• Recognize $1.0 million generated by ticket sales from the "Overture of Healing”
event to benefit the Lucille Caudill Little Perfonning Arts in Healthcare program.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Mr. Branscum recommended approval of FCR 6.
Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See FCR 6 at the end ofthe
Dr. Yanarella said that he realized that FCR 1 was on the consent item list, but he wanted
to take special note of the $100,000 gift that is in memory of Maria Braden-Clark. Maria was a
personal friend and sang in his wife’s choir with him. She was by all counts a marvelous
contributor to the Department of Joumalism. She wrote a book on women joumalists which got
extremely good reviews, and she won many other awards. Dr. Yanarella said that he was so
pleased that her husband Joseph Clark and the Kentucky Christian Foundation has given this gift
to the University in her honor. It is well deserved.
Q. Student Affairs Committee Report
Ms. Haney, chair ofthe Student Affairs Committee, reported that the Committee met that
moming with full attendance as well as other Board members joining the meeting. The agenda
was packed and the first item was an upcoming highlight ofthe Common Reading Experience
(CRE), which is in its second year. Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Victor Hazard did
comment that along with the Common Reading Experience, Student Affairs is connecting with
and strengthening the relationships with academic colleagues across the campus.
Becky Jordan, Associate Dean of Students, guided the Committee through the process of
selecting the books that they choose each year. There is an advisory committee of academic and
student personnel as well. They try to use University values, strategic planning, etc. when
choosing their books.
Michelle Ashcraft, Assistant Director of New Student and Parent Programs, oversees the
CRE. They start with approximately 50 nominated books, and the selection this year is Zeitoun
by David Eggers. Mr. Eggers will be coming to campus on September 27. His book will be
used even more this year than the CRE experience book last year because it is being integrated
into all UK101 classes. There will be a three-page essay to be written as a homework
assigmnent. The book deals with the devastation from hurricane Katrina, and there will be an
altemative spring break trip offered to New Orleans. This program is a beginning experience at
UK, and the staff will be building on it each year. This program helps get students ready for the
idea of academic responsibilities and requirements as they prepare to enter the University of
Dr. Richard Greissman, assistant provost for program support, talked about the proposed
changes to the Code of Student Conduct. He explained that the Code of Student Conduct must
be a living document that evolves over time. The Code has to be reviewed and updated. It has to
take into consideration problems that may occur now that were not around 10 years ago.