I I deeply feel the honor and obligation you have placed’ upon me and it will In
A be my earnest effort to discharge well this obligation and duty. sit
_ i >•¤ * =•= =•¤ * em
g In reviewing the work of the past year, The
· P°“°Y· Alumnus takes the opportunity to announce that
~ its policy will remain unchanged, and it will
i endeavor to develop and extend it so far as possible.
L It is a regrettable situation that The Alumnus cannot be altogether in accord lm}
§ with the present policy of the University. However regrettable this situation mt
{ may be, as soon as the University will announce a plan of efficiency and high film
{ standards-—morally and otherwise, the elimination of politics, selfish interests, — mi
¢ cliques, and the spoil system—whenever it catches step with the modern idea of a am
° university and of teaching the youth of this State-—teaching it the ideals of the
’ ` citizenship, The Alumnus will be found in the forefront of this forward dc?
· movement. em
· In speaking of conditions at the University, The Alumnus will do so plainly, gmc
g with only one idea in mind—to let the public know the full truth, feeling that av
I one—sided publicity has been a great drawback to the University and that the ECT
i right kind of publicity will help correct many evils. It believes that the evils €·
i   have a natural aversion to publicity. for
The Alumnus is merely trying to advance the interest of the University, but 1
the University must be rid of politics and the spoil system and in their stead
Y efficiency and high standards established. It will be found boosting wherever it
` can find something of merit. It will criticise, criticise constructively, if youplease,
those things which are not conducive to the best interest of the University. There- the
~ fore, it may have a great deal to say in future issues concerning the Board, the Octl
Faculty, their acts, and things generally about the administrative affairs of the `lem
University. In the work of elimination of inefficiency in the government of the at t.
University, it asks the co-operation of every alumnus, every friend of the
University and education generally and the Press of the State. Stud
, * * is >t< * - Old
` The Board of Trustees is composed of thirty-
‘ TM B°°'d· three men. If the Board by accident or otherwise annt
should matriculate at the University and attend com
classes, it would increase the attendance nearly three per cent. The board is Kas
made up of excellent men——most of them—but few of them know any thin: Gt-at
about the making and running of a university. Some of them take no interest
in the affairs of the University; some honestly try to do what they can for its the ;
best interest; others have become disgusted and rarely attend the meetings; while the
there are others who are mighty busy all the time and usually put over thintzi almt
just the way they have planned them. With such a Board of so many divergent Patt
views and purposes, one cannot expect much to be done along constructive and of h
permanent lines, and Tl1e Alumnus advances the suggestion that the law bt .
amended so as to reduce the membership to seven and certainly not over nine. the 1