-• t1 -  I
· I I turned from llonlson. _
_—       University, Sackvillm N. ll., contrlhut The lmskct hull tzlrls Is-nw- Pr .
’ ‘       8 ed H20 to the Belgian relief, for l.oulsvlll·· i·h··i··· they play  
. • --—- At half time during the lh ·4 l l' l··r.lt_· fl. ' ·`ll·
l J et! I`1C\1ltL1I`&l et! esl "*"'· "· *‘·   °*··**¤··~¤ 0* ·*··· PI     l "` '“`' ’ '’`’'   '.
rnct-ton football game at Harvard Misses Mnruu•»ritt· >¤·li·.v.-nrs i..
l mmmmm’ appointed by the Southern the Men‘s Association took a roller- Fnrolxn l.utk¢·vn<·i•·r spent the w··
l .7.7--..., .-.... --~-.-- »s....-... -......-- ..-- ..-._.-- ....,-.. -. lntv-rcolleglate Athletic Association to `
llwt A dom n for an associ U n tion from the onlookers for the Red|··nd ln l·`r:inkfnrt.
"A(}" STUDENT DAIRY l··· rlvll service examination for Field M ‘ s ‘° ° Cross amounting to $3_ag3_
» "’ . ' A . , 0 Own
ANI)     `Um dmprwg more than mmm; nimlol, to be given to the best student Thp mmny and smdpms f I l -—
l HllIl(·‘tP ln each inBt,lll1u()n of the BBRO· l  
. .—- mention   State College co-operated with the
· » ·l i , ·d I .
. g_ . '|`he responsible position of Hairy This examination was tukcn by lT•¤;('_MI"n "*‘*"1"""““‘;;l am; idmzeunf mayor of Ames ln oarrylng mit, a lagl M   I 'E
ll mid Pond Inspector for the city of nwn from 13 different states. Only till') tl;] (t(:m";iuTB W mel T ` crm tiny for relief funds. ._
» ~ rt . .  
Lexington is being very capahly filled .n•·n passed the examination and Ilry·4 ’ an IB es gm] W cl mvp Nlnl The Vniversity of Illinois has gmt it ,
r _ snbinltted wlll be examined and one ·
by one of our fellow students, Prank int stood third in the list. l l H d wd "¤l‘l°¤*l of ¢·l<>thing donated hy the fac- ‘
l ll. Kennedy. Kennedy is a Senior in \\’•— cannot help feeling elated overi MTHM y 8 0:t `l d { P f NNY and ¤ll¤l¤l¤·¤¤·      
_1-k•-*____ studentslenterlng the; Univszrsgty after forth; also E bird. The Bun burst mm The proceeds of one large Rugby game UKCEPT SAURDAVS · ‘  
y_     lll; "fs*=·“0*;r$;s§0s;;:ttT; im °r‘ of a I radiance, the bird into song. My high- also went for relief work. I TllRKISH_SHOWER&pLAlN lt .
-     Bs ‘ I u Q M ly strung poetlcal nature was touched ___ .__,,,_______. ;_ G   ° ,0
lstudent to complete and file wlth the by mgprmuon and gave muh the for ·|• 4 ·|» ·|» Q ·|» Q + ·|» Q O Q 4 •I· O ·|· ,, Bhlntn  lg t anosr trl t l tt   _ 
V Great interest was manifested in the Hsslslmr his Second Semester classs lowing tcnder and beautflul spring *       •° #___W_ ____
winter sale of horses conducted at "°stl°" bsfms the M0"` °f the mst thoughts, which l pass on for me ben-IA * * " ° * * ° '* • °' ‘ ‘ ° •' ‘s' awk"., ‘ pouch, Ppgpplgfurg
'Fattersalls all last week. A large ssmestsls clit of humanity:  
number of our students were able to A conditioned student must pa) an   I Mrs. George Lewis, of Franklin, is,      
: {tend the sales, due to the courtesy his of $100 pm. semester for each com , Oh, dear and lovely springtime, A ms guest °f hs" dsughtsn Miss Amis'! 107 South lg-Lm•I:¤¤|: gif':} k
- · .. - ' o • on
rr their instructors in amusing them ‘dition turiied over from the previousl when the trees begin w bud, lthis week, ` Opposite tczxlngtxr: XKY
. * I '
vom classes. llsms _ _ _ ,And the little flowers are peeping Miss Jsssls Fl°"s“°s` was ms guest l FIRSTCLASS WORK GUARANTEED
A great many high class animals A fee or $_"'00 for admission to en`; l~‘rom beneath their winter cud, °f rslsuvss ln Cymhlsns last wsskw ..._ ....;.. -.-
A ` 9|'€ sold, and 8,8   8316 OCCLITB trunve Qxamlllations after the regular; duds, jlld, mud, pud, tl can’t· null end. l   MQ   the Gam. at
may once is year, it was an opportun- "““"“*‘“°“ °""*°"·   3 tt-md to rhyme with bud!) Miss Clara Chambers was the guest r ,
• i y for our students to see some fine All students wh° have not upon msi °f Miss Elsls Hsllsr last “'°°k·     S
"‘ l :pecimens of horse flesh. l"`°°m Of lll? s°";ge’ ;rA°Htfin$l;u(;:,t°r: When you see the golden sunshine ‘ sllss Tl"’°"l°s‘“ ·“"`klm°· Istullsfgjir when all is wen md G00D_
_ ___ ___ ____ .nIl cntrnnte wor . u. ee 0 0. R, waking up me dormant me. town, is ;t xlsltoi nt the la >i `
~ A H. F.     s""'°sts'°‘ ].~\lltl old l·‘ather Winter running “'°°k· lHot Chocolate, Candy and lcs
’     After ten days at fee of $2.00 lu, To mum me Coming mm knife. rmx Miss llslon .·\gn··w has ret-oit·rcd   __, ____ ,__ g g_ W___..-,,___ .
‘ -——— clnnigc from one college to another, I. · yl-Um X Mtuck of appr-lltllt·ltls_ _
` _ t __ I · \\lI't·, (Wife? Help!) lll tr ` .‘ I '        
• 'l‘he splendid record of H. l·. Hryunt und a tee of titty tents for each change Miss [mlm Hurblson is visiting Miss
' V in acqultting himself so credltably ini in class. REGISTRAR. lwhen they Bay a young mans fancy lMy·ldrr,d Taylor this week r I ~ DEN"['[S'['
1 -——-_—t_>wd A ` R A   ss M Mr MV   MMR R  —A*wArM—"4 Gently turns to thoughts of love: l Misses Elizabeth Booker and mma-I McClelland Blludillf
» ` ` ' _-”"‘- beth Moore hav'? N°Ull'¥1P(l frmll il'-———-—-————····—·;‘—"* ‘
2 _ sb • y • lAnd he sees his dearest darling
_ l { Lexington 8 B¤88¢¤t Store i Coming to return his dove Jove, visit in Louisville. GO TO
*y' ¢ ‘ i i I above, glove.