James Henry  Coleman, A.B.,  Garretsburg
A A 2; T. K. A.; Varsity Debating Team; President History Club; Secretary Union Literary Society (3); Secretary Democrat Club (4); Henry Clay Law Society; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; First Lieutenant (4); Press Association.
"Ah,  me,
That I the Judge's bride might be."
"Judge" did not decide to join us until he had spent some time at Berea, but we have already forgiven him for that since he promised never to return. He began as a lawyer, but decided he had best take A. B. first, in order to grace a high and mighty bench some day as he should. "Judge" is some military man, as you may find out if you step out on the parade grounds some day.
Townsel  Combs,   B.C.E.,   Smithsboro T B  K,  Mountain   Club,   Republican   Club,   B.   S.   C.   E. "Correct  to   a  gnat's   heel."
"Shorty" became a shark in math in his Senior year, and we wonder why he didn't start sooner. When he does get "on the job" you can bet that it will be done right. "Shorty" is a true friend, and ready to help at all times.     So here's hoping,  "'old boy."
We would like to know the name of the little lass back at   Smithsborohe   sure   is   faithful   to   her.
Samuel   Edwards   Cooke,   B.C.E.,   Harrodsburg
T B K; President Brooks Engineering Society; Business Manager   Transit;   Six-One   Club;   Managers'   Club.
"Welcome   ever   smiles
And   Farewell   goes   out   sighing."
"Tiny" and "Little Un"that has been an inseparable team for four years. "Tiny" doesn't care very much about frivolous pleasures; bis greatest pleasure being derived from showing Freshman Civils how much they don't know. Sammy has improved each shining hour since his stay, and every one will have pleasant recollections  of  that  old  smile.
James   Salmon   Conn ell.  B.S.,  Lexington
Agricultural   Society. "Better late than never."
While Tames has been with Little Joe's joyous jays but one year, he well knew that to graduate with that talented (?) bunch was an opportunity that even an Ag.   could  not   overlook.
He hasn't been here long enough for us to learn many dark   secrets   to   disclose.