I 0f Fraternity and Non-Fraternity Students.
i The following table gives the comparative scholarship standing of the various
K fraternities and sororities for the year 1915-16. The values of the letters used to
A indicate standing are:
_ A : Excellent (About 92-100)
B : Good ( " 83- 92)
· I C:Passed ( “ 75- 83)
_ D: Conditioned ( " 50- 75)
j E : Failure ( Under 50 )
  In the table, the first column represents the number of students in each
_ chapter; column two, the total number of marks made by each chapter; column
  `three, the per cent of A’s and B’s made by each chapter and which represents
g * the real test of scholarship; and, column four, the per cent of passing marks.
1 To get the per cent of C’s, subtract the per cent in column three from that
- in four; and to get the per cent of the D’s and E’s, subtract the per cent in
`_ column four from 100.
· · The fraternities are arranged in the order of highest per cent of A’s and B's.
. - Total Per cent
. Name of Fraternity. Number No. of Per cent Passing
; Members Marks A. & B. Marks
,. Sigma Nu . ...................... IQ 208 61.5 Q3 ·
i Alpha Tau Omega ............... 23 294 61.2 Q5 AI
` Kappa Alpha .................... I5 193 57.5 92 in
Phi Delta Theta .................. 27 356 55.9 92 th_
· Sigma Chi ....................... IQ 218 55.0 89 ‘
Pi Kappa Alpha .................. 20 248 43.5 83 av
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 5 ............ 22 255 40.7 87 su
V Kappa Sigma .................... II 119 40.3 79 ap
5 Delta Chi ........................ I2 133 27.3 85 as
Kappa Delta ..................... 8 108 75.0 98 1
Kappa Kappa Gama .............. I7 190 73.6 QO th*
` Alpha Gama Delta ............... I2 150 66,2 92 ali
Chi Omega ...................... IO 129 64.5 97 S6]
Z Alphi Xi Delta ................... II 141 61.7 97 dh
226 2742 56.0 Q2 Pe
Non-fraternity students ......... 653 7904 57.8 91 plz
·—"‘“""" "_"' "‘ es]
~ The following lines on the tragic death of Lord Kitchener were composed
by Captain Edward Ellershaw, ’89, whose brother, Brigadier-General Ellershaw, ·
. was with Earl Kitchener when the illfated Hampshire went down while on her ml
— voyage to Russia. _