized and requested to do such trim-

ming and other things that to him may seem best for the preserva-

tion of the trees.