6 T H E I D E A
  ____________ __________________________________________,___,______A__________ •
The mmner hl whm, the smljents Al n meeting of the Senior class The Brooks Engineering Soclety of
of tho pm,.,.r,,“y Oy Kmmpky 8,.,, mk, held last week. n motion was adopted the College of Clvll Engineering haul D0 you know   the     of  
mg pm., in athletics M an mecuva tn dedlente thls yearn "Kentncklan" elected an new officers for the term: I P0! Céht DISCOUNT goes of on March Ist? If
imswpl. ,0 the umumem that amleucslto Prof. J. T. C. Noe, head of the De·\ B. D. Howe, of Elizabethtown} you have not already a’r8nged for Fotos you must
in Am,Hc,m muon, are confined mlpartment of Edueatlon. The "Ken-Ipresldent. _ •
n limited numben tu<·klan," the yearbook of the grnduat-` t'. R. (laugh, of Lexington, vlce· do S0 at once, or you wlll lose the 0pp0rtun‘ty•
It in estimated that goo Oy th,. Lum lng vlass, is a complete summary ofipresldent.       .
,.,,,0]],,,, M., taping pm., in Home kind the y•~nr's work ln the University and` G. ll. Hall, of Bluefield, W• Va., sec-
0, physkm gx‘,,.‘.m,_ The Null, gym the stuff, of whlch Owen S. Lee ls retary. ¥•'U••••'··•••·••••
msmm Masses ,,,,,0]] 610 and it is E, editor-ln-<·hk·f, has been hard at work! ll. I·‘. Albert, of lillzalwthtown,  
timamd that 100 more mma to the for some time on the book. itreasurer. i_____ ___
gymnasium evpry day for exer(.1¤9_ Professor Noe ls a writer of some; 'A new staff was elected for the ‘_—  ·
The swimming Cl”“.S_ wmch wm distinction, having written "'l`he Loom `Translt, the offlclal publication of the •
hp Opened in the Spring and mm", in of l.lfe," and numerous other p0ems.’(`lvlls, as follows: C. \V.`,0vell, of     _  
boxing and wrumng no °xpec'ed to including a dramatlzatlon of the llookllreenvllle, edltor·ln-chief; and A. J.
hrmg out many m0r€_ of Esther, which wlll be played by the] Rankin, of Rnnkln, business manager.
Intercollegiate and interclass Mh, Canterbury (‘lub, of which he ls a5'l`he class representatives elected are
me men are all-med as allows; ¤·<>¤·¤>¢r· “·“‘¤¤·" “°m°¤· "‘= “· *`· “""‘°““‘· e I   y
pootban 50_ track 30, basketball .{2_ —·———•-•·•—····· 'l6; Wllllam Adams, 'li', and ll. (‘. . ;
base ban 60, teams 20. neslues these TENNESSEE COACH Carson. '18- THIS MQNTH AND THIS MONTH ONLY
are 240 engaged ln the mllltary art.       -1-***-*1      
About sixty or the young women are. yn discussing the baseball Situation I KENTUCKIAN ASKS L THE FOLLOWING
tskins vm ln svm¤¤»¤l¤¤¤¤ work andlcoaon clevenger, or Tennessee, who; FOR CONTRIBUTIONS A 60 7- bo .
many others In ¤¤¤ke¤>¤¤l· Iwas here lm week wml the Tennes-l ——- ny c,0r °c X °f papa m °m` St°r°· 50°·
·""'°'°°"""' see basket ball squad, took occaslon| The strong polnt of this year‘s Ken- This includes correspqndence cards!
      to say that Jlm Park ls one of theltucklan ls 0rlglnallty—it’s going to be an the late tlntS·
    DANCElclasslest college baseball pitchers he different from any you've ever seen.  
lhas ever seen. Even the sacred precincts of the facul-
Th La d P I ’lll l · ·
dam; mmzuelf i::m(::y“ Saiulja: "N0 one hopes more than I that his ty are to be invaded. You can‘t at`- Any box of Fratcrnlty dlc'Stamped papers 40c•
April wth from 8 to 12 D.   Messrst shoulder wlll mend sufficiently for hlm ford to miss lt! But in order to carry TPIS IS to m8k€ l°00lI\ for 0\1l' spring line,
Paul Gerhlud Iosoph Piggon and Wal- to show the same form this year that out this Idea ot orlglnnllty, the stat!   ‘
wr B (_r0m°é0mm_is9 the dance com- he showed last year. l don`t mean to lmust have your assistance. Anything
mma? SKY that l want hlm to be at his best j that ls humorous, sarcastic, serlo- Pennants, Plllows, Bllq B8l\l\€l‘S all at reduced
This dance wm be held in me even. when he pitches against Tennessee,1eomle, such as snappy poems, jokes, DPICCS.
mg after the `Hchlgun baseball but he has the making 0f_ a greatlsnapshots, take-offs, anything that  
game and uugurs Qc be one of th€_l>itcher. I believe. and lt certainly wlll lmlght bring a smlle, ls wanted. wrlte "
social “hns__ of the year Ibe llllfOl°t\1HBt.dfO¥° lllm   UIQ ll'l_`|\lI'l€8 'lt Out. and hand lt, to OWGH   [,98 0]*              
__ ' __ Ito his shoulder received ln t‘0otball‘Kenneth Doris right away for every-
·C·“ and get   last fall refuserto mend suftlclentlyltnlng must be sent ln to the printers Kentucky State University   Books, 50c.
  our adyertilcrt to I6! hlm show hlS wal Worth right {soon. If you have an idea. that might   the lust
  HOW H1 lllé time thB SCO\1tS f0l‘ the big be used to advantage and ha,ven’t, y °
I D   leagues are looklns hlm ovor." tlme to work lt up yourself, talk lt . ' ""'
° _ 2 ) _.....•.....- Over with one gf the [wg previously Get 0l\€ of 0\1l‘ dollar f0\ll'lt8.ll\ p€l1S• Guaranteed
DOROTHY BODD SHOES       mentioned. But above all, be original A Watgfmlgih Pens $2.50 up,
‘ FOR WOMEN   TQMORRQW.-orlglndlty and variety are the key- on IHS   up. ·
$3.50 to 5.00 -——· I t r tm · al.  
$ Dr. J. Fred Wolle, organist, wlll ap- ml es 0 B yang umu
FOR MEN pear at the First Presbyterian Church! PATTERSON LITERARY SOCIETY   l
$4.00 to $$.00 ;‘;“‘1’;;°"l_f§;;;‘i'iy““;;;e;‘:;   _ Now is the time to leave your order for invito.
D,._ Wong is the foremost Ornnist Of! The Patterson Literary Society met. l0nS’ capiazrag g°ge’;Si);‘d engraved
the United States and has played ln S¤*¤’d¤Y evenmg as “°“°·l N “°"°“ • Y.
" ’ all the large cities where he has been °’°l°°k· Sharp- TIN presment gave • • ·
  royally welcomed. his "inaugural •ddress," ln whleh he    
I The following prog,-am will be rem said that the inaugural address was an
doped; ' innovation ln the history and llfe of
am Prelude in ·r mat .............. Bach the P¤¤¤r¤¤¤ Litennv S<>¤i¤¢>’¤ that
I bf!
l(·hOm]9.. lit was a departure from the beaten   _
!-·Ho,-zuch [hut my ·· path ot usual and customary nro-
, ch verlanger·— My l The Colle e
    l Heart ls Dooply 1,ong;ug·· _____ Buchlcedure, but he trusted that lt would g Store for College P¢0[.)l€
""l`he Little Post Hom Ah··· ______ gocypnot violate its honored customs norl _   F. Ba“a"e` ,08` Mgr. 233 W. Short
. . Prelude nl o. ...... . . compromise its <1ls¤l¤v·
        g I .. •· ··».».·B&ch l \
la b d _' ” th ‘(1vortnro_ Tonhousoy _____ _ ____ gvaguer Some of the members on the pro-i  
m an mm swcc C Mlnuet ....................... sneny wm ¤el¤s ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤"r<>¤¤¤ table" dis- , `
jewelers lll‘l€ 3l‘¢ l'lC!‘€ {01* Melody   _____________ _ ________ Jonas cusslon was lnstltuted ln which every-
Your inspection. Scherzo ...................... Widor body wok active P8'?
(From me Second (jrgun Symphony) The president requested that every   l m 7 7
··p;-ugmom fron] Lanie,-·S member be present at 7 0'clock T I .
  EIKVER l·‘lute" .............. Sidney Lanier vr¤¤¤v¤y et me next m**°¥l¤€·
Pl S (`lll`UlllH.llC Fantasia ............ Thiele "‘*""°"""""
BELT BUG ES I ____,_____ ‘soor+•¤¤~ co~¤=¤¤¤~<=¤ *1 It is not alone necessary that lumber snall be good •
* 0 ’ " . TO INVITE KENTUCKY · . ,
l D “ t f°"§°t the Km nn the flrsr place, but good lumber to retam nts ood-
tuck Belle —— I
T To ··········· wor. E. L. onus, or the unlvennty D088 must have proper care and gttgnuogb
  Y Athletic Counell has received a letter q •
‘ Ever tl ·
SPECIALS l HAVE YOUR from wor. l—:. l·. Frost, chairman or y S ck of lumber that enters mu Yards W
P h   O S the athletic council of the Unlverslty ¢8l°€f\|u)' handled. SOME is 8t8Ck8d 011 8ti¢k§, game
of Tennessee, assuring hlm that Ken- ` • • .
· . lled In o en s ed ·
1% Ijast   St.     [hi} I'l€W SOU{ll€l`ll COIlf€I`€ll('B of SURE             S0,  
9 • Universities as soon as the details of • • ·
Lmxmoron, Kr. H h   d lece wlll re ‘ • •
Opp Phoenix     S u   UW Ufsunlzutlon could be c0mple[gd_ P ach you In the best |)0B8lbl¢ condition,
341 wl lam SL Phunwssd Alasatna will aaso pe aslced to join, qY0\l wlll find, h€l'€, lllmbéf f0l‘ any purpggg frgm
una lng a nneln erslp o seven with the smaues · .
  [lll) UVB Cllhrttjf l]l8[]lb€[°B' Vlrginlal t          
, Q , North Carollna, South l`arollnu, Geor- in‘•
  S       gla and Tennessee. ln this organiza-
    tlon the one·year rule, which prohibits
the playing of Freshmen on a varsity
Ad l - A; U.   T. HdX;'8h$0 IZ roothall team, wlll not go Into ellect      
ml88l0n° 50 ¢fI¢8. 8w GNCBB TG ht uutll after 1916.
nd IAGUBE BUILDING, Coma Ialn U Inouwuy ug lucomonud
M° "Y “" gb "d”“d"V Af“'i“°°”“· 3 ‘° 5 Remember the “Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
Monday and Wednesday Evenmgs. 8 to 10 Bo||o_"