Elizabeth  Fearn  Eldridge,  A.]!.,   Paint  Lick.
Philosophian Literary Society; Y. W. C. A.; Choral Society   (3);  Y.   W.   C.  A.   Cabinet   (3).
"Anything,   anything   to   let   the   wheels Of argument  run  glibly  to  their  goal."
"No matter what you ask Elizabeth, she can always tell you something about it." Let us add, ''If she cannot, she can at least make a good bluff at it, especially if it is to a professor." All of which goes to show why Elizabeth came out from "Tige's," Farquhar's, and even "Monk's" gruelling questions with flying colorsor better still, "soaring" grades. Here's to Bettymay she go back and teach the "Paint-Iickers" to appreciate Chaucer  and  his  contemporaries.
Denny  David Elliott,  B.S.  Agr.,  Humphrey
Pres. Six-One Club; Treas. Agricultural Society; Treas. Republican Club; Class Football; Mountain Club; Dairy Team.
"Down   on   the   farm."
 in "Jack," for they  He can tell you why  all    those   interesting
Folks    surely    have    confidence even  trust him with  their money! a   cow   has   no   upper   teethand things.
Dispatches from Chicago state that "Jack" caused grief among the frails there when he returned to his old Kentucky   home,   after  that   dairy  team   trip.
Charles    B.    Elston,    B.S.Agr.,   Turner's    Station
Vice President of Six-One Club (3); Freshman Track Team.
"Yon  Cassius  has a lean  and hungry look."
His homefolks call him "Charlie" but the fellows call him "Slim!" To him belongs the honor of being the tallest man in the class. This evening shadow is also "way up" in the estimation of his classmates and even the faculty. Steadfastly "Slim," a silent and staunch scout,   shuns  "skirts!"
Warren   Lyddane   Eubank,   Law,   Lexington.
A X; Se'cy. Henry Clay Law Society; Strollers; Mgr. Law Baseball Team* (4); Democrat Club; Law Debating Team   (4).
"I   love  the  ladies.'*
When Warren's dad becomes State School Superintendent, maybe he will delegate his son (the Law Department's joy and our pride) to inspect the school "inarms." That would be much more interesting than hanging horse thievesand Warren could doubtless make a success of it. But we hazard a guess that after he has left the school room, some poor dame's heart will beat  abnormally   for  a  long  time.     Vide   our  co-eds!