xt7qz60bwd3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bwd3h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19670217 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-02-feb17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-02-feb17-ec. 1967 2011 true xt7qz60bwd3h section xt7qz60bwd3h 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Friday, February 17, 1967

      The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in regular session in the Board Room of the Administration
Building on the campus of the University at 1:30 p. m. , Eastern Standard Time,
on Friday, February 17, 1967, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph
Angelucci, Chairman, Dr. H. B. Murray, Secretary, and Mr. Robert
Hillenmeyer. Professor Paul Oberst, non-voting faculty member of the Board
of Trustees was also present. Absent were Dr. Harry Denham and Mr. Smith
Broadbent. The administration was represented by President John Oswald and
Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, Glenwood L. Creech, Robert F. Kerley, and
Robert L. Johnson. Representatives of the various news media were also
pre esnt.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Dr. Angelucci called the meeting to order and, following a report from
the Secretary that a quorum was present, declared the meeting officially open for
the conduct of business at 1:35 p. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, and so ordered
the reading of the Minutes of the December 13, 1966, meeting of the Board of
Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Report on Activities

       Dr. Oswald commented briefly on each item in his Report to the Trustees,
copies of which were available to those present. He corrected the date given in the
report for the Trustees' and President's dinner honoring members of the Uni-
versity Senate stating that at the request of the members of the Senate the dinner
would be held on the evening of May 1, 1967 rather than on the evening of March
16, 19671 as originally planned. The University's spring vacation will be from
March 11 through March 19 and many members of the Senate will be absent from
the campus on March 16.

       Following presentation of the report, President Oswald informed the
members of the Executive Committee that in addition to mailing copies of his
Report to the Board to the faculty and certain key alumrni and friends of the Uni-
-v-ersity, a Special Report would be prepared of items from PR 1 together with



actions taken at the meeting for distribution to friends of the University.

      Dr. Angelucci thanked the President for his report and ordered it ac-
cepted and filed.

      D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      President Oswald said he had no special comments to make on PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, which had been mailed to the Executive Com-
mittee as well as to members of the Board of Trustees in advance of the meeting
but would be glad to answer any questions.

       Dr. Angelucci, having determined that there were no questions, called for
a motion. Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that PR 2, Recommendations of the President,
be approved as a whole and made an official part of the Minutes. Dr. Murray
seconded the motion and, without objection, it was so ordered by Dr. Angelucci.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Inasmuch as the members of the Executive Committee had not had an op-
portunity to become familiar with the items in PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations
of the President, prior to the meeting, Dr. Oswald asked Dr. Albright to comment
on the first two items which requested affirmation of actions taken by the University
in the submission of proposals for grants.

       Dr. Albright explained that the National Science Foundation under its Uni-
versity Science Development Program has already awarded 20 grants to institutions
to help them advance rapidly to a higher level of excellence in science education
and research than would be possible under general university appropriated funds.
For the past 18 months the University has been working on a proposal to be sub-
mitted to NSF for a University of Kentucky grant. Originally three departments
were involved but as planning progressed it seemed desirable to confine the proposal
to the Departments of Mathematics, and Physics and Astrophysics. The proposal
requests support from NSF in the amount of $2, 843, 000 for a 5-year period. The
University's part would be approximately what the margin of increase has been over
the past few years.

       The University, on behalf of the College of Engineering, recently submitted
a proposal under the Department of Defense Project Themis for a grant of $704, 000
for an initial period of three years. With the able faculty which Dean Drake has
been recruiting, the University has a good chance of having its request approved.

Dr. Oswald commented that the appointment of Dr. G. W. Stokes as Director



of the Tobacco and Health Research Program (Item III) would permit closer co-
ordination of the research which has been going on for the past two years within
the University. Up to the present time one group has been working on the tobacco
plant while at the same time another group has been working in the area of pulmo-
nary problems. It is now important that these two groups merge. For instance,
the group working on the tobacco plant knows how to breed out certain elements
but they now need to know what elements to breed out.

       Item IV requested affirmation of the appointment of Dr. Willis Griffin as
Special Assistant for International Education Programs in the Office of the Provost.
This appointment is both timely and important as the University strengthens and
develops its international education programs in accordance with a recommendation
made in the Academic Plan.

       Attention was called to the recent appointment of Professor Oscar W. Dillon
as Chairman of the Engineering Mechanics Department to replace Dr. Maurice
Jaswon who is presently on leave and who resigned his chairmanship effective
March 1, 1967.

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried all recommendations contained
in PR 3 were approved as presented and PR 3 was ordered made an official part of
the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       F. Dr. George W. Denemark Named Dean of the College of Education

       In June 1966 a Search Committee was appointed to find a replacement for
Dr. Lyman V. Ginger who has served as Dean of the College of Education since
1956. During Dean Ginger's tenure the college has tripled in size and has done
much to meet the demand for trained teachers and educational personnel. The
Frank G. Dickey Hall was planned and constructed during this ten year period.
Dean Ginger has made significant contributions to the advancement of education
in the state and nation. He will continue to serve as a Professor of Education (with
tenure) and will work closely with the new dean, particularly in the area of under-
graduate teacher education programs.

       Dr. Oswald said it was his pleasure to pass on to the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees the unanimous recommendation of the Search Committee
that Dr. George W. Denemark, both a national and international consultant in the
field of education and for nine years dean of the School of Education, University of
Wisconsin at Milwaukee, be appointed as dean of the College of Education at the
University of Kentucky and Professor of Education (with tenure).

       Dr. Oswald commented that the University is fortunate to have a person of
Dr. Denemark's stature join its ranks. Under him the College of Education will
advance significantly the cause of education, especially in graduate preparation,



research, and in service programs for the schools and citizens of the Common-
wealth. Dr. Denemark is chairman-elect of the National Commission on Teacher
Education and Standards of the National Education Association, and of the Co-
ordinating Board of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
He has had assignments abroad, including projects in the Virgin Islands, Puerto
Rico, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Colombia, and was the NEA
representative to the World Conference of Organizations of the Teaching Pro-
fession in Rio de Janeiro in 1964. His 39 publications include a volume on
in-service education and he is a member of the Advisory Board for the World Book
Encyclopedia and was at one time chairman of the editorial advisory board for the
Journal of Teacher Education.

       Dr. Murray made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and unanimous-
ly approved that Dr. George W. Denemark be named Dean of the College of
Education and Professor of Education (with tenure), effective July 1, 1967. In a
discussion of the motion prior to final action, notice was taken of Dean Ginger's
significant contributions to the University, the state, and the nation during his
tenure as dean.

       G. Appropriation for Capital Improvements in the Housing and Dining
System (PR 4)

       Mr. Kerley indicated that he had no particular comment to make relative to
PR 4 which had been mailed to both the members of the Executive Committee and
the Board of Trustees in advance of the meeting but would be happy to answer any

       There being no questions, the motion was made that the sum of $441, 600 be
appropriated to the Division of Auxiliary Services, for Capital Improvements in
the Housing and Dining System, from unappropriated funds in the Auxiliary Services
Fund Balances account. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       H. Organization of Student Affairs (PR 5)

       President Oswald reminded the members of the Executive Committee that
at the October 1966 meeting, Mr. Kerley brought before them an organizational
plan for the Office of Business Affairs together with a series of charts depicting
reorganization, appointments, etc. Similarly, the other vice presidents have been
examining the areas over which they have jurisdiction in the light of the increasing
size and complexity of the University. Particularly important has been the whole
area of student affairs. Prior to 1964, there was no Student Affairs office but
many separate divisions dealing with student programs and, in most instances,
reporting to the President. In 1964 these areas were brought together and the
Office of Student Affairs was created under Vice President Robert L. Johnson.



Since that time, Mr. Johnson has been giving serious consideration to the de-
velopment of a functional administrative design which will encourage and enhance
Student Affairs activities of importance and meaning to a student's total Uni-
versity experience.

       Dr. Oswald continued that the program which he would ask Mr. Johnson
to present to the Executive Committee in greater detail was in his opinion an
excellent one and, if approved by the Executive Committee, would permit Student
Affairs personnel to work with students comprehensively in the design and im-
plementation of program and activities which would add substance and educational
value to the campus environment and student life.

       Mr. Johnson said that at the time the Office of Student Affairs was es-
tablished, fourteen different entities were assigned to it. A few organizational
changes have been made in the intervening years but the original organization is
still more or less intact. He said that basically he was asking for a consolidation
of the offices of the dean of men and dean of women into one office to be known as
Student Life and Activities staffed by three associate deans and reporting to the
Vice President-Student Affairs who will assume the additional title of Dean of
Students. Two new positions will be established--Dean of Student Affairs Planning
and Legal Counsel, both reporting to the Vice President of Student Affairs. The
Placement Service, University Housing Office, Student Financial Aid Office,
Counseling and Testing Service, and the Athletics Department will continue to
report to the Vice President-Student Affairs.

       The philosophy underlying the proposed organization is based on the
premise that the whole effort in student affairs should be one of education. There
is a great deal of education which takes place outside the classroom. As the Uni-
versity changes, very significant individual learning experiences can take place
in the Student Affairs program, particularly if they are carefully planned and are
relevant. It is hoped that it will be possible to bring the academic program and
life outside the classroom closer together. Dr. Doris M. Seward, presently
Dean of Women, has had a long and varied experience in) higher education and is
eminently qualified to handle the position of Dean of Student Affairs Planning.
Some of the areas which will fall within the purview of the Student Affairs Plan-
ning office would be student affairs in community colleges and their relation to the
main campus, modifications in the college residential program, planning for
future student affairs facilities, housing or otherwise, and identification of the
needs of special groups on campus, such as the present project with mature

        The Student Affairs program frequently has need for legal counsel and ad-
vice and Mr. Joseph B-rch, presently Assistant Dean of Men, has legal training
and will assume the position of Legal Counsel and Staff Assistant. His services
will be available to the total student affairs staff and to Mr. Darsie, who will
delegate certain types of staff work to him--such aa, property relationships with
student organizations, housing contracts, etc.



      Mr. Johnson indicated the organizational plan had been presented to all
professional members of the Student Affairs office who are involved and has
their wholehearted endorsement.

       Dr. Angelucci complimented Mr. Johnson on the proposed organization,
particularly the creation of the Office of Dean of Student Affairs Planning and the
appointment of Dr. Seward to that position.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, duly seconded and approved, the recom-
mendation contained in PR 5 relative to the organization of the Office of the Vice
President-Student Affairs was approved and ordered made a part of the official
Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       I. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 6)

       In presenting the names of candidates for degrees who had completed
their requirements in December, Dr. Oswald called attention to the statistical
breakdown which showed a total of 502 degrees. fie added that at the commence-
ment exercises three years ago, there were 28 degrees awarded at the doctoral
level while it is anticipated that there will be approximately 80 such degrees
awarded in May 1967.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the recommendation con-
tained in PR 6 was approved and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the
February 17, 1967 meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 6 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       J. Contract with AID for Northeast Thailand (PR 8)

       Dr. Albright presented PR 8, Contract with the Agency for International
Development for Northeast Thailand, enlarging on some of the unique features of
the contract which were set forth in the background statement. He closed his
presentation with the remark that there is no developing country in the world that
could be considered entirely safe. There do not seem to be any in South America,
Africa, the Middle East, or the Far East and, while there may be an element of
unrest in Thailand, it probably represents the most stable developing country in
the world--perhaps because of its affiliation formally and informally with the
United States.

       Dr. Oswald commented that this was a real opportunity for the University
to be of service and at the same time strengthen the institution.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer agreed that it was a unique and worthwhile undertaking
for the University and moved acceptance of the contract. His motion was seconded



by Dr. Murray, and without dissent, it was so ordered. (See PR 8 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       K. Recommendation of Proposal for Guaranteed Bid Relative to the
Financing of the Construction of the Classroom-Office Building (PR 9)

       Mr. Kerley reminded the Executive Committee members that at the
January meeting the Executive Committee had been authorized to act on interim
financing for certain of the capital construction projects approved. The reso-
lution presented for action would authorize an agreement with a syndicate
composed of F. L. Dupree & Co., Inc., Stein Bros. & Boyce, Incorporated, and
Goodbody & Co., under which that syndicate would issue a guaranteed bid up to
the amount of $6, 000, 000 from the time the agreement is signed to December 31,
1967, at a cost of $12, 000. Such a guaranteed bid would create a "receivable"
against which contracts may lawfully be drawn and would permit the Commission-
er of Finance to make contract awards and sign contracts. No cash flow would
be involved--it merely provides a mechanism which will permit the University to
delay the actual sale of bonds for the classroom-office building until a large bond
issue can be put together. The financial payments to contractors will be paid
from existing funds.

       Mr. Kerley added that the bids on the classroom-office building would be
opened on March 3 and the actual amount of the guaranteed bid may be modified
in the light of the amount of the accepted bid. If all goes according to schedule,
actual construction on the building should begin about April first. The contract
calls for completion within 720 days from the date of the awarding of the contract,
hopefully April 1969.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer moved approval of the resolution, included as PR 9 at
the end of the Minutes. His motion was seconded by Dr. Murray, and it was so
ordered by the Chairman. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Regrets Expressed Over Cancellation of Meeting at Elizabethtown

       Dr. Angelucci requested Dr. Oswald to convey to Dr. James Owen,
Director of the Elizabethtown Community College and the Advisory Board of the
Elizabethtown Community College, the sincere regrets of the Executive Com-
mittee that inclement weather had necessitated changing the meeting from
Elizabethtown to the campus. The members expressed the hope that another
meeting might be scheduled in Elizabethtown during the summer.

       M. Statement on the University of Kentucky Forestry Program (PR 10)

Dr. Oswald said he had prepared a statement which he wished to read to



the members of the Executive Committee relative to the forestry program at
the University of Kentucky. The statement was prepared in an effort to clarify
certain statements which had appeared in news media recently indicating that
the University of Kentucky was planning to de-emphasize the forestry program.
Since the ultimate responsibility for the program belongs with the Board of
Trustees, Dr. Oswald said he felt a report on the position taken by the Universi-
ty administration in this regard was both desirable and important. He then read
the statement which is included in the materials appended to the Minutes of the

       The Executive Committee members thanked Dr. Oswald for his statement
and requested that he keep them informed of developments. (See PR 10 at the end
of the Minutes. )

       N. Meeting Adjourned

       After determining there was no further business to come before the
meeting, Dr. Angelucci called for a motion for adjournment. Mr. Hillenmeyer's
motion was seconded by Dr. Murray and the meeting adjourned at 3:00 o'clock,
Eastern Standard Time.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          H. B. Murray, Secretary
                                          Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, PR 8, PR 9, and PR 10 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the February 17, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees.


                         PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES

                                  February 17, 1967


     The University's annual Founders Week observance will begin at 3 p.m.
Sunday, February 19, with a concert at Memorial Hall by the Symphonic
Band under the direction of Prof. Phillip Miller. Other Founders Week
events include a Guignol Theater production of Anton Chekhov's "The Sea
Gull," performances of which are scheduled for 8:30 p.m. February 22-26
inclusive, and a concert by violinist Bruce Freifeld at 8 p.m. Friday,
February 24, at the Agricultural Science Center auditorium. The Founders
Ball for students, faculty, alumni and other friends of the University will
be held in the Student Center ballroom on Saturday night, February 25, with
music by the Jimmy Dorsey band under the direction of Lee Castle.

     In addition, the Public Relations Department has prepared a 15-minute
radio j rogram featuring the University Choristers, which will be broadcast
during Founders Weck by many Kentucky stations; a series of University film
clips to be telecast by several stations, and a press packet of news and
feature stories for release by Kentucky newspapers during the week.

     The Trustees and President's dinner honoring members of the University
Senate is scheduled for March 16.


     An outstanding exhibition of sculptures by University artist-in-
residence Kenneth Campbell will close Sunday at the Fine Arts Building

     Mr. Campbell is recognized as one of America's leading contemporary
sculptors. His work may be seen in many of the country's major private
and public collections, including the Whitney Museum of American Art in
New York City.


- 2 -


     The book, "Phenomenological Psychology," by Dr. Erwin W. Straus, clinical
professor in psychiatry, has been nominated for a 1967 National Book Award.
It is one of 31 books which have been made eligible for the five literary prizes
to be announced on March 8.

     The awards, which bring a $1,000 prize to each of the winning authors, are
administered by the National Book Committee. The judges for this year's com-
petition in the science, philosophy and religion division are Hannah Arendt,
John Cogley and Gregory Vlastos.

     Dr. Straus, in addition to his UK duties, serves as consultant in psychiatry
at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Lexington.


     The Advisory Board of Elizabethtown Community College has appointed six
subcommittees to survey business, farm, school and community leaders of Hardin
and surrounding counties in an effort to determine the area's principal personnel
needs within the next several years. The information thus obtained will be use-
ful in developing plans for possible new associate degree programs which could
be offered by the Elizabethtown college.

     Areas being surveyed by the subcommittees include agriculture, commerce,
industry, building, family living, and continuing education.


     The College of Medicine is one of 54 U.S. medical schools chosen to share
in more than $1,700,000 allocated by the National Fund for Medical Education for
its Developmental and Special Purpose Grants. The principal goal of the National
Fund grant program is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching.
To facilitate this, grants are made for purposes not generally supported by other
sources, governmental or private.

     The UK college's share of the total grant will be $15,809. It will be used
to initiate a program for surgery students assigned to hospitals other than
University Hospital. Special presentations or material that might not be readily
available in other locations will be video taped on campus and sent to hospitals
where UK students are assigned.



     Students of Lee Pennington, English instructor at Southeast Community
College, continue tA set a remarkable publishing pace, During the past
three semesters, students in Mr, Pennington's creative writing class have
had a total of 220 poems and short stories accepted for publication in 25
magazines in this country and abroad,  During the same period, the students
have produced three anthologies of their own work, nearly 4Q0 short stories
and poems in ail. In addition, students enrolled in Mr. Pennington's
journalism class operate what is, in effect, the college's own news bureau,
During the past year alone, they have seer more than  600 of their news
stories published in area papers. One Southeast student, James B, Goode, a
freshman from Benham, recently won first place in the Cumberland Division of
the Lions International Peace Essay Contest


     Phi Theta Kappa, an honorary scholastic fraternity which existed for
35 years at Bethei College in Hcpkirnisville, has been reactivated at Hopkins-
vilLe Communr, ty u.:legs  A Ad mal ceremony reactivating the fraternity's
Alpha Delta &hapter. and -he unstallaton of President John W. Oswald as its
first honorary member, took place early this month at a Hopkinsville College
open house prcgram.  Director Thomas D.. Riley also announced there that a
painting which depic s the former Bethel campus has been presented to the
Community College and now hangs in his office,  The painting is by Sterling
Lanier, a Hopkins-ulile native who recently has studied art at the University
under the Donovan Fellowship Program:


     Through a cooperative arrangement with the National Gallery of Art in
Washington, Elizabethtown Community College is presenting an outstanding art
exhibition eah month during the   arrent academic year  A different cole
lection of pzints, represent ring maioy of the worid's leading art masterpieces,
arrives monthly at Elizabethtown- Each of the exhibitions is opened with a
gallery talk by Don Wallace. chairman of the college's English department,
These prcg'ams, which arc open to the public, have drawn increasingly larger
audiences, and Mr W.allace receitres frequent invitations to appear before
civic and professional groups whose members have become interested in his art-
education lectures   Arrangements for the regular borrowing of the National
Gallery prints were made by Mr Wallace,



     A Theological Forum, a series of seven public lectures by noted church
scholars, opened on campus February 7 with an address on the ecumenical
movement by the Most Rev. John J. Wright, Roman Catholic bishop of Pittsburgh,
The forum is sponsored by the Catholic Newman Center, the University Office of
Religious Affairs, the Baptist Student Union, Lexington Theological Seminary,
the Christian Science Organization, the Philosophy Club, the United Campus
Christian Fellowship, and the YWCA., Its goal is to stimulate closer exami-
nation of contemporary theological issues and trends, and the impact that
religion is making in modern society

     Other speakers in the Forum series include Dr. Ronald McNeur, study
secretary for United Ministries in Higher Education, Philadelphia; Father
Walter J. Kapica, professor of history at Xavier University in Cincinnati;
Dr. Ralph Kibildis, professor of English at Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit;
Dr, John Killinger, Vanderbilt University Divinity School; Dr, Esther Swenson,
professor of religion at Maryville (Tenn.) College. and Nils A. Dahl, professor
of New Testament at Yale Divinity School-.


     A report published recently by the Bureau of Business Research shows that
industries which are seeking Kentucky manufacturing sites are locking with in-
creasing favor at the state's smaller cities, The 139-page report, called
"Analysis of Manufacturing Employment Trends of Kentucky Counties, 1960-64,"
was prepared by the bureau director, Dr, John L. Fulmer.. "One significant
aspect of manufacturing changes in Kentucky counties," he notes, "is a trend
toward a build-up of manufacturing in rural counties, with strongest movement
to towns with population of 5,000 to 10,000"'@

     Establishment of an industry employing 100 persons, the report continues,
can be counted upon to create 108 additional new jobs--23 in construction and
85 in various services, Thus, a total of 208 new jobs may result from a deci-
sion to locate a factory employing 100, This would bring to the community an
estimated annual payroll of $900,000, more than $500,000 of which would change
hands in retail sales within the community.

     The report describes factors influencing location of industry in Kentucky,
lists the earnings of workers employed in manufacturing, and the causes of
manufacturing employment changes in the state's counties. In a special section
of the report, Dr. Fulmer elaborates on the steps a community should take to
attract industry.



     Evidence that the University's current series of lecture-discussions
on "The Emerging Role of Contemporary Women" fi ils a generally recognized
need is seen in the overflow audience which attended the initial program
early this month.

     The first program, which had to be moved to a larger auditorium to
accommodate the crowd, was a lecture on "Women and the Changing Society,"
by Dr. James W. Gladden, professor of sociology. "The best adjustment for
women in a rapidly developing complex society, especially for those who have
at least a high school education," Dr. Gladden advised, "is a multiple role--
the acceptance of marriage, child-rearing, and participation at least part
time in the labor force."

     The programs, which are being held on campus each Thursday throughout
February, are presented by a new campus organization, WAUK--Women at the
University of Kentucky. Planned by Mrs. Celia Zyzniewski , assistant to the
dean of women, they are designed to help women explore their intellectual
and professional potential in higher education. "Many women need encourage-
ment," says Mrs. Zyzniewski, "but, basically, they need information on how
to proceed."

     The University's interest in assisting "mature" women--those over 25--
was discussed by President Oswald in a recent address in Louisville before
the Kentucky Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs. He re-
vealed that the University's fall semester registration of female students
who were born before 1940 showed a 40 per cent increase over the same age
group enrolled a year previously. With 557 of the 822 doing graduate work,
they make up 25 per cent of the total enrollment of the Graduate School, he

     President Oswald also disclosed that a recent survey showed the major
handicaps encountered by these women in attending the University to be
difficulty in scheduling classes that fit in with family routine, financial
problems, and a need for better counseling and more acceptance by the faculty.
He said that Mrs. Zyzniewski, in searching for solutions to these problems,
recently traveled to Boston to study the highly successful program operated
there by Ncrtheastern University. He indicated that the Northeastern program,
which permits women to take as many as three courses while being on campus
only one day a week, might be adapted for UK.

     Discussing the relevancy of education offered younger coeds, President
Oswald pointed out women's changing roles in marriage, child-rearing and home-
making. "To sum it up," he declared, "if the universities are, as some claim,
running marriage bureaus, we should be certain we are additionally educating
wives and mothers, not preparing divorcees." He said educators m