William   Patrick   Crawley,   B.M.E.,   Louisville
A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E.; Faraday Engineering Society;  Louisville  Club;  T B K;   Democratic Club.
"Fain  would   I  climb,   but  that   I   fear   to   fall."
Ever since he had his name put on the list of "those present" at State, "Pat" has had a peculiar penchant for tall, outin-town blondes and his stay here has been sufficiently long for him to get acquainted with all of them. After graduation he expects to locate in a larger city, where there are more of them. But in spite of this drawback, "Pat" will no doubt carry on his engineering  work  as  successfully  as  he   has  in   school.
William   Perry   Drake,   Law,   Bowling   Green Henry Clay Law Society.
"Ye   bards   may   sing   of   tassled   corn
And   prate   of   rock   and   rill But  I,"
"Duck" is one of those sort of fellows who never keep you guessing, you can always tell just what sort of an answer to expect to any question put to him. His favorite in the faculty, he says, is Judge Chalkley, because he and the Judge get on so well together. "Duck" has already passed the bar examination and is ready for anything, including another examination in Constitutional   Law.
John    McGarvey   Ligon,   B.S.   Agt.,    Barbourville Lamed  Pe;   Agricultural   Society.
"Satisfaction,   or   your   money   back."
You may walk into Graddy and Ryan's almost any time and see John's smiling face that says "I know you have got some money. So just lay your pile out on the counter, for you can't get away with it." He is some business man, just like those people associated in ancient history with the Gentiles, and he knows it. Friendship for John draws the fellows in, and if that could draw his crops from the earth he would be a famous farmer.
Thomas   Hart   Robinson,   A.B.,   Law,   Winchester 2 N;  !' A  A. "I'm   free,   male,   white,   and   twenty-one."
Robinson is a member of the Benedicts in the University, but with it all he is an all 'round good fellow, paradoxical as it may seem. He has a Bachelor's degree from our ancient rival. Central University, and if they are all like him over there, they are not such a bad lot after all. Taking him all in all, we will be disappointed if we do not have an opportunity to vote for   him   for   State   Senator.