xt7qrf5kd94f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qrf5kd94f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150225 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 22,  February 25, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 22,  February 25, 1915 1915 2015 true xt7qrf5kd94f section xt7qrf5kd94f ‘•·~ —— —-··—···— ‘rr" lr Y
a 2
I H   = I D E A
  . · University of Kentucky
I   i·|··|»~t4··t·t·•·|»•••·|·4»+·t ·|··|»•|»·•·|•+·|··•·I»·•·•»·I»·•·o·O1
  0 The Choral Society of State 0 . . 4 Dr. J. Fred Wolle, famous O1'. P. A.      
4 University will meet Monday O O organist, will be the next at- Ol
i         O afternoon at 4:30 in the muslc O     ·I• traction to appear here under 0      
r 0 studio on the third door of the O O the auspices of the Lyceum O
_.1— O gymnasium. The studio will O — - ·|· Bureau of the University. Ho O éi.
2·• , .
Season Ends m a Tle Be- "' "° °°'“'°'“""’ "°°*°" °“" ““ * Y. M. C. A. Launches Cam- °' Y"' *’° “° "‘° F"" P"°"°”°" ° Ind d 0 · ·
l T O students of the University are O , , , _ O Ian Church, Friday evening, O epen ent rganlzatlon
. tween the WO O invited to join the society. The O palgn to Ralse Aslatlc ·|· February 26, and will render a. O WOPklDg in thé Illtéfésts
1   Teams. 4- membership of the society was ·|• and Blue Ridge Fund. O program of classical selections 01 of Prohibition
  ,_____ O very large last year and offers O   O and will make a short talk on O '
,_ U         G  O to every student an opportunity O O these numbers. Admission will OI
.o O to acquaint themselves with ·I•|$303     O be free to all. O 100      
` O rt f l . O i
  ¤¤ wo o·»·» ·¤¤ »··»¤-¤·»··o·· ¤·¤¤¤~ t jj; ;"f"f _ _ r _ r _ a _ ow. Robert K. M.....,·. an to the * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *1
the Kentucky Wildcats emerged vic- students Wednesday momma at me —---•-••..t The Intercollegiate Prohlbltlon As.
wrioul In both` The unt ended 22 regular chapel services marks the “ H s0c1°’t1°¤' r°pr°°°m'°d M Sum Umv"'
to 13 and the second 20 to 18.   S   A     my by on Pmmbmon
League, is an
· The Volunteers had not completely 0 mal beginning of the campugn to be independent organization of the col
recuperated from their trip In the tlrst conducted thll Week by the Y. M. C.         H l
game and were probably not at their A. for the purpose of raising $700. °g° and u°1v°”1ty °1‘°d°m° °‘ uw
best. but at that it WN 1lY **0 m00·¤’ iDean Massie's address was relative to ——e— United stm"' md is °'m"“°d with n°
slow. Christian work now being done in · 0*1101` °°110$1*1*0 °1’8¤¤1¤*1°¤· U 1U
The second contest was the hardest ODE of the MOSt Popular { Ching by Orggulzauons tn this country CO`€%i’l_F0rm Eintlge _?aSt of platform it has a slmplo cr••d: 1.
rough: contest puuod on ot the Audi- Students Who Ever {ue tanned that the students or xm- 10 Y00*` S 111 0' That ¢¤¤•¤¤ mon owl v¤m•¤ would
torium this year and from the start Attended Stat_€_ tucky stats fntgregt thcmnowgu tn tut, S0phl3.Il Play. aid in the solution ot the liquor prob-
it was "nlD and tuck" who W0“1d ‘Y1¤· _i._ 1work and contribute as liberally as ;'_"' 10m? 2- T11** *1*0 m•*h°d of ¤°1¤*10¤
Due to the intense rivalry of the two Iposutbts COSTUMING OF 1860 ia 8 national prohibition of the manu-
teams, which was aggravated by tho       This campaign Kwon Stato Univer., ? factvure, sal; md nag of alcohol];
determination of the Volunteers to "Y stty gn opportuntty to not into a move. · Cast of Characters. liQ\10l’|·
anhu tho loca or the uraht ootorcr William S. Thelslng, age 25, a 12_m€m arrocuhg rho wholo aourh and Mts, Mgrigh Dguglgs-Mgrlg Becker The Intercollegiate Prohibition As-
the game was considerably roush. $’0‘1“0*0 0* the C°11°$0 of M1"' *1**11the whore y°;·td_ Og tht. {700 {und Isabel Dougl•.s·—lna Darnall. Sooiation il not s political nor a re-
many fouls being called on both sides. M0*°11“"8Y· Y"' 1*111011 100* T1““"‘1*Y $350 ts to no town"; ynnnytng tn, tn. Marie Van Harlenger—Vlvian De llsious orxmisatlon. It do•• not of-
0 The Tannauao hoya woro In tho ln a mine accident at Paxton, Indiana dahtadhaaa or tho moo mdao_ No C__ Lane, tlllate with any churgh qt- my nn'.
lead 11 to 8 at the end of the flrat Hs W00 '*0¤‘11”$ 00 0- “Y1*°1‘ 11* *1*0 trginjng grgundg gm- ctn-tstgnn tender-. Col. William McMlllen—Ellzabeth ioua institution. The student volun-
harr and kept rr uhm about hvo mtu. mine, when a coal car jumped the amp and $350 toward promouua Y_ M_ Fm-ra_ teer movement sends ship loads ot
utes before the game was called. when ***01* 0110 °*`“0h0d 1111** 08'*11”* 0 "11’ (3_ A_ work tn Chiu; one ctttzsn nv- Dr. Blake—Stella Pennington, Bible and missionaries to torelgn
the Wildcats tied the score 16 to 16: 0* the m1“0· S0"0"°1 11°“” 0100000 hu; lu Fayette County has contributed Miss Madden—Mary Parker. lands: the Intercokgiate Prohibition
and a mlnute later this was broken 1’0*01'0 1*0 could be 1*000*10*1 *1'°m *110 3150 Ot this amount but tho students John Cason Gordon, alias Jack Association is striving to make lt lm-
when zerrom who who auhantutod for wreckage and he died two hours later. wm be grvoh thc opportunity ro aura t Cason-Martha vamon possible for those name ships to carry
Morgan, was particularly goodl His body was sent to his home at rho rcmahrdca Cards woro paaaod ar! Mr-s_ (;ord0n..Enzabeth Duncan, liquor from this country to those same
It would b6 h8.l‘d to DlCk tho stars C0v1ng1'0n’ Ky" where the funeral was ) [hg clggg gf the ghgpgl pgrjgd \Vgdugg.* RUSS G0l'd0l1—J\1dl[h   countriu.
for the Wildcats, for it took the beat 1l01‘1· M0“d"·Y· dgy and n large amount gf subscrtn- Cindy——Virglnia Stout. The Intercollegiate Prohibition As.
that was ln all of them to "brlng th0 Messages 000*108 *110 001`1`0w1111 111' tions were received At this timgi Henry—Mary Hamilton. Soolation has as its chlef functions the
bacon homo'-. hut rho work of Tuttle, telllgence that he had met his death $303 havo oooh courrrhurod Dancers ln Mlnnet-Elsie Speck, familiarlzing ot all college students
- who was SWl[Ch€d to forward, and were 1`0001Y0‘1 by the local chapter of A Mgt of thirty (ganvggggrg have been VlVl8.I1 DeLa,ne L0lS Brown, L0lB } with th9 DPOKTBIS of pl'0hibi[i0|‘| all
Morgan, was partciularly good. $19110 A1p11°· El’011011· S1**“1"10Y· The appointed and they wm can gn all [ Powell, Elizabeth Duncan and Flor- over the country, the education of col-
Mcspaddon undoubtedly dtd the news spread Ilke wildflre 0V€l‘ thé Cam- those who have not given It is almrencg Duncan, 1l€88 students 011 the IAYQBP f0[(\1|‘Q|
_ best work tor Tennessee. Not only 0**0 0***1 00'“0 00 0 1*00YY 010“’ to hls gergly hoped that no dtmcutty willr Dancers in Plantation Dance——Eliza-rot the problem, and the tralnlng ot a
was his guarding of the brightest   Hlany friendE and acquaintances here. be encountem in raising the desired   Alexander, Jessie Acker, Eleanor few students for active s€rViC0.
but he also accompllshed several dlf- 110 was 0110 of *110 000* 1'm0W0 and {und An the other- Qgllgggg of tnejliaker, Louise Dougherty and Lena The Intercollegiate Prohlbltlon As-
hculc aoahr most popular men who ever attended Sraro have alroady procured thotriolern sociation has a place ln college actlvl.
Tha line-Ups and ll1dlVld\l31 80819 *1*10 Umversitx A member of the assessment and only the State Univer-; —·—· *188 as DNC of U18 D&ti0!1·WldG m0V0-
scored follow: S1$m“ E1’“11°“ "“1"m1*Y· and °°t1v°|sity or Kentucky is behlnd with its ap-1 The Phllosophian Literary Society ment to eradicate the liquor tramo,
Kentucky-—Morgan (capt.) 2, Tuttle lu 0Y01`Y 000101 “11011` of 0**1*1011* 1110· portionmant The mon and women or h will present their second annual dra- AS State University has set tor her.
]_ Zgrfoggr substitute, 1, forwards; Ser- B111· 38 1l0 was D0DU1¤l`1Y known. 01*1 Kentucky gtuto Should give freely to r matic production, "A Kentucky Belle," self a high standard, scholastlcally, gg.
ver 2, center; Scott and Gumbert, 1. *10* *0'g0* 1*10 Studies- 0*1*1 W00 0100*0*1 such a cause, and S0 when the solid-18E the Armory, Wednesday evening, clally and morally, she cannot afford
guarda proo goalsébiorgan 6_ to the honorary engineering fraternity. tora approach you gtvo thorn a word   March 3. to overlook the greatest evll or the
A Tennessee-Klein 1, and Clinard 1,"1`8¤ 80*8 pl- He WHS 8 m0¤1b0¤` of of encouragement and whatever, The story of the play in interesting day, nor refuse to lend her support
rw ras. Groohwood 2_ center; Mc. the Glee Club, and not only had a good aruouur ou cau anord_ 1and attractive ln plot, and as would toward the ultimate etfaoement of pro-
fo a . y
spadden 4. and Jacobs. guards- Free V°1°0 1**** was 0100 ***1 °°°°m¤11°h0d A v. M. c. A. nomlnatlng ccmmuteerbo expected in a drama with a Ken- ¤il>iti<>¤·
g0als—Kl0ln 2. 010010*- composed of one studgnt tron; eachrtuvky theme and setting. the whole There are about a hundred voters
R€r6r,0a__Kohh or Richmond State Uurlng his stay here, he became a couo o or rho Uuivorah was ah, plot centers around a love affalr and connected with the league who have
. g y ,
Noruuah Mystic Thirteen. and a Key. and ron- uouncgd at ch·p81 yastgrdayg Thiglli horse race. bound themselves to fight until the
, resented his fraternity in the Pan- ooruruhtoo wut norninato tho Omoo,-nr 'l`he most interesting feature of the State of Kentucky is in the Prohlbi·
The Contact for the grading or smh H0l10¤l0 C0¤¤0ll- He W8¤ 8 good 8th- and cabinet men of tho Y_ M_ ty A_ presentation will be the male roles in- tion column.
Fr ld m w we Ammon _ mh lm wd ¢¤¤*¤ vm *¤ sevml k*¤¤¤ of for next year who will me their Orterpmtou by me pretty Coeds. who , __
° was ' athletics making the gym team in his hoop A 1 » · -
· pril lst. The committee will_11¤V0 0**00**0*1 *1*01* 1“d0P0¤*100'~0 1’Y Following thelr custom Tau Sigma,
°°""`°°1‘°"’ M 02 °°"°° °' cumc yard S¤¤¤<>m¤¤<¤ Y0"- 10 1110 S0“10" Y00·" meet Saturday at 1:30. r8¤¤¤¤“1¤S *1*000 r<>le¤ *1*0¤*001"00· 1** the honorary musical traternlty, held
*0* 01*011* *000 0111110 Y"d“· Mn An` he w“ ¤¤1>¤°'1¤*1°“ m“n“g°1` 01 *118 The popular association quartet, stead of 001*1118 **0010***11*`0 1*0*11 *110 lts initiation banquet Monday evening,
derson was awarded the bid 0V0|' 1{*`11*“"111“"· composed of Messrs. Hall, Kennedy, *110 1*0Y=‘- **0 was *10110 100* Y0"- February 15, at the home of Tom Jack-
‘ seven other contractors. When com- **111 10 1*00* 1'0'“0m1’01`0*1 1*Y 0 lSl`0¤* Rodwtnn and [)enn_ gang ··Tnne  Other novel features of the play will uon_
plated Stun Fiqh] wu] be one of the u\8|lY people 88 l>!'0¤1d6!1t0ftll6 St|‘0l· tvor-kathy u very Mauutful and ntting be the costunllug which will be ac- Those initiated were Graham Pad_
largest and most up-to·date athletic 101`“• *110 1°°“·1 111°“m°·*1c °111b· and 8** number, at the beginning of tl1e`<‘0*`*111*g to *110 0*Y10 of 18*10· **1111 *110 ley. Frallklln Corn and Nelson Souls,
tlelds in the South. ‘*""'((r0mrh'u"0d' hh Pago TWO) ' ` services. r’_“‘ri,;)Krr`nhah ’hn"r,aé;.rQvO_r ' ” making the full complement of eight,
Come “Z 'o See “‘A Kentucky Belle"
At th A M h th Th' d
.o ·

 '   F é
  ..,.1.. . ~ ····-   ‘;'_"_°°t‘_`-__` ` "_”°'  · -é
• °_
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Goa Go. .
Children 5c
Me At Admission 10c  
FIRST-CLAS! IN IVIRY APPOINTMINT J. H. OTAMPIR, Jr. 0wn•r and M•n• •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. ;
I I l uAl
WILLIAM 8. THEISING rmlnor parts, but have been handllmrl      &   I A
MEETS TRAGIC DEATH ltlrerm ndnnlrnlmlybg rehenrilntkl b Wn 1       Manner to sn"'. ‘ c°_ ' f Tl
....- re p ny s ng mac y -1 _____ .. •
A D A M   D E 1 ‘(`°"tl"“"d "`°"‘ P°g° One) [Ham NIc(`omns an actor of wide ex-I 107 W' Main St' . ” owl
    Q da n   mmm  DE l ‘ ' l Mc(Ylarty Harblson, of Shelbyville, 3591* egpg pguN·|·A|N m Tag » I
X Oh 1 8 9 . ‘ r ~ I `
    1 B lpP!'l(IlCG, \\ll0 llkd BD lmpOrtBnt plrtwhan accepted u position on the stan       I PX
ld¤<’¢‘d lll NH J¤¤l<>l‘ Y°¤¥'· Mid M l°°d‘1w1tn smhern and Marlowe, and grat-lot me Lexington Herald to ml me _ ‘ hy 1
l ma ln "Th· Vlrglnlan" ln hls' . 6d_ 1 11_|
iglfnior Qlear l `HWIIIK rellllts are expect ivacancy created   {RIB resignation of   H".
" t` J. .Shff. Hh b. tr re- L
2       l 1·‘01lowlng hls graduation, he ncce1>t-`STATE GIRLS   1 TRM sl th; sslmissilti; im:   •t poln
8 • •     • ' 3 ed a position with tl1e Natlonal Steel ,       u ar . ’ n p   y y,,.r_
_ 1 paper office, and will act as police re- _
Car (`ompany, of Hamilton, (anada, ast *·"‘ R t nd mn wm"- which   1 my
, r s 0 . ,
metallurglst. Later he was employed ln 11 l¤M'il f0¤8h\ but 0ne·¤lded Ldlmé 2:38 I; Merced 0: Monday morning me
.. .e .
      on the Government locks near Frank- lust Saturday night the State glrls de-, H'}; bi I t d d U U { K t K Md
    fort. About u year ago he wen; w|[h Ifeated the Vandy quintet by the score Ml" ar mm ms at en ° l° n `     y low
I   N `me uoothnan Manufurturlnx (`0¤¤¤¤¤Y·;°t 19 t° 5· The "°“t°“t was rather Verma, two yu; as tu Blicliljstudcnlt OHQFS [766 tuition lh all d¢l)ll’$· 4 t*‘
  of Uhlcago, and recentlv completed his I slow ln the flrst half on account of the and B “°° the °p°’r men ° °um°"\ hg
' . l l t ll .d, l l d -
Umar Entlnly Naw Managamant work ln their shops. [““'“€’°“S wuts called on the mutt mel Bm ITM T; sk m\im;:Sc0u?_;; un ments to the g r 8 d u 8* t 8 S 1n {
u oo o . .
Seeing good material ln him fvf 8 “'l‘° were “°t “°°“’t°“‘°d t° lh°`““ 8 Y 8 of K€!lt\1ClV€¤*¤K M me Ph°°· I · · b _m
      A leagues and at the grave his chum, L BPVPI‘8l DTGUY f0\1l souls, Wlllle lllé PX-{mx Hotel- The dance was B chemilnz tion, n`I8tI'lCI1l8t10Il, l8b0]'$t0]'y Fup]
~   ··1».111" Johnston, paid a splendid trl- vellent guarding of Miss Woods and ·°¤° Wd up *0 the hl8h ¤l¤¤d¤¥'d which and other fees, one or mor. ·p• wm
( ;Ij;;*sllon sent Lynn B. Evans to repre- Norton and Miss Franklin were the]¥¤0¤t b¥‘llll¤¤l. and longed-for society Necessary expenses moderate hcl
Q sent the fraternity at the funeral   stars Y0? ih? Vl¤l\0T¤· `evems of each year" .   y nt
·s€N·k.(.S_ and ML pgvans took with him The lineup follows. l The bm “’°"‘ was vrettllv d°°°"“t' For full 1Ilf0I’ID8t10ll regard- D
at beautiful wreath. sent by the faculty K€¤t\\€kY·‘MlB9€¤ Hulilles and Tam- ed in the fraternity colors and em- ing appointees courses of stud in 1
or me College of Mules and Metal- ¤‘c>r-·¤rds: Heller. center: Irmis ¤¤d,"‘°‘“· M'- J· G- A“d °“d Mm M"' ’ y' .. Sm
lurgy \“·0Od’ gum.dS_ garet Nlcoll led the grand march and cost of board, etc', apply to mm
' I
1 we know how weak and fruitless ls Vanderbilt-Misses Slwrry and Nor-la b““tlt“l l"`°g"““ °t twenty dances H S BARKER pm
any word of ours with which we may Um. f0¥`W¤·|'d¤i E9J‘lY. Cem-9¥`1 Ackl€¤·“'““ °n·t°y°d‘ I O ’ DM,
attempt to begulle me grler or 1r1s_==¤<1 Franklin. s¤¤rd¤· , TM “°"’ m°“ tn “'h°“° h°“°’ *h° Pfelldéut,
mother roraioss s¤¤»·erw1le1m1ng,yet S¤¤rl¤s—Field s<>¤l¤-—Ml¤¤¤¤ H¢lle¤‘1“°“°° ‘“‘“ 8"°“ “° M°““"· C- W· Lexington, Ky. ST
B1.? ,.111 01,.,,rSh the memory of the 4. Hngne¤ 3. and Norton 1. Foul ”°'°“· R- "`· Md-°°°· J- ‘·~ W°“° °“° —.....—.l._.._.
loved and lost better, because or the ¤0als— Misses Tuul 4. Heller 1. and R· F· A“’°"t·
lmany condollng messages from his E¤|'lY 3- l Tha active chapter members Me: FOR PENS AND PENC“3’ • (l
Kentucky friends. E RGfel.€9__Bem0n_ of vanderbilt, Messrs. G. C. Rogers, L. B. Evans, J. wm
. _ iUmph.e__S€,.v€,., of Kentucky Time, R. Watkins, M. Brooke, N. E. Philpot,. TABLETS AND FINE Tat
··A xzmucxv saute keeper--Ynrborough. ll? C- *’¤"‘°*’· L- S- 0'B°¤¤°¤· R- P  5·rA11gNgRY nun
l IN ARMORy_ MARCH 3 ______,+.,.....—. iH0we, C. S. Rolllngs, G. L. Cherry, H,. _ M
I ___ ,STROLLERS T0 BEGIN 1Y. Barker, M. c. astsei, J. R. Dn¤e¤¤,` JOHNSTON’S CANDY ( [ 1
E h• R d d l l(‘ontlnued from Page One.)           T. F. Eichhoru, J. G. Aud, B. G. Ar-, Im
. _ _ . ,no an . . reeman.
_danc1ng included in the flrst art. A 1   E   1 A
And al Prices that Count mlnuet will be danced by eight of The Strollers wm Boon begin workl _- • ·     ‘ Pl
_ on a play to be presented sometime lnl Remember the "Kentu(·ky 3°° w°*t M*'" °t"*** ,
1l’ntterson Halls most graceful dan- A Hi I i t 1 TH in b€§B   ” 1 ifll.
. n . r s w .
tcers, all of which will be dressed ln pr _n lex ug on 0 y 1 Q c`   ‘Y
S at O     l((smmP of wm An Old plantation the blg annual performance of the or·  -—--;- ; Vw
1 S ` " S ' · . . . _ _ • • `
u y V C Q 14 __ __H bx _ V ) b { V _ I ganlzatxon. ho play has been selet ted   ’ L ,
tldnu dm ( gum Tl? JX: :;rE1y<·t, although several have been ex-   S gxrngton Orchestra U U
‘ Q ` l`€¥SS(·‘ HS ¥l€gl`()€H. lS ’ 0 - ' 1   HCI l il A tn Ylill Y T • •
Shirts, shoes, MM be Om) or IM mm hmmmus my dlll ne t. 1 _ rarer? tnn . vs ·r<;t-;; dlld b(lxOph0Tl€ T10 _
~ _ presen ec ln rex ng on, .eo g o F I
  f l l . 0Tm¢T O 8Td Ho 82 T h
gnu`? 0 cle`:) ayv in l U land Mt. Sterling was originally intern- y p u O c est,-a • 1
1 . ISS . 'l` ' ' l’ll()ll \\' )il\` l(! .
    ' f V a ra" a I I 1 6 -1 ded for presentation only in nearby · FRATERNITIES PLAYED FDR LAST YEAY. ~ ‘ in
1···¤¤ ><>·¤··» ~·>¤··· · ·<· ¤~¤>¤¤ ·¤·· www Kappa Slgma, Tau Beta Pr, Tau Bm Thata, Alpha l•ta --
llionaire in disguise of a t·on1mon tele-i 7Y-* Pan nauenic and lamp ani cross
phone lineman. This is Miss Var· cw. 8 TO °  
aps, C. samon 1.. _ _ I
,. .,.,       ...i .     mm mm PROBLEM Address: 0. E. Klllll, Bll Pncc Avenuc,Lex1ngtnn,Ily. 1 ‘
dramatics and her 3})[l€3l`8l\(‘(’ in this ...,.
Prices marked way down, i,,,,,,,,,,.,. is 1,,.,,,,, a,,,,,.i,,,,,,.,, Wim! Messrs. n. 1.. Ehrlich and 1:. 11. A1- THE F’0F’U|-AR CGLLEGE AND FRATERMTY cnc}-|;5·rnA 1
100k at lh¢ winke *5 65 Y0¤ keen interest. \ll¤<>¤· Se¤l¤r <*lv¤¤» will vrevere ¤ ·—·—m··M··r   ·r r ·   er A ·- —·——  -—-—-—i C
·— - · . . thesis that will ald the cltv to make a ·
p8,SS•   lhe role ot the leathng lady, Isabel —
lllouglas, who is in love w1t11 y0ungl**tUdY ef the sewage problem. lt ls WHERE AM l GOING? ‘ _
·-*"‘ Nason, will be played by Miss lna Dar-   llwlr Purpose to ¤¤¤k€ 3 ¤¤mb*’*` OY 6** To
lnall. Miss llarnall is a members of l’€"tm€“t** tn treattng ttm Sewuga _
lim. S[,·UHc,.S and has taken part in chemically so that tl1e resldue llliiy be I     {  
    lm-0du(.ti(,us Staged by (h(.m_ She wm used as fertilizer and also make draw-
'prunanly do the star at-ang ln t1r1sll"¤¤ ¤¤·—l weve of e <¤l¤1>¤¤¤¤ ¤·=¤¤ wit- _.....___. 
O0 The part of (‘ol. Wllllam McMlllen;"ltY the Btw of t*€’tt“gt°"·
"`°°"’°”`°° “i“' "‘“ “‘“"""“"*“ by M’““ E""*""" ' so»=»1o    & M U  
Farra, who has tl1e height necessary
The College Fellows   P for the making of a stately and dlgnl- T :  
7 A 7 W -*77 VM-in r_rr___-1-·_-_— htld Kentucky Colonel. Tle Q [ d   b i   N   O
0 I l » 0) l0lllOl`€ l\l'€ W P V
Lexington Cigar CQ, Vlrglnla Stout and Mary nsmlltnn mlm, Ml M _ TL; Q i g in °
|¤¢°'v°¤‘•*·•‘ in the negro roles of Cindy and Henryl L A d ( I IL le A Ul om are D. lncmt °"td°· •
_ ,vlted as a class and can obtain ad-
MIHUYICQUNFI of will do the chief eomedy roles of the ‘ mim I _ _d_ {_ H [ I_ k Au
    l I. b Ul (lil b IUII) 8X` UH .
  p M Sophonlores are requested to pay their • °
EXCLUSIVELY Miss Vivian beams, who nas the mh to U I H { Q   t Otv ervrce _
»· reeas r..- · ·_ .
136 WEST MAIN VYREET part of Marle, a dashing, vivaclousl wsunr u (mw -1- 1
lK<*lllu<·ky girl. ls well suited for lh ` The A. 'I`. U. fraternity held its sixth r'
DR• J• U•   ` Miss Stella l’9nIl|nxl0ll BB U0¤·li·.v.-nrs i..
l mmmmm’ appointed by the Southern the Men‘s Association took a roller- Fnrolxn l.utk¢·vn<·i•·r spent the w··
l .7.7--..., .-.... --~-.-- »s....-... -......-- ..-- ..-._.-- ....,-.. -. lntv-rcolleglate Athletic Association to `
llwt A dom n for an associ U n tion from the onlookers for the Red|··nd ln l·`r:inkfnrt.
"A(}" STUDENT DAIRY l··· rlvll service examination for Field M ‘ s ‘° ° Cross amounting to $3_ag3_
» "’ . ' A . , 0 Own
ANI)     `Um dmprwg more than mmm; nimlol, to be given to the best student Thp mmny and smdpms f I l -—
l HllIl(·‘tP ln each inBt,lll1u()n of the BBRO· l  
. .—- mention   State College co-operated with the
· » ·l i , ·d I .
. g_ . '|`he responsible position of Hairy This examination was tukcn by lT•¤;('_MI"n "*‘*"1"""““‘;;l am; idmzeunf mayor of Ames ln oarrylng mit, a lagl M   I 'E
ll mid Pond Inspector for the city of nwn from 13 different states. Only till') tl;] (t(:m";iuTB W mel T ` crm tiny for relief funds. ._
» ~ rt . .  
Lexington is being very capahly filled .n•·n passed the examination and Ilry·4 ’ an IB es gm] W cl mvp Nlnl The Vniversity of Illinois has gmt it ,
r _ snbinltted wlll be examined and one ·
by one of our fellow students, Prank int stood third in the list. l l H d wd "¤l‘l°¤*l of ¢·l<>thing donated hy the fac- ‘
l ll. Kennedy. Kennedy is a Senior in \\’•— cannot help feeling elated overi MTHM y 8 0:t `l d { P f NNY and ¤ll¤l¤l¤·¤¤·      
_1-k•-*____ studentslenterlng the; Univszrsgty after forth; also E bird. The Bun burst mm The proceeds of one large Rugby game UKCEPT SAURDAVS · ‘  
y_     lll; "fs*=·“0*;r$;s§0s;;:ttT; im °r‘ of a I radiance, the bird into song. My high- also went for relief work. I TllRKISH_SHOWER&pLAlN lt .
-     Bs ‘ I u Q M ly strung poetlcal nature was touched ___ .__,,,_______. ;_ G   ° ,0
lstudent to complete and file wlth the by mgprmuon and gave muh the for ·|• 4 ·|» ·|» Q ·|» Q + ·|» Q O Q 4 •I· O ·|· ,, Bhlntn  lg t anosr trl t l tt   _ 
V Great interest was manifested in the Hsslslmr his Second Semester classs lowing tcnder and beautflul spring *       •° #___W_ ____
winter sale of horses conducted at "°stl°" bsfms the M0"` °f the mst thoughts, which l pass on for me ben-IA * * " ° * * ° '* • °' ‘ ‘ ° •' ‘s' awk"., ‘ pouch, Ppgpplgfurg
'Fattersalls all last week. A large ssmestsls clit of humanity:  
number of our students were able to A conditioned student must pa) an   I Mrs. George Lewis, of Franklin, is,      
: {tend the sales, due to the courtesy his of $100 pm. semester for each com , Oh, dear and lovely springtime, A ms guest °f hs" dsughtsn Miss Amis'! 107 South lg-Lm•I:¤¤|: gif':} k
- · .. - ' o • on
rr their instructors in amusing them ‘dition turiied over from the previousl when the trees begin w bud, lthis week, ` Opposite tczxlngtxr: XKY
. * I '
vom classes. llsms _ _ _ ,And the little flowers are peeping Miss Jsssls Fl°"s“°s` was ms guest l FIRSTCLASS WORK GUARANTEED
A great many high class animals A fee or $_"'00 for admission to en`; l~‘rom beneath their winter cud, °f rslsuvss ln Cymhlsns last wsskw ..._ ....;.. -.-
A ` 9|'€ sold, and 8,8   8316 OCCLITB trunve Qxamlllations after the regular; duds, jlld, mud, pud, tl can’t· null end. l   MQ   the Gam. at
may once is year, it was an opportun- "““"“*‘“°“ °""*°"·   3 tt-md to rhyme with bud!) Miss Clara Chambers was the guest r ,
• i y for our students to see some fine All students wh° have not upon msi °f Miss Elsls Hsllsr last “'°°k·     S
"‘ l :pecimens of horse flesh. l"`°°m Of lll? s°";ge’ ;rA°Htfin$l;u(;:,t°r: When you see the golden sunshine ‘ sllss Tl"’°"l°s‘“ ·“"`klm°· Istullsfgjir when all is wen md G00D_
_ ___ ___ ____ .nIl cntrnnte wor . u. ee 0 0. R, waking up me dormant me. town, is ;t xlsltoi nt the la >i `
~ A H. F.     s""'°sts'°‘ ].~\lltl old l·‘ather Winter running “'°°k· lHot Chocolate, Candy and lcs
’     After ten days at fee of $2.00 lu, To mum me Coming mm knife. rmx Miss llslon .·\gn··w has ret-oit·rcd   __, ____ ,__ g g_ W___..-,,___ .
‘ -——— clnnigc from one college to another, I. · yl-Um X Mtuck of appr-lltllt·ltls_ _
` _ t __ I · \\lI't·, (Wife? Help!) lll tr ` .‘ I '        
• 'l‘he splendid record of H. l·. Hryunt und a tee of titty tents for each change Miss [mlm Hurblson is visiting Miss
' V in acqultting himself so credltably ini in class. REGISTRAR. lwhen they Bay a young mans fancy lMy·ldrr,d Taylor this week r I ~ DEN"['[S'['
1 -——-_—t_>wd A ` R A   ss M Mr MV   MMR R  —A*wArM—"4 Gently turns to thoughts of love: l Misses Elizabeth Booker and mma-I McClelland Blludillf
» ` ` ' _-”"‘- beth Moore hav'? N°Ull'¥1P(l frmll il'-———-—-————····—·;‘—"* ‘
2 _ sb • y • lAnd he sees his dearest darling
_ l { Lexington 8 B¤88¢¤t Store i Coming to return his dove Jove, visit in Louisville. GO TO
*y' ¢ ‘ i i I above, glove.