A be appointed to carry the suggestion to the Board of Trustees and to co-operate - .
g . with all parties in the arrangement of the program and arrange for Alumni
» activities on the occasion. After much discussion, the motion was passed.
, It was then suggested by Dr. Marks that the portrait of Dr. Patterson be .
i presented on that occasion. It was explained by Mr. George Brock that it was
the wish of Dr. Patterson that the portrait be presented to the University at that
time. It was so ordered by the Association. A
The Committee on Opening and Counting Ballots, reported as follows: _
,· T0 the Alumni Association:
it Your Committee on Opening and Counting the Ballots desires to
. report the results of balloting as follows:
I Preridt·nt—]AMEs I)/IADISON GRAvEs, ’oo.
S Vice-Presideizt—]ixMEs HENRY GARDNER, ’o4.
_ .S`ecretary—Treas1ircr—]. D. TURNER, ’98. I
S Executive Committee-—-Louis HILLENKVIEYER, ,07.
` Q Respectfully submitted,
· GEo. H. GILBERT, ’o5.
W. H. GRADY, ’o5. l
_ · Pmup L. BLUMENTHAL, ’o9.
j Committee.
A After the election of officers had been announced, the Secretary tendered his
. A resignation, giving as his reasons: (1) For the present, the offices of the
Secretary and Editor of The Alumnus should be one and the same and directed
A by the same person with proper assistance to carry on the work. (2) That there
- is just as good reason why the Secretary of the Association should not be an
oflicer of the University as the Editor of The Alumnus. (3) That a more suitable
person and one who could give more of his time to the work should be selected
for the position. (4) That his other duties were heavy and required practically
all of his time and his iirst attention. l
. After some discussion, the Association refused to accept the resignation and
voted that the Secretary be allowed the services of a stenographer to carry on ,
the work of the office. Due to the lack of necessary funds to cover the expenses
of such an assistant, the following patriotic and loyal members present formed a
pact and agreed to underwrite the guaranty for the necessary funds; H. P.
Ingles, Vane Lester, A. T. Lewis, ]. I. Lyle, W. H. Grady, G. H. Gilbert, H. S.
. Fry, George Roberts, H. E. Curtis, Paul Ward, Perry West, P. Blumenthal, S
]. H. Kastle, H. C. Robinson and M. E. Johnston. °
The Secretary then asked to be authorized to appoint Class Secretaries for i
» those classes which had failed to elect permanent secretaries. It was so ordered. t
_ The Executive Committee was instructed to appoint a committee to make I
arrangements for the future publication of The Alumnus. V
n- The meeting adjourned sine die. v