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What Val ue Resea rch .
At The University of Kentucky research is passed on to undergraduate and graduate
important for many reasons, not the least of students in the classroom.
which is the contribution it makes to the And while much Of the research we hear
"°°3Z$'§.“§?Z`Z`»?§’¤"L'ZZ$“éZFO“iLSiE?.?;uck needs tttttt tt ttttttttt t esea tttt tt tt ttttptttttttt tt
. . . Y . . remember the contributions made by basic
8 TOD I'€S€8l'Ch UDIVBTSIIY. Research UHIVETSIIIBS research _ those quieter Victories being won
tt t t I . A d I tt t . . . . .
a rec Op pgope n wp mop? 8 .rac daily in biology, chemistry, mathematics and
business and industry, particularly in this era ph sics laboratories for Exam Ie
of high tech. V ' p ' _
University research people are also excellent So support a strong research program for
teachers who make significant contributions to The University of Kentucky where our goal is
the instructional programs of the institution. to provide the new ideas and information our  
Their research uncovers new ideas which are state must have to prosper. A
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