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Letter of Transmittal.  
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0Hzs L.rce·Zlcncy, Hox. \\11. O. BnAn1,1·1Y,  
» GO’I'C}')IOI` of Kcmizzcky: i ,};iE§‘};
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Sir—Under the authority of the Board of Control, and in accord-  
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 ce with an Act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, and entitled  
. . . . . . ~€-‘%‘@·i’
lu.\ct to CSlZll)l1Sl1Ag`l'lCllltll1'Z`tl Experiment Stations 1n connect10n ,\g,,·g:o¤.
ith the Agricultural Colleges established in the several States, _   ’‘‘V
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 nder the provisions of an Acct, approved July 2, 1862, and of the _ ir   . 
 cts supplenientary `lll(3l'(3·lO,” and of a11 -\ot of the Legislature of ‘    
 e State of Kentucky, approved February 20, 1888, and enttitled   ..o.
.\n.»lct to accept the provisions of an A ct passed by the Co¤n*gres~s     ,
 fthe United States, approved Aiarclh 2, 1887, for th establ`is=iin1·e11¤t .    
 d maintenance of Agricultural Experiincnt Sta t` its 1 connection   t ji,
`tli the Agricultural Colleges established b   seven States  
tlTerritories under .\oc·t of CO»1lQ_'l‘OSS. ap ¢§fed.<.`]`i1‘ly 2,, `18 '2," I  
ercwith submit t>h`e Ninth .;\nn‘ual Report o@1Q;§x§ent11i<:l;yv§,g4icul-’     ·
 1·41lExperin1en=t Station. A ¢_>· 6   r     ,
Very rcspe, t%lly, _.j QF   "
A . i\t`SCl)VE , Divrcctolr.   i
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