, Architecture Feotured in ltoly Supercomputer Network Business College Internotioncil
u 'Q -   _  W  _ ) Because UK is one of 21 universities se- The University of Kentucky’s College
`·     1 ,,»   lected by ’Ch€ National Science Founda- of Business and Economics will broaden
‘ Q i in I ‘ it   tion to participate in the SURAnet its international scope under a $60,000
-‘     i   computer network, UK’s researchers grant from the U.S. Department of Ed-
  .. -   »:_ _   will have direct access to many of ucation.
’t it  F       the nati0n’s most powerful super- The grant will help establish student
Y 1   tr .3*     computers. SURAnet is a 12—state com- internships and faculty exchange pro-
l· e `  l r rt   QT   puter 1'1€tW01`l< being set up at major grams with private companies and uni-
a {  V,   `i i state universities by the Southeastern yersities in Europe and Asia, said
"   V; · Universities Research Association. It is Dean Richard Furst_
It », ° ii   i the first network in the NSF national The UK College will also develop a
" 1 ` ‘ it  ` Sup€fCOH1pUt€1` network. It will l>€r1€iit major international trade seminar in co-
Z' , __   UK in two principal ways: It will make operation with the U.S. Department of
Ye `   0ut‘0r‘$t&te $i1Per€0rr1P¤ier$ rridre &€€€$‘ Commerce and the First National Bank
i·     sible to UK faculty and will provide ad- gf Louisville
l-   ditional uses for UK’s own proposed Furst called the grant an important
7_ jj Anthony Eordley . . . ,
.· 1 _ _ _ SUP€r€0mP11t€r which Was approved by step toward realizing the college s goal
h .1 The heheh architecture Journal, Pam` the 1986 Geherei AsSemhiY· SuPereom‘ of internationalizing the academic pro-
>· t ”tt"°» itetiittti the utiiYt’rs‘tY er Keir puters sehereiiy eue used fer highly grams for its approximately 3,200 tio-
g.· · tucky College of Architecture in its coinnlicatcd "numhci~orunohing" dcrgraduarc and graduatc srudcnm
ir ,t August issue The imemenoneuY`re` Prohiems reduirmg huge humhers ef Recently, the college established the
Ve ` speereulourneu featured students, Worlo €&l€ul3ii0riS· SeVer&i UK raeuitY are Center for International Business Stud-
l it tiiscussitm er the otiiicgtis teething peyius ie use supereemputers iu ether ies, with Professor corr Harvey os oi-
i' PhiiosoPhY= and an inuioeluetory ertieie States- Ofheiels hepe UK’s suPer‘ rector. Two MBA students spent the
Vi l by erehiteeture dean Anthony Eereuelh Computer will he Oh erder withiu ti Year spring semester working for Seimens
»n V The issue contains text in both English and opcrational by the 1988-89 aes- Corn in Munich, Wcst Gcrmanyc In
ls 1 arid italian- demic year. Other colleges and univer- addition, a faculty cxchangc program
*e T "it’S tt distinct iitiiitirfi Eaitiiey saith sities iu Keutueky will have seeess te with the Economics University or Vien-
2 adding that he reels UK Wes selected sURAuet bY eohheetirig te UK· UK)s na, Austria, has been established and
e` ii "heeeuse We heye Something te sey·" suPereomPuter also Wiii he used hY the negotiations for a similar program with
1S UK is Only the third American seheel te higher education, research and business thc Uniycysity of Munich arc taking
y. 1 be featured in the journal. (The Ken- cornmunitics in thc State njacc_
1e in tucky Alumnus featured the college in its Furst and Brint Miiward) director Of
r' l Wihier i98o"8o issue) the Center for Business and Economic
i' i The UK erehiteeture Program Puts 3 Research, visited japan and China in
1 sueus emphasis eu the histery sud the- October to begin discussions for eooi-
k- _ ory of the craft, as well as the applica- tional working relationships with uni-
h‘ 5 tiohs» E?irdieY saYs· _ _ _ versities in those countries.
ir ‘ The dean said the issue contains illus-
1g 1 trations of student work, with the text
id   discussing the approach the students
a and instructors took toward each partic-
 ` ular project.
» The "high degree of autonomy" giv-
en to UK architecture professors, and
»» the resultant diversity of work, im-
  pressed the editors of the journal,
i Eardley said. Visiting professors from
— Europe also have been impressed with
1 the quality of the UK program and
` have helped build the school’s interna-
, tional reputation, he said.
1 UK 3