. r Q
’ _ T H E I D I A 8
  their training camp at San Antonlcxweum not bg Myer; un;,,,, th., need! A
r Friday, will not report then, because was critical and timely help could bel T"! cmcA.0 IEANIEEY RSEICY
‘ • ct an injury to me nent arm, recelved glyec. The Blue mage tuna lm cel ”°'"°T"*“·I*’L'"¥V?IC¥!NT
I ln n football game last fall Since come an absol t n ed t ff { The way to Tha But P°°m°"' In
’ · · - ° ° °» ° ¤¤¥ <> ¤r The Ncrtld, wert and Marlene wept
_ that time the injured member has great debt and to bulld addltlonal ALBERT F. PR0l|T,Pl•.I.(U.•fC.) Mgr.
r   f • been carefully attended to but has equipment as the present one ln great- M '°"”°°°"' "°"""' "°'·· °"“"·
» I felled to respond to treatment, and lt ly evertexed, A gm now to tm, alone  
r   I € C r   a was thought advlsable for Wright to wlll endure for a whole llfe tlme. The}
delay making his debut Into fast com- sweep of Chrlatlanlty that both Mr  
. · GE B0\I UET8
r __ pany untll he was at hls best. Rugh and Dean Massie have made so
.......•.~.-— {perfectly clear make a gift to the     8
WATT SOCIETY |'“°"° “""“ *“""“"‘”"° ”‘°“ '"““ ""° IMPORTANT FREOHMAN cllrldtlcn advancement In the college. FLDRAL nsuals
I ADDRESS ° '“*“° ’°"’"‘°“ “°"“¤¤ • °°"**”°•**`* crass meermo rmoav of Asia cre that will endure ndrcugld. °°” "°°'*L"
··*'_' for Much me", mm! ut n°w tuna! -—·-—- out etemlty and the history of nations.    
t At a meeting of the Watt Engineer- the examination. A Freshman Cru. mmm)! wm be ’ °
me scclety. held st Mecmlcu mn. ——— hm, ut 1, 0.c,m Frm, in mpg, rorl ————»----~-   ee A- d-e- G"' "'· "":‘ "‘r d"‘°"° °°‘
_ · we your or ers or ances, ect.,
Thunggm um °18ht°°m‘h· *°MI°°°r°°; MARCH MEETING OF K' M' ·· the purpose of dlscusslng a question     to MR.ROGER M. PARRISH of
ns ° r°" wu swim D, r' 1* ‘ of distinct Importance to the class as Sum? U¤IV€I'$ItY-
Johnston. The March meeting of the Kentucky rr whom Each Freshman is concerned  
Mr. Johnston, who is a well known Mining Society will be held Tuesday, and rr rr highly probabro that Presr  
lawyer here, ls an alumnus of the Col- March 2nd, at 7:15, at the Mlnlng dem H_ S_ Barker wm address the' **5*23 E- M**W°"   L•xIn|t•n
· lege or Mechanical and Electrical En- Building. A special program, consist- Frcsmes at this mwurm Be prompt Special Bouquets Made for L::;';';r¤;¢r_ _ CREAM
gineerlng. Several members of the lng partly of some slldes from the Bu- University Students for E · `? FLOUR
faculty were present, and all enjoyed reau of Mines, has been arranged. It Dances and Parties   K•ntueky'• Ia!
the talk, the main theme of which was, i is hoped that all members will be pres- SHGULD STATE UNWERSITY STU` L. W. GRADY,   'M
"Tne Relation of Law to Engineer- - ent and that each will bring a friend. °ENT8 Susscmsz To THE K. 8. U. Representnlve my  
  have you done for the Unt_    
FIRST ••GETT0GETHER» versity? Its lu the Kentuckian. ——— 1 -5 Off I     1 -5 Off
——— -—-—•-•+——— Why should the students of State
at State 1-rellweuucecey nlght,Feb· MILITARY BALL IS Illnlverslty be asked to raise $700.00   &  
ruary 24, was staged the tlrst annual     for a cause outside the institution it- [45 E, MA]N S'[‘_ Opp. Union Station
•*G6t_t0g6th°r" of the College of M8.    
chanlcal and Electrical Engineering. iTh°M°°°°"d °'n°°°l mmmry b°“* At tlrst thought lt looks llke a hard  
V day evening by the battalion
· About two hundred students and the K ven tm proposltlon, but on close examination
entire faculty of the coun, wen ln celebration of Washlngtons Birth- there are rrr rust me good reasons P H O E N l X H 0 l E L
present and after an appetizing repast d°:" wu ° brimmt °‘“°" In me °°°I°’l why this should be done.   ir _,,r  rr E IZTTZ _ W ;g_ _g_ggg __ __ __
the toast llst was presented as fol- °° (md"' TM Mmm`? was d°°°"t°d First. This fund ls for the whole _ I I WA- AO im`-
rowsr ln red, white and blue and the Unl- South and for the whole w0rld_ A8   Breakfasts from I5c to 60c
Toastmaster, G. B. Arnold. :::;:::3; cgzxoggld [;;d° ‘;m°°t °t' go the colleges of the South so goes |Qo°nday Luncheon 40C to 55c
··clee¤ 1915,"N.E.PI1ilp0t. I · ° °“"‘ "'°'° me South Itself. It ld equally true   * _
Response, Dean F. P. Anderson. hung with human' dmp°H°°’ pm" that as go the colleges of Asla so goes Th Grin _ h b _ _
··cle¤e 1s16,·· Harry E. Melton. "‘“‘"· "“‘“ °“" °“’°“"° "'“‘“""“°“' Aele lteelr. The greatest lnvestment° k° Tw t°d"{ EE"; °‘“ I'°°”‘ “‘ c°“*"‘l K°"'
··cleee 1s17,·· J. Howard Evans. "'°"° “" “”°“‘ “‘° "°°“‘· ln the world and of the sort that wllll t"° Y' °°°"‘ mt °° " P°t*°"Y·
"Class 1918," Harry L. Mllward. Music wu mmilhcd by a' mmtuy abide forever and pay dividends with-l  
Later, music was enjoyed and a va- orchestra md the mm °p°¤°d wml ° out end ls that money put into the _ ______ r_
riety of entertainment. grand march' led by Major Arthur A' development of Chrlstlan leadership ' ' "' ""   "“';
The occaslon olfered, as was hoped. Und°rw°°d Md Miss K°th°"°° ‘he world over. K h ’ D rt t  
• an excellent opportunity for a more M“’°h°“‘ The m°r°h wu *0**2*-ed by Second. With this great chance to a n S      
lntlmate acqualntanoeshlp between twenty d°nc€s` touch the whole world before our stu-   KA
the faculty and students, one with TM amur Wu und"` th° dh`°°u°n dents the question of the sort of a AT WH0.-Es:EgSI;RSuEPPLlES
another. °f MMM Und°rw°°d nd the °m°°" cause to contribute to arises. For a ——-—~——·—e-——-—————— 
It is expected that the affair wlll be ;ftm° b°m:"°°‘ HTM °md°°" md °°` state lnstltutlon a cause that ls not SuppHg3 for Parties, Banq uga, Etc,
made an annual one, and that much 0 8 were n un orm an m° young sectarian ls the only type of work on phone 483 or l690_y_ C.]! for Solicitor
beneflt may be derived therefrom. ladies w°r° dainty comma] c°"um°°' which the whole Unlverslty could be _
-—-——•-•-—-—-·· Abmn 200 guests were present' expected to unite. The Blue Rldge ——-——-·-··—···‘ -—-—-*1
    Where-{B   be - I, Conference is used to train college  
e st place to llve. The
AT       Kmtucum wm ton you leaders of all denominations while the
";'_ · work in Asia is undenommattonal as J. J. Gflddy NICK Rylfl T. C. Bradley Jl!. T. Mcclfiy
Among other Interesting and pleas- '
I. J. TICERT TO “’"‘ I I
Ing IIIIIOVBLIODB dt me xm wm of ADBRESS Y M C A Tmrrr A movement mr mug in he 0gg€I‘}’ Shop
• • /• •
l Tau Bam K8'k€’ Friday mgm' are a ;_. State University should be one on   C0.
number of electrical and mechanical Prof John J Tr an wm address the which both men and women can unite Incorporated
features which have been devised by ` ` g r rrr Rrd d h r r k both CONSOLIDATING
Mr S N Courtney y_ M, C, A, Friday at 12 ecreck at my ue ge an t e oregn wor . PATTERSON, RYAN 4 McMARTY AND GRADDY A BRADLEY
{vg"; mquestéd to wmmld de- mgurm- weekly meeting in the Y_ M_ iguulgylvn gills D0i¤¢ I;€€¤¤¤*> the; $1:6 Furnishings, Shoes, Clothlng, HBLS and Tailoring
C. A. room. Professor Tlgert’s sub-< 0¤‘ 0U I € men fm W°m€¤ 0 I 6 Ph¤n• 903 140 West Maln 8tr••t
l , b t l d l
r ;'E;;(:if:Tscrt;);c;¥;ati;10 a sslmvsw was ject wm be ···ph0ughtS-Th€ Test Ogicolleges of the South and Asia. Not
rr had Character." lt shall belthe primary OUIY slwuld It be ”· °°‘*’d“°'m°¤al
"°"‘ ‘ b object of these mlcweek meetings to movemrrt but lf it ¤¤¤ be ¤ vm Of ¤
j Smitihs Saxophone uio has mn bring the young men together gm- B united movement of the State lnstltu- I   I    
r www ` short time in a devotional service and mms °f Am€I`I°°· S0 much *}*9 b°“€"-  
I uw hgyo soma interesting and gn. In other Words   ls not an IIIdIVIduBl c°rn°r LI"`°“°n· and whmowl
    thusiagtgc gpeukgr present gm- a brig; effort for this year alone but what Isl .
‘ Mr- wr M. Harm, or the General mm p,0,.,B,0, ·r,g,,,t ,,, ,,1,,,,,, wed. done tmc ycer will lay me foundation Full Lme of STATIONERY and SUPPLIES
mectrlc Company, epcke to the stu- °°'“° °“‘°°¤ *h° °'“°°¤*° °' *h° U¤*· f°' *:‘° :““;"° “"“‘g °' °°“d°'"° "‘ LUNCH counren oven seven one Ann mama.
dent branch of the American Instl- ""my md it is h°I’°d '·h“ “ 1“g‘·’ th: n;:m;f°n'th H of me ESPECIALLY 0N suN¤AY_
tute of Electrical Engineers, on Thurs- numb"` wm b° °“t '·° hm"' mm °°' our ` 0 er C0 eggs
dw February 18_ morrow at noon. Charles Hertz will ssnlnary l¤;eud<;l;gk;h;s   3 ttzlnai B. W. B. GROCERY C0.
Mr. Hanna prefaced his addressIgw°°vi°“" °°l°· Dis nw 8 I; Sip! U i r rt
· ` '  
wlth a few pertinent remarks concern- Such m°° “ J· T· C· N°°· R°v· Cas I; Tum reason Mk lei smile sh;
mg nralmamhrp and mrrowed with an well of the ph-st Baptist Church Bndr o ng a s rn ar wor . s e _________________ _ -
i illustrated lecture cu ··preeeut Day 0****** 8<><>m¤¤v st 12:25. Plenty ce ¤<>·¤¤ llw M2 *¤m¤**¤*>'Y We" wml TICKETS on sau-: ¤An.v. LIBERAL RETURN LIMIT.
i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O thug gm- drum,-_ so be thaw to htm. r their allotment, (Vanderbilt having FAVQRABLB STOP.0V£R PRIVILEGES.
j ··—···"‘ Pre{_ John J_ Ttgqry ralsed alone $2,100.00), and the chance
· u uw: •=¤¤=s=~ AT ¤~¤v¤¤¤¤rv  ce. le dow dddlded ddd ddr institution td EQUIPMENT, SERVICE AND SCENERY IINSURPASSED
1 » l _ '**"‘1"'
1 -1       Ldcmonstrate not only the real charac- "` " ' Fw Pune I ·APP|y to An,
About fourteen miners from various WITH WILDCATS   ter er our student body but to say to 11 °k“ l t or n H
parts of the State are at the Mlnlng —·· the world that we are rlght ln llne   . ’
Building this week, taking examlna· "Rusty" Wright. who has signed arwlth the great college crlcle that ls ROUTE B. C.   Pwr ll] Ilclcl Ava
· O tions for mlne foremelfs Certlflcatel. contract wltll the Cleveland Ameri-`gchlevlng the unselflsh ln blg ways. jo] [gg; Mgr; St., Lggirtggqnr Ky.
Every mlne In the Statue employing cans and was expected to leave forl Fmlr Uuqueetlengbly thls fund d_ r  