:1,. .,Av  
` ram me
- - -·... ,, ,_,....,, . .......-— -.. 7. -.. .·-·•-—»»-•-sp`; ....•;4.-.-..__..._....-.»•-—•·;• -   ______-___ V —~`;A__r A-V V i
1 A ‘ ¤
' 4Wv* i lRl\Ill)H     I1;11·h trr·1· in lwliitz 1lr·1ll1·;1l¢·1l to  '·‘lll l»·· 111;11l»~ 11111- 11l` th1· .;~.i iii . |;.-1_1l.»1 fn gt; hnma- for 3
l D P llllmpl uml MH rllwllll lm lllplmml In 'l‘"‘ "' "··llK ll1*‘ `tll < l’;1L;·· I.;|—. lp1~»·|| ;4||(·(-•·q·i|4·q| by
• l1t~1‘ tbl llltl \;Il'Hl|) lHI*kV'llHIll ll‘Zllll‘i"'_;ItiUH Ihlihlillg   luxt '.ull.H (_IuSSl!'i·;.'{.rnHy ny'. \   l{y·", Uni!-4     {H \':H.i'_ III in'. HH" Nllxs }‘0“_Ipy
      llll‘t 1* _\'t'i|l`H Zlllll t'2I|ll1\lI\ till llllti }l`.\l"$ . ,. l**.. . .· ,1* ,. _. , 1 ·. __ .
in ,'i.mh.U|i)oy Ihlg was UH, nm. i l.1.l111_ I., .l l.l111t1, l.. .l llt_»1¤1.1.1 ·1 .l1· I··1|~. 11*11111 I’rn5Idr·r1[ liar.
      lt1··1111 \l| ll—; l`1'l•·111l~1 \\i~1l1 |1l111 llIt'k I l· . . K
)     ; ' ` I I ' ` ` t‘l.lS< i11 1l1·111lr11l11gy 1»r1.:11niz1-11 at tI1•·` " 'l ‘ ll- l’“*"' l" 1 ·< ·>l`1i···
--—e·———- •-{-•— r—·~—~ —-
l iiiiiverslty. ·
. 1 . ‘ ‘ ` l l
_ $400 °         I Allllll praise is due l’rnfess0r M1--    
I (,0     (/REEK_l·`11rl:1111l for the great ititerost he has: K _ _
·_ i \\`alt1·r I·`. lllllIl¢‘)K illlll 1;, 1'_ l{1)}ft‘1`!<.:ll1l(l‘ll i11 this work for ll more l)t’3\llll·i .
· A D N · R l*~ll||t)I`S lll thv (1>ll1·t:•· nl Xlllws 1t11tl‘l11l (‘{\l]l[)\lH. ` ‘ ` and Cgpgclally College f€l_
·_ ‘.\1 1.1111111.;., ltll l.1>t w11k ltll |111li.111. `-........-...,..;- ` ` \• l0“,S’ like the new »VarSlty
ADNO  ;11»·1111 to take up wnrk 111 the lll(ll2lll;KY• (/LUB     J i     V d I d b
· R ll1`1‘•‘l( ('ual (l0l1l[>'lll)' lIllll(‘*·l wlmig tliel F » I H 3 y- l\€ mo 9 S ma 8 y
i · · · | ROM UNIV. OF M C .
K   li11··s 1»1' their thesis-1 work. 1 -—— 3 . ·
, I   lll. l .I.h__ mmcq havp bwn Olwratwl _" ul 'l`l11· K1·11tu1·ky Club of the lKlll\’t‘l'—J ` Hart, SCh3tTl`I€l' & Marx
i I 7{Mllll" A I l_U_` for the mq fpw \_(__H__ and UMNO eiiy 1»1` Allehigan will leave Amt .\1·l111r` l 1 I ’
1* J l  Y1 =1·`1·111ay (lll 11. qpeclal train und will bn 1 ` ts l`€3lly tl`l€ V€I`y b€SC
1 _ Q H[ll(l(3I1{S will attenipt tn find out ` · 5 _
E H _ . . . , lj1>l111·1l 1·`1·l1111y night in Cincinnati byi l 1, \'()llf] m3n’*
ithetlier it is due to taulty 1>11gir112er—. v U g 5 m0 9 Ou IS
~ . . ·· · . .
· Q   O W mg Maps wm be mw of mp m_ ..... basketball 1....... 1.111... .......»1.11..| I { A eoabon
’ ·. —11.1 ....11 11..- (‘X[(~*l`l()l` ....11 11.1— 111.111 K"""" ""“' g" “’ ‘*""‘"g‘°"· “"‘°"" "‘°" 1 — ‘ 
l ll   will ('UIlllllll(} for about 11 month. wm may me State U¤*v€1¤*¢>‘ Sah"` Ti . l,   We Sll0W tllém in all the _
' jj., __- .-.........- day afternoon. · Q
{ o -..q+».._ — new Glen Urquhart and
. . attan Jlatds and a lot of
__w___ ·` Q S ·` ` Tl C BC .
. . .. . CYNTHIANA H. S. _ p S
nn 1 T   M1. Minton tiegur, 11 stntlent 111 the
• I I . . » ‘
. t'1>ll1;1~ of Agr11·111t11r1-, has l)(¥l“l1 an l'r11t1·ss1>r J. 'l`. (‘. hoe, of the De- Bgttgr (][‘()p in and See all
127 Cheapflldt? i11.i11111l 11) the [)()Slll()ll (YI. State l)1l,ll`)':]l2tl'Illlt‘ll[ of l·21l110utl0n, gave the lust · the liew     We
  i F _
I Hoursg a_m_ to gp_m_ [them, g64_X lllhiltlltll ltl .11111·11l iii. 1 . \\. \\1>rt.l1 I111 .lll5 10u1:·11 ot` lectures and reed ngsl ` i Sh()“,’ priced from   to
lll;l(lll. Mr. (regnr, l1)l' the past twtiilmloro the tyntliiana lilgli h(‘l100l    
{ , and :1 I111ll` years. has l)t‘+*i1 in ('l1J.lI`L§l‘_'l`ll!`S(lL\)' night. Profesor Noe gavei I · ’ ° °
l r ( (llK lllI· milk t1·>ti111.; illlll 1l·1i1‘}' 1‘t·t·01‘1l .;_41.1111· 1»I` |1i< t1w11 ])O(·‘lllS lKl`(llll "'l`l11· kr
I       ; {nl tl11· l‘:ll|lt‘lltltll`l' l>:1l1·i‘. lie was v1·1·y`|.1>11111 111 l.il`e" and the **1101111 111 tml A     'h• 0
( ' * *·   ihighly 1·1·1·1»1111111~111le1l lltll‘ the ])l`€S0ll('ll1l’l`" "Nly Own l‘]V€llllllI," ".l11st tn. Q;   0   Ul
      il iilllhllltlll by l)l't)lKt’>§S()l`S llU(>[1t"l` a11d,l>r·~a111," "()Id-l~`asl1i011ed LOOIII" "Uld, gl [ {H I . [,_ [SI
. .1%. 1 J
i J! ’ ` R ` lNi1·l111ls, i11 \\'ll()St’ (lt*]l;ll`Il1lt*Ill he was Spinning \\'l1eel," "Scl100l of Ski1111y,"I C1~1pgrightHutScbal1¤er&3iu; g Un 5 lgges Orc
, {W   Wg, €’T`(`7\\ `|)llI'Sllll]g‘ his lllujtlf studies. )lr,:"l)11;;‘ l1‘1111 llays," "'l`l1e Age Elt’('ll`l(‘.K' ; "K KK   K KK "—”"’_`;‘
·\ l ;`—` _ · e A e -———— —»———— 
K · » K"   `(`1'*g1‘ till 1.·.·11111· li: 1·w (lllll‘.` "l11·1lbi1·1I," "l1l11ebir1l," **0111 \\’a11·r
/   iw ·_r¤•7_> ` i 1.0 \ iss 1 is lt 1. · H H 4 V ` H `
.—   d`   .·\]ll'll 8. lllill, llld Drinking (.0urd. l· r11111 P H 0 E N I X I-I O I E L
     IUC -————·•-•——- — ll':%[lll‘l'] "l’il11te’s )lUIl0l()KU(*,H "l·Js—
/ EKCEPT SA{uRDAY$_ K `“ABE”   ltl111·'s Al1)llOl()gllt’," "()ne·Ar111ed Jue," K KWK K `K K K   KK 'K K- K KK T K? *
` W
1 / TURKISH,SHOWER&PLAlN ` `     illlll the "klotmsliiiiers" were included     ffgnj | Sc to  
1 - 1;   0 — lin the lecture.
Q T BASlMr"Tl39[Iw§(|lcT°N‘KV  {   ,.\, >1_ 1··,\1..»". llt*l|[‘llli;l,ll ,\\Kll() gra11—l "wNf—   Luncheon 40c to 55c
"—*" ·‘"""‘""""““ llil[(·‘tl ns ll 1·l1e1nist last year, is spend- ::.1.- »———.;;-——— --  
. . . » %EA(`ER—-PARK KK"
ing il 11·w dave 111 l.1·x111et1»11 as ll Ce ' Th · · . .
_,__,,...~._.._i ‘ -— e new Grill II the most beautnful room in Central Km.
K luitesl 11l' l`1‘i1·111ls at tl11· .-\. 'I`. U. lioustu .. . . _ . ·
e • I ` \|1·. and Xlrs. \\1ll1a111 bt‘1\§;t'l, 111 {ucky’ decorated wah Rockwood Pottery-
, Benkart A Fotlch. P¤`¤Pl’l•*°*`|. \l..- 1.·1» 1.1·1-11 11--11-111111; -11 tI11· <\lt‘ .
i‘ " ’ ‘ · ‘ ` `ll11l1·I1111>1111 A1‘1»11111*, l‘:ll$,t‘\\lltltl l'Lll`l(,
(       illllnhllll Alllulnlllul Sllhnol lll IAUINIUH l’lI[sI)|[|'g_ i|]|l|()\|l|('t* [ht' (§|\gi\lJ't*l|lt’l1[ W C K KKKKY K_; —
107 south Llmuwm str"` j·l¤···l¤¤» ¤l··· wel .~·=¤¤‘ =·1··l l·=·~ ¢·<‘·‘—‘l·l•‘*' ...- .1.....- .1....;......-, ms. Plllllit 11.11-.1  
. Oppoelte the Phoenlx Hotel Block l‘“ ""°"l"’" "” “ l'°`K°"K""'°"" `Kl"`""S[ S< .1141-1*. to \\'ilbur \\K*—‘5l*‘Y Steveiiwri. A I KKKK KKK K KKKKPPKKMK_KK"""""KKKK 'K"` K00"""_K°`lK KKKK     I
¤.•¤¤¤¤•¤¤. Ky- !·¤· ·*¤·· *’*¤·*·1·¤······S- ***· 1**** *~=·*·· ¤·¤_...· 11·.11..........—g .1·......., 1......1..i. 1..- li 9
pmgj-,c|_Agg wgmg gUAgAN1·EEp`a short time 111 take this p11siti1111. ivulmn Ky.     a n S      
——i·——* ··· —e···"··*·  •—-———•-¢·•—·-·-»———·— l . l l
l 1 Xli`. S11~v1~11s1»11 was gradiiated 1111111
Meet Me After the Game et *`~’l.‘EKI Y PROCRAM | il SEE KAHN FOR FRESH SUPPLIES
* J ' ~ the 1`11ll1~;;e 111 Aleeliaiiieal and }·1|e1·trl· {
. as 99 *1 1 N *1 = 1
  |   AG-   l11l l‘.llulll¤*l‘l`lll§.L with the class 111         .l
w • dl i. wsu md G D { 11..- .1..1-11·..111.1·.11 Sll('li‘l} 1.1-1.1 11sl*‘*l will if ***1** llllllt **1** ·"K*`*i***>¤·   Supplies fOr Parties, Banq uets, Etc.   2
° |1·1;411lar ineeting Xltllltlilj night witl1‘l"’““*’ l‘·l*‘<‘_l"*f‘ N Mm‘m**"m'K"‘g (""l"   Phone 483 or 11391)-y, (oh {oi- Soiioiioi-  
Hot Chocohtel Cmdy md lc“\iiii imi.i.i.Smm. m.i,g,.mu_ iii.uiii.ii i,).i;;111y11t \\lll(l11>l)ll1‘g, Pa.   WW “M_no_**_W     owe i or   _    
. 11 '·  l|’1‘1>l`• ssor l·I. S. (lout], l)I`()l.t‘SS()l` llnntll   '_ ° _ _ l Ki _ —`_ """ “ ""`“ "`_"‘;
.' l k H R _ [ · 'l'l1e t‘li.§ll[-\\t‘t‘k$. pra1·t11·11l 1111111·1·>
Ihlll) .1. (ul __,, llx `.(|llll_*xult*ll S (H.   ‘ ‘  
‘1· ·s~ l··1 Nl d·_’ 1 l'Ili.l \l(ll
.1 lllll 1·e1 ll :,1 e · ee. 1~ ·s -
DENTlsT J A mm [lm members of uw Agl_i(_uHm__ l l i ( I tl ir im ui H tl U J. J. Graddy Nick Ryan T. C. Bradley Jae. T. McCarty
1111.· 1e» Kllil 1·1 10 Ul 11 tl 1 -
u B   I- .11 S111·iety start 11 lll()\'t‘lllt*Il[ t`111‘ llll‘l _ I l 0  
·   I1·s1z1l1lisl11111¤11t (ll. 11 liv1·st111·k j111lgi11;;lll.mIml`K   `   `
qq TQ `|‘2l\'llll(ll1 at the ttnlversity.   (#0·
, ‘ _ V 4 _   uco·orae
Johns) Drug Store} XI1. A. t. \t)llll§ 1..111 .111 111t111¤t-       CUNSULIDATING
N"' to P"` omg. iii.; talk 1111 "'1‘h1— I111111i.;1·1111t \\'h.1 l·‘1·1·ls     S `PATTERFON. RFCAN G. McMART;Y AND GRADDY 4 BRADLEY
For Pmmpmns Smmmy Soda ... 11..... .-,-· .11.....-...1... 1... .1...-....1.... Flmul nislmis liurtushiitgs, bhoes, Clothing, Hats and Tailoring
’ ' with 1·Xl\lll]llt‘S 1>l` 1`1»1·1·ig111·1·s who lmvo Phone 903 140 West Main Street I
Water Cutlery Plpcs and Cigars °”" S"‘°'**"
' ' _ l1liillt* \\'Ul1(lt*l`l'lll 2·lll('(`t‘SS(‘S lll this 1-111111-    
—_ try, June Lewis spoke 1111 "'l`l11· Stllllll   F   •
V e   - . ., ..
    C0_ ....11 the llll.» (`mp, t‘lIl}lll2|.SlZlllL1 the 236 W. Mnln St. Phone 354
A h ,t d B,t , 111·1·1l 1»l' the South I-tlI' ll1ll`tltlllt'lIl); dl- Giv1·y1»u1·1>r1l1·1·sfordu11ces.e1·t., T I I , ,
nt Nm ° an l “mm°“¤, ....·.......1 t`111‘111l111.:.   *’A“*“S*‘ *" I he I`11V€I'S1t   S[OI°€
L O   t k 1.;\(;·•• CLASS     Corner Limestone and Winslow.
· Qxmg on ‘ Bn uc Y 'l` FIN ON `·\'VlP TQ .-»- 1 - — · ·
° ———:—————-—— 1 R ’ ‘[.. ____ ( ‘ I ‘  . ·_' H   L•¤l¤¤t¤r• 1 Full Lute ut S'l`ATl()l\ ER\ and SUPPLIES
1 »  .1... *¤» `· 1*
‘ THE CHICICC TEICHEHY ICEHCY1 1>1···¤··1. ¤1··· 1».·~1 »~····k ¤1··· ··11·~=··¤ lll _ §>—°L,;j,,_..;·_f<»·$   CREAM www courwen oven seven cms mo Niowre.
i PROMPT—»|tl1.1ABLE~EFl-`l1`lEN'l` l 1l1·111l1·11l11gy, 1111111-1* l*l'tll-t'SSl)l` l·`. 'l`. M1`- j;   i   ESP I L
l Th°·w“y t° Tlw Bm P°“lti°"S ml l"il|lilllll lli\\<‘ l11·1·11 1·11u11:1·1l i11 [ll1lll[· Il C ‘“"" . K““u°ky’· ··" Ec AL Y ON SUNDAY
l_ The North, West 111111 Middle West: ' U   I l ' · .· I". Il I"  ¤' 1:.:;..61;.5.% A lnd W F   G ` C
I O   F. Pa08·‘»,Ph_I_(U·°'c_) Mah: 111. llttw t>11 111 t.111l|>ll>. .1lt 1 t ABS NK _,nm_U\"\ Tak-. L.-- • •     O.
' NBICIIIIWOII ulltlfllll ·lCI·.cHl“I0· l has tl11|111l1·1l 11111* 1ll' 111tll`L* ll'•J\fh Mlldi M-   KK.    K Qh°r{en|n·_
l I