ROW ONE: Pete Perlman, Elliott Netherton, Fred Strache
ROW TWO: Dick Ramey, Neil Sulier, Bill Williams, Jim Kavanaugh, Mike Wenninger, Bob Wainscott ROW THREE: Dreux de Nettancourt, Whayne Priest, Don Zebold, Berk Worster, Bob Rose ROW FOUR: Kenneth Harper, John Hetfernan, Howard Stephenson, Merle Stapp
YMCA Has Finger In Many Pies
The University YMCA sponsors or helps sponsor the Dorm Discussion club, Leadership Training Program, a Bureau of Employment for men students, Freshman Orientation week, Cosmopolitan Club, Religious Emphasis Week, Phalanx, Pitkin Club and the Hanging of The Greens.
In addition to occasional socials, the "Y" held two retreats this year, retiring to a nearby camp for a wekend of worship, study and relaxation.