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T ALERICAN RED CROSS, OHIO COUNTY CnAPTER (American National Red Cross), @
c/e Hrs. J. S. Priest, Jr., Hertford, Founded 1914, Chairmen, Mrs, J. S, §
Priest, Jr, Telephone ISOJN. becretary, Hrs. Alva Bean, Centertown, Tele- l
phone, 121-A. Terms indefinite. ” · t ‘ §
Kembership;·550, Qualific&tions,·opcn to persons_interestod in Red Cross {
_ and subscription of one dollar or more, " “ · Q
Committees; Icmbers, C. P. Austin, Beaver Dam; Mrs, Alva Been, Centertown; §
Cecil Lertin, Hartford; Hrs. Ed Nelson, KcHenry; Otho West, Hartford;—Hrs; Q
Gilce Moore, Hertford; Hrs. Fount Crowe, Beever Dam; Mrs. Anna Barnes, Q
Deaver Dom, _ 1 _ s
. · s _ L, ’ . 4 _,cr_, g
Purpose: Emergency relief in time of disaster; Service and relief for men §
of U. S. Armed Torccs and their families, _ , . g
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with Ohio County Health Dept,` Also i
furnished glasses for school children, ,. _ 3
, - V _ - __,; · _, ;_r. lg
Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical S E
Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, _ _ Q Q
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Local Publications: None, · 1 " A ` ig
B. T. U.) Baptist Church, Hartford. Founded 1930, President, Miss Gussie §
- Smith, Hertford.- Secretary, Miss Tillie Tichenor, Hartford,t Terms exe Q
pirod October, 1942, . ‘J °` V ` “ I ,_'_ I- Q
Membership; 50, Qualifications, open to church members having a definite "§
interest in religious training, _ _, _ §
A N I /- _ if -_ ,| - ¤.U;;»·      
Conmdttees; None, ` E
Purpose: Church membership trdining, ‘ · “ I-- °· · i ,.4. lg .._. ..n g
""‘ I . ‘· ¤ ·* `~ · · é
Normal Civic Activities; None, · ` r
Defense Activities; Interested in Red Cross Assistance, ‘ ,‘ --· A V »§
Local Publications; None, ' A ~ `__, _ __. el; `. U Q
BEAVER DAL BOARD OP TRADE, c/e Dr. L; E.7?ashburn, Beaver Dam,U Founded ~ I ‘ E
1927, President, Dr. L. 1. Washburn, Beaver Ddm, Secretary, Virgil Stewart, e
Beav>r Dum. Terms expire Jinufry, 1943, ‘ · ° 1
V = . " .l. . l ‘ A E
_ hembgrshipz BO, qU&llilCRtlOHS, open to male adults of good status engaged ]
in business or the professions, Y
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Committees: None reported, I
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