President Dickey recommended approval of the agreement and, on mo-
tion by Dr. Angelucci, duly seconded and carried, the agreement between the
Bureau of School Service and the Kentucky Association of Colleges, Secondary,
and Elementary Schools wa s approved.

       X. Approval of Transfer of Funds within the College of Engineering

       President Dickey requested that $4, 000 be transferred from the General
Fund to the Engineering Experiment Station Account 1560 to cover purchase and
installation of equipment and supplies. He explained that the funds involved
would come from the State Coal Testing Contract and recommended approval of
the transfer.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer made the motion, seconded by Dr. Murray, and carried
that $4, 000 be transferred from the General Fund to Engineering Experiment
Station Account 1560.

       Y. Integration of Athletics Program Discussed

       President Dickey said that he felt the Board should take some recognition
of the position which the Kentucky Kernel has taken relative to the integration
of the athletic program at the University of Kentucky. Mr. Sam Ezelle ex-
pressed the feeling that it was time the University examined its policy of
integrated education and segregated athletics.  He said that he was more in-
terested in the prestige of the University of Kentucky throughout the nation
rather than in the Southeastern Conference and felt that it was the responsibility
of the Athletics Association Board of Directors to look into this problem and
make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.  If the Athletics Association
Board does nothing about this, then the matter should be re-examined by the
Board of Trustees,  He asked Mr. Jack Guthrie, editor of the Kernel , to give
the Board the results of a poll conducted by the paper and instructed the
secretary to include the information as a part of the minutes.

       Mr. Guthrie stated that 132 students, selected from the entire student
body; had been questioned and the results showed that 59 per cent favored
integrated athletics, 21 per cent opposed it, and 20 per cent had no opinion.
He added that of the 59 per cent favoring integration, 8 per cent indicated that
they would be against it if it meant withdrawal from the SEC.

       On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Dr. Murray, and carried the three
members of the Board of Trustees, who are also members of the Athletics
Association Board of Directors, were requested to transmit to the Athletics
Association Board of Directors the desire of the Board of Trustees that full
consideration be given to integration of the athletics program at the University
of Kentucky and a. recommendation be made to the Board of Trustees.