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,The University of Kentucky is one
of the unfortunate state universities
that can boast of no endowment, no
Alumni Fund and no source of income rather than that which the members of the Kentucky legislature and
senate see fit to give it every two
from the
This income
state for the last few years
has been woefully inadequate as
every graduate and former student
knows. Only through the skilful and
able handling of the affairs and the
finances, by those who direct the
destiny of the University of Kentucky, has it been possible for the
university to keep pace with the demand upon it as well as it has. However, all the skillful handling in the
world will not enable the university
to keep pace with the demand, that
each year is increasing more and
more, without additional and substantially additional financial aid from
some source.
With the one exception of the football stadium and the new basketball
building the Alumni and friends of the
University of Kentucky has not been
called upon to give fiinancial aid to
the university. At least it has been
many years since any such call was
made, if at all.
Time and time again the following
fact has been called to the attention
of Alumni and friends of the university but it is a facjt that will bear
repeating time and time again in the
future. The University of Kentucky is
just entering into the era of its greatest service to the state and nation.
This service has been growing and expanding each year. No longer is the
work of the University of Kentucky
confined to its campus but it now
reaches out into every county in Kentucky and into every home in every
county. Countless services are being
rendered each year that are not in
Within the
the regular curricula.
short space of five years the farmers
of the state have been benefited to
the extent of hundreds of thousands
of dollars in actual cash in addition
to the improvement in living conditions and improved methods of

farming. This is but one of the many
things that the University of Kentucky is doing in the state.
Never before in its history has the
full cooperation of the Alumni and
friends of the university been more
needed. A multitude of services to
the university are presenting themselves to the Alumni and friends, and
one of the greatest and most needed
services to the university is one that
is the easiest to perform. It is the
duty of every graduate and former
student of the university to acquaint
himself with the problems, needs and
difficulties that face the university.
Mere curiosity should prompt this if
no other reason. With the needs and
problems of the university cleajrly
realized each and every one should
make himself a publicity bureau of
one and spread these needs to every
one he meets. The building up of a
strong sentiment for the advancement
of education through the University of
Kentucky is a prime necessity for the
growth and expansion of the university.
There are some Alumni whose interest in their Alma Mater is begun,
entered, and ended in the football
team of the institution from which
they were graduated. This type of
interest, while it to a certain extent
interests them in their university or
college, will not build buildings and
hire additional faculty members to
care for the ever increasing student

Captain of Championship Basketball Team of South in
1921 Will Train Varsity



Basil E. Hayden, '21, captain of
the Wildcat basketball team of the
university in 1921 when the Blue and
White basketeers brought to Lexington the title of champions of the
South, has been selected as coach
of the varsity basketball squad for
this season. Coach Hayden already has
assumed his duties and is whipping
the squad into shape for the first
game of the season which will be
played with the University of Cincinnati in Lexinton Staurday, December 18.
Coach Hayden in addition to being
a stellar preformer on the basketball floor was a track man and for
years held the southern championship
for the javelin throw.
Following the tournament on Atlanta in the spring of 1921 when the
team led by Captain Hayden, won the
championship, he was given a place
bason the mythical
ket ball team. Sport writers in Atlanta were loud in their praise of
his ability on the floor and one inspired writer went so far as to call
him Blond Apollo of the basketball
world, a True Kentucky Thoroughbred.
Following his graduation he went
to Kentucky Wesleyan College
Winchester and was head coach there
for some time. He then went to Stanbody.
Ky., where he was principal of
It has been estimated that by 1930 ford,high school and athletic coach.
there will be 3,200 resident students For the last year he has been locatseeking higher education at the Uni- ed in Richmond where he was enversity of Kentucky. Without in- gaged in the insurance business.
creased support some of these will,
out of necessity be turned away
from the University of Kentucky and is located at Alexandria, Ky.
Max Carter Battel 5s with the
will have to seek their college training
in institutions out of the state. If this Radio Engineering Department of the
Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacshould ever be the case it would be a
turing Company. He is living at 1346
most serious indictment against the Marlboro street, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Jeanette T. Bell (Mrs. S. E.
is living at 13 Alford Place,
The University of Kentucky needs
every man and woman of you to help South Jacksonville, Fla.
carry the greatest burden of educaWilliam S. Berkshire is an
with offices in 'the Retion in the state. What are you going
to do to help raise Kentucky to the public Life building, El Passo, Texas.
Robert L. Bierbaum is a metalltop of the educational list in the
urgist in the research labratory of
South? It all depends on you.
the General Electric Company. He
is living at 136 Bruce street, Scotis,
New York.
Horace P. Bird is County AgriculWilliam C. Almstedt is
dent of the Bowling Green yuaries tural Agent for Sullivan county,
Tenn. He is living in Bristol, Tenn.
Comnanv. of Bowline Green. Ky.
Jonh E. Boiling is publicity engineer
James W. Atkins is superintendent
Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
Engineering Corporathird Monday in each month in the of the Melcroft Coal Company ot for the Carrier
tion. He is living at 1044 Catalpha
Claxton Ky.
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Chicago, 111.
Virgil A. Babbage, is a manufact- avenue,
Eva Marguerite
Brown (Mrs.
urer of ice cream in Tullahoma. Tenn.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
Abe Sidney Behrman is chief chem Henry C. Thompson), is living at
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca a ad ist for the International Filter Com 164 South Clinton street, Iowa City,
pany and is living at 333 West 25th Iowa.
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
Teresa E. Buchignani is secretary
place, Chicago, HI.
L. McVey, of the
to President
Edgar C. T. Blaker is with the B. university. Frank
Her address is 184 North
Comnanv. of Chicago.
V. Sturtevant
His address is 6622 North Ashland Ashland avenue.
David P. Campbell is secreatry of
the Lewis Implement and Seed ComD. Brown is farm manager
pany, of Louisville, Ky. His home
for Robert I. Todd, at Bal Alton, is 218 West Burnett, Louisville.
His address is Cousion
Joseph Carlyle Carter is an
Annabel Acker, (Mrs. William E. Manor, Bal Alton, Md.
and is located in
Cookson), is living at 1134 "J" street,
William S. Carrithers is foreman
Eureka, Calif.
with the Carbondale Machine Com
Logan Bentley Caywood is with the
William Cobb Armstrong is with pany, of Carbondale, Pa.
Hartford, Fairmont Engineering ComSarle Cassady is an attorney-at- the Lea'chwood Company at Janes-villpany, at Hartford, Conn.
law in Inez, Ky.
Ella Mae Cheatham, (Mrs. J. L.
George A. Chrisman is living at
Brinkley Barnett is an assistant proHall), is living at 737 East 16th street,
Electrical Engineering in Nicholasville, Ky.
fessor in
Denver, Colo.
Levi 0. Coleman is general superin
the College of Engineering of the
Mrs. Mary C. Love Collins is an
University of Kentucky. ""He is liv- tendent of construction for the L. S attorney-at-lawith offices in the
of Fayette
ing at 336 South Broadway Park. Kuhn Construction Company,
National Bank building, Lex111.
civil en- Bloomington,
Edgar Fleming Bates is a
ington, Ky.
Robert B. Cottrell, is a testing enTownsel Combs is engaged in gengineer with offices in Danville, Ky. gineer
for the American Steel Foun eral engineering work for coal comCharles Leon Bosley is an engineer dries at Granite City, 111. His address
with the Pennsylvania Railway Com- is 501 North 23rd street, East St, panies at Langley, Ky.
James S. Connell is in the automopany and is located with the Detroit Louis, 111.
bile business with the firm of J. H.
offices of the company.
Paul H. Croft is supervisor of con- Connell
and Son in Dallas Texas.
Arthur T. Bryson is an attorney-at-la- struction for the Illinois Central Rail
Samuel Edward Cooke is with the
with offices in the Gaylord way Company and is located in Ful
John Manville Company and is locatbuilding, Ashland, Ky. His residence ton, Ky.
ed in Ashland, Ky.
address is 507 East Hilton avenue.
William C. Cross is assistant man
Samuel N. Courtney is factory supager of the C. Lee Cook Manufact
James Robinson Bussey is an
erintendent for the Cary Springs
and is one of the mem- uring Company, of Louisville. His Wprks, New York City. He is livbers of the firm of Lane and Bussey address is 1460 South Second street, ing at 172 Linwood street, Brooklyn,
with offices in the Central National Louisville, Ky.
New York.
Bank building, St. Petersburg, Fla.
Minnie Toler Cramer (Mrs. Ralph
Jesse E. Acker is head of the Home Wyatt)
John S. Chambers is head of the
is teaching (chemistry and
Public Health Clinic' of Lexington Economics Department of Bethany physics in the Lexington Senior High
College at Bethany, West Va.
and lives at 812 Cramer avenue.
Gearge B. Arnold is with the Buhl school.
Lambert S. Corbett is .head' of the
William P. Crawley, Jr., is with the
department of Animal Husbandry at Verville Company, of 2730 Scotten Standard Oil Company, in Louisville,
the University of Maine, Orono, Me. avenue, Detroit, Mich.
His address is R. R. No. 22,
Joseph G. Audjs a draftsman with Box 280
Louise D. Covitt is teaching school
and lives at 6125 Ellis avenue, Chic- the Huntley Manufacturing Company,
Grace A. Cruickshank is teaching
of Silver Creek, New York. His ad- history in the Lexington Senior High
ago, 111.
dress is 13 Tew street, Silver Creek, school. She is living at 456 Columbia
Maude Creekmore (Mrs. B. B.
is living at 396 Linden Walk, New York.
James L. Bailey is a farmer and
Lexington, Ky.
Russell F. Alberts is assistant Maintenance Engineer for the Kentucky
State Road Department, Frankfort,
$3, alumni dues.
Encloced find check for
Elizabeth B. Alexander, (Mrs.
$50, life membership
Claude B. Toylor), is home demonstration agent for Princess Anne county,
Va. Her address is Princess Anne,
Lawrence M. Amburgy is County
Agricultural Agent for Boyd county
and is located in Cattletsburg, Ky.
Virginia F. Anderson, Mrs. Richard
Business Address
W. Bozen) is an instructor in mechanical drawing in the College in
Engineering of the University of Kentucky. She lives at 499 East Main
street, Lexington, Ky.
Clyde R. Barker is an attorney- (Give maiden name of wife, 'date of marriage, names and
in Brooksville, Ky.
ages of children).
Pearl Allyne Batsin (Mrs. Harry
Herring) is living at 625 East Main
street, Lexington, Ky.
Clarence Albert Beutel is teaching

vice-pre- si








Secy.-Trea- s.




December 21 Indiana at Lexington.
December 27 Cincinnati at
December 31 Princeton at Lexington.
January 8 Florida at Lexington.
January 15 Vanderbilt at Lexington.
January 22 Georgia Tech at
JJanuary 24 Tennessee at Knox-vill-



Members of the Lexington Club of
the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky were host to the
senior members of the football team
at a luncheon Saturday December 4,
in the ballroom of the Lafayette hotel.
Approximately fifty persons were
present at the luncheon. Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, president of the
Home Cooking
Lexington Club presided and introduced president James Park of the
Alumni Association who was the only
The guests of honor were: Capt.
Frank Smith, Ted Creech, Denver
Dehaven and H. Portwood, of the
team. Basil Hayden, '21, newly appointed basketball coach, Mrs. Hay- mtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii
den, Jimmie McFarland, coach of the
freshmen basketball team and Birkett
Lee Pribble assistant coach of the
football team also were guests of
the club.
President Park was the only speaker at the luncheon and he thanked
the senior members of the football
Train No.
team in behalf of the Lexington Club
and the Alumni Association for their
Sewanee River Special
4:25 A.M.
service to the University of Ken2
Ponce De Leon
4:55 A.M.
tucky during their four years on the
Queen City Special
5:50 A.M.
gridiron. He also welcomed Coach
Blue Grass Special
7:20 A.M.
Hayden back to the campus and
Carolina Special
7:50 A.M.
pledged him the undivided support of
Queen and Crescent Limited 8:30 A.M.
the Lexington Club and the Alumni
Local Express
2:05 P.M.
Following the luncheon the mem4
Ohio Special
6:35 P.M.
bers of the club held a short business
Royal Palm
6:55 P.M.
meeeting and discussed the affairs
For tickets and information apply
of the club and of the University of




Solemnized Last Week
Marriage Is of Especial Interest
to Very Large Body of

Alumnus Advances

at-la- w



Cramer, Manager

Trains to
Cincinnati, Ohio Daily

Miss Mary Lair
of Cynthiana
and Mr. Oliver Perry Alford, of Flushing, Long Island, were married in
Cynthiana Thursday, December
This marriage is of especial
interest to a large number of Alumni
of the University of Kentucky; those
who, know Mrs. Alford land those
older ones who were in school here
with the parents of the groom. Mr.
Alford is the son of Mr .and Mrs.
Smith Alford both of whom are graduates of the university. Mr. Smith
Alford was graduated from the College of Arts and Science with the
class of '96. Mrs. Alford before her
marriage was Miss Ida West Lucus. Charles D. Graham, '24, Takes
of Lexington, and she was graduated
Position in Philadelphia
trom the College of Arts and Science
with the class of '98.
Mr. and Mrs: Charles D. Graham
The bride is a member of Kappa formerly of St. Louis were in LexKappa Gamma, sorority and was one ington last week on their way from
of the regimental sponsors in the St Louis to Philadelphial where they
R. O. T. C. battallion of the univer will make their home in the future.
sity last year. She was one of the J Mr. Graham has been an engineer
most popular ana attractive women with William B. Ittner, architect, in
students during her stay at the uni- St. Louis to Philadelphia where they
recently was offered an important
Mr. Oliver Perry Alford is a grad- position with the New York Heating
uate of Princeton University with the and Ventilating Corporation of Philclass of 1922. After graduation he adelphia. He and Mrs.Graham spent
coached two years at Princeton and several days in Lexington the guests
last year was line coach at the Uni- of friends and relatives before going
versity of Kentucky. It was during to Philadelphia. Mrs. Graham before
the time that he served in this cap- their marriage last September was
acity that he met his wife.
Miss Louise Burks a graduate of
They are spending their honey- 1925. They will make their home in
moon in Bermuda and will be at Philadelphia and will be an addition
home in Flushing, Long Island, on to the colony of former Kentucky
men and women who are in that city.
their return.
Their address for the present will be
in care of the York Heating and Ven
tilating Corporation.
1502 Locust
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hahn have street, Philadelphia, Pa.
announced the birth of a son which
has been named Thomas Marshall
Hahn, Jr. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hahn
W. H. Johnston, '04 who has been
are graduates of the university and
Mr. Hahn is a member of the class located in Indianapolis for some time
of 1924.
Mr. Hahn is an instructor where he is engaged in the Rail
in the department of physics of the way Supply business in just recover
Mrs. Hahn before her ing from a severe illness and is re
marriage was Miss Elizabeth Boston, cuperating in Florida at the present.
of Millersburg.
This information came to us from
Neal T. McKee, '03, who is located
in New York where he is assistant
mathematics in the Manuel Train- to the
of the Super
ing High school in Louisville.
heater Company at 17 East 42nd
Alfred D. Dosley is in the business street. He informs this office that
department of the People's Power Mr. Johnston is at present at Palm
Company, of Moline, 111. His address Lodge, Homestead, Florida.
is 2508 Ninth avenue, Moline, 111.
going to Indianapolis to engage in
Charles L. Bowers is on the Fed- business for himself Mr. Johnston
eral Board of Vocational Education was service engineer for the Franklin
and is living at 716 Overton street, Railway Supply Company which also
Newport, Ky.
is located at 17 East 42nd street.
Edith Hazel Brown (Mrs. Richard
L. Watkins) is teaching general
science in the Grant Junior and South dent of schools at Anchoraee. Ky,
Side High schools in Denver, Colo.
William Whitlock Clarke, Jr., is a
Her address is 975 Washington street, civil engineer with the Pennsvlvania
Denver, Colo.
Railway Company. He. is located at
Elizabeth Robinson Cary is teach- 928 Hight street, Logansport, Ind.
ing in the Peace Institution in RalAnthony B. Combs in an attorney- eigh, North Carolina.
in Prestnosburg, Ky.
Gearge L. Cherry is a sales engineer
N. Minton Cregor is a chemist with
with the De Laval Separator Com- Angeles, Calif.
pany of Chicago. He is living at 483
Lucille Harrison Cluckchank (Mrs
Libertyville, 111.
Richard W. Scearce) is living at 188
Marcus Jerome Clark is superinten- - Crescent avenue, Louisville, Ky.


Parties and Banquets



ex-'2- 8,

gives "special attention to

University Organizations

Jaunary 29 Open.
February 3 Washington and
Lee at Lexington.
February 7 West Virginia .at
February 12 Centre at Dan-

Lair-Alfo- rd


The Phoenix Hotel


February 19 Tennessee at
February 25 Southern

Quality and Service

Alumni Assn.

Senior Members of Football
Team Are Guests of Honor
at Meeting of Local


Phone 1550

152 South Lime





Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association


Edited by


Division Passenger Agent

Southern Railway System

Holiday Footwear

Paisley Slippers
Are Correct for Holiday Occasions


Beautiful Styles in Silver, Kid, Strap or Pumps


They Are Something New

Mitchell, Baker & Smith

Rent a Big


The Alumni office would appreciate it if you would
office addresses of any of the graduates listed below.
Ernest Edgar Pittman '15

City Ticket Agent


into this

Drive It Yourself

Charles Stephenson Rainey '15

Barbour Shoemaker

Take your Choice of

Ralph Emerson Bitner '16
Mary Louise Daugherty '16
Norberto Devera '16

Sue Hunt Frost '16

Studebaker-U-Driv- e

Mrs. Bessie Fogle Judd '16


at-la- w

Charles Frank Kumli '16

333 E. Main St.

phone 707
