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L. Page Page
ii Metallurgical Engineering Refund of Fees ___,___ 1 ........,..___ 1..1... 20
5i Curriculum .1 ...... -.1..1 ............... 98 Registraiton Schedule .............. 1 8
>] List of Courses ...1 ....... 1.1 ........... 262 Religious Life .... - ............ - ............ 34 ·
g Military Science .i.... 1 ..,.. 1 ....... 66, 191 Repeated Failures ,l..... 1 .....,....... 1 28
  Mining Engineering Requirements for Graduation .... 31
i Curriculum 1 ............. 1-1 ...... ...1 99 Residence _1_,.. - ..,... .1..1.1.1..1..-1. 20
List of Courses ....., 1111 ...... 111 265 Residence Halls ................,........... 21
. Ml1SlC ------- --- --—--- — ---- —-»-——— ------ 68, 192 Romance Languages .1... 1..11...1:`215
Music Education ......... 1 ..11 1.1 ........ 286 R_O_T,(j_ _AA________ ___ _______________________ 1. 66
Nurses, Courses for .... -.-..1 ....... 73 Rules Affecting Students .1 ......... 27
[ Office Organization and Rural Socioiogy ________ _______ _______ 237
§ P€I`SOYl¤€l ....------------- —t »--- -—-— »··-----—- 337 Sanitary Engineering .1...1 .......... 92
H Ol;iIJg;;nniti€S for Financial 23 Scéiolarsihp and Attendance-
i —-—--—------ — ----—-—---—-- ——-—-— -—------— — mi _.,... 1 __,_____1____
. Organizations, Student ...-.1.1 .... 35 Sghglgi A;t·§$,ig2S"j5§§gi-ani gg;
· Ornamental Horticulture —~-··~~ S0 Secondary Education .......... 1 0*8-; 288
· Pamtmg —-·~·······~~—··— ····· — ······· *··· 149 Second Bachelor’s or
1 Personnel Office ...11 ....... .1 ........... 304 ·
. Masters Degree ...1 .......... 1 ....... 32
· 1;§€i§’;)r;§y Service ······· ·· ···*···*··’···· lg?} Secretarial Training
‘ Philosophy of Education ........ 1 286 S,§fu1E;$um ''‘```‘`' " `'‘‘``''```` "“ ````‘`' 1%;
Physical Education .1..1.1..-..70,   Social WOQE ‘‘`‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ " `‘‘'''`‘‘`‘`‘`'‘'` "jg" 218
Physics 1 ......................... 1 ...... .1.1. ·‘ ““‘“‘’‘’``‘```’’‘‘‘’`’` ’“` ’
Physiology 1 ..... 11...- ......1..... 1 ......1.. 141 gggfggl? ``A`````’``````'````````'``````' “ A````’``  
Placement _Bureau-Teachersi. 305 Special Sgggiggg `‘‘``’‘‘`‘`‘`‘‘`‘‘‘`` "fgg"‘ 299
Ilgohflcal Sowoco —·-—······r···"71*   Statistical Summary 1 ._........... 11. 351 _
P°u_§Dr°gniE{··é·6H;··* ····· — ·······‘ “ ‘‘‘‘ *"‘ 58 Student Activities ....... 1 .............. . 35
  Pr;-Law ceursesiiiijljiljfjjjlil 58 Stiidoot lgssooiblios
. Pre—Medical Courses ....... 1 ........... 58 E§Hi(hL;€%I;,l° ‘‘‘···‘·‘·‘i·‘·i······`·· · ···*·· gy
I Preparation of Teachers — Studg t If g ·*‘*‘‘‘’‘····‘··‘·············· z" 2;
Arts and Sciences ....... 1 ........... 73 Tcaci; P?a ····`·` { ··§·· **····*·· ~··s·· 305
. Preparation for Work in r facémen uréim ····‘‘
i Geology _____ _____ ______________ ___ _____________ 62 Tilansfer hrom One Curiiculum
Prizes and Awards .1...1..1 ........... 24 0 Anot or ··*·····--·---- ———--——— -·-—--· 28
Probation __ __________ _ ______ ______; ___________ __ 27 Tl.lt0!`l2ll. YV0l`k ............... 1 .......... 1... 53
7 Professional Degrees- U¤·v¢tS·t>r Extension _
Engineering ____ ___________________ __39, 126 _ Regulations Governing .1 ....... 29
J Professional Societies ....... 1..1.1 36 D€P?~I`_rn"*€nt of ———»-—~——--—------—-—-——-——- 133
ri Psychology ____.______ 1.1 _____.. 1 ....... 72, 211 UniV€1`S}'tY of Kentucky
7 Publications ....... - .............. 1 ....... 4, as Location, Accreditation,
; Public Service Courses ....... 1 ....... 71 Orsonlzatloo. Histoiy of t»»- 13
i Public Service Institutes ..... 1... 306 Unsatisfactory Scholarship
i Public sneaking __________________V_ 1.1__ 166 and Attendance .......................... 28
1 Public Relations—Department VlS¤’i0[‘S .».»»»·-.tt.t»»te»t- 2 -~--»- - »·-»-»-.tt. 16, 27
, of _____________ 1 _____ 1 _______________________.__.____ 305 Vocational Education ........ 108, 290
{V4 Recognition Societies ____.___.,.......... 35 Zoology to ...1 ........-»................».........t-. 225
l _