William   Preston   Tuttle,   B.S.Agr.,    Somerset
A T 9.; A Z; Lamp and Cross; Mystic 13; Varsity Football (1-2-3-4) ; Varsity Basket Ball (1-2-3-4); Varsity Baseball (3-4); Basket Ball Captain (3); Captain Class Baseball (1); President of Sophomore Class; Apple Team (4) ; Athletic Committee.
"What   weapons   has   the   lion   but   himself?"
Since all the honors possible in the undergraduate world have been his, "Squirrelly's" achievement list has about taken all the space available. The class of '15 will never tell the under grads. to come of the thrilling games of old but what the name of Tuttle will be mentioned. He is one of the men whose fellowship at college  will   be  treasured  for  all   time.
Henry   O.   Wagner.    B.M.E.,   Mayfield
A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E.; Dynamic Engineering Society;   Pennyroyal   Club.
"Oh,   but   give   me   worship   and   quietness, I like  it better  than  a  dangerous  honor."
"Hans'1 Wagner, named after the great and only "Hans" but possessing none of the characteristics of the peerless hurler, is a likeable chap who likes to punctuate his sentences with the stereotyped phrase, "Saw Mary today," but even with this handicap "Hans" manages to pass away many hours far away from the maddening noise of the school whistle and occasionally finds time to don his "Society Rigging" and take a Jitney bus to Sayre, where he allies himself with the Suffragettes for    the    time    being.
James   Rufus   Watkins,   B.C.E.,   Central   City
T B II; Lamed Pe; Triangle Club; Pennyroyal Club; Exchange Editor of Transit;  Brooks Engineering  Society.
"Speak   of  me   as   I  am;   nothing   extenuate Nor   set   down   ought   in   malice."
"Azzie" was afraid that he would not get a good writeup, so we will do the best we can under the circumstances.
Watkins is the best engineer in the University, as evinced by Ins making Tau Beta Pi; his habits are so exemplary that even Dean Melcher could not scruple at them; he counts his friends by the legion, and unless all   signs  fail  will  make   a resounding  name   for   himself.
How's   that?
Edford Milton Walter, B.M.E., Blair
A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Dynamic Engineering Society.
"A   merrier   man
Within   the   limit   of   becoming   mirth,
I   never   spent   an   hour's   talk   withal."
"Mutt" is one of the chief fun-spillmongers of the Senior Mechanical bunch. His career here has been "many and varied" even to the extent of holding conferences with the agricultural ring leaders in trying to enlarge his fund of information about cattle. No one knows where^ he'll go after his diploma is served "table d'hote" but it is thought that he and George Campbell will   be   found   together.