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I   , GOD’S RENT  
Y by · , E
  DOR1s REID, R. N. _ ‘
F 1, Student Midwife of the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery V
I   Wednesday, June twenty third was clinic day at Bull Creek
l ~ , five miles away, so Miss Mitchell and I fed the horses at five
‘   a. m., then ate our breakfast, packed our lunch, and groomed, gz
Y saddled and watered our horses. Miss Mitchell took Billy and I  
" took Pal; then off we went over the hills. It’s a beautiful trip  
i with scenery only God could make.  
, We arrived at the Bull Creek Clinic. This two-room house  
I was built by the local people way back in 1929 for our clinic use  
,   when Betty Lester was nurse—midwife on this district. It is plain Y,
Q but adequate. We kept busy handling patients, checking supplies Q
T and doing many odd jobs.  
We then had lunch and after that we made a prenatal visit  
on upper Bull Creek. We found our mother, who is very near  
  term, cooperating nicely. She felt fine and had everything  
I ready for the delivery.  
Then we went down lower Bull Creek one and one-half miles ii
I to make another prenatal visit. Such a hot ride and no shade!  
I Was my face sunburned! We found this mother in bed begin- W
ning labor and already planning to send for us. We unsaddled ~ if
p our horses, hitched them in the shade and prepared to be the  
, , reception committee for Mr. Stork. Q
. This was a poor home, poorly furnished and with flies by Y
the thousands. I had seen only one delivery in a country home  
previous to this and in comparison to this house the other was a ;
l l mansion. But we managed to improvise sufficiently to carry on. Zi
I We sent a man back to the Hospital for our delivery bags. Many  
things we carry in our delivery bags which we do not carry in
our general nursing bags.  
, Everything went beautifully though very slowly due to the Qi
, fact that our baby had his directions confused and tried to come S
‘ down the wrong way. But later he changed his mind and came  
down the right way in fine shape. All went well except that our  X
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