


Page Pour


feat brought chagrin to him. Virtually every time he has been called on U. K. CADETS MAY MARCH
Leave Your Orders Now For
he has performed the service sought;
Publisher! every Friday throughout the College the Kernel feels and knows that the
year by the student tiotiy 01 tne
honor that has come to him is richly
of Kentucky
due him and we rejoice in it.
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper
With Sanders at the helm, as was Plan to Leave Lexington at Nine
o( the students an
Itimni of tne university
tho case when the redoubtable
01 Kentucky
O'clock and Return in
loyal Dell Ramsey led it, we arc con
With The University and Fraternity Seals
One Dollar and Fifty Cents a fident that its
chidf will avoid
Year tive t.cnts tlic Lopy
hardship and dodge no duty to the end
The cadet regiment of the Univcr
may crown
Entered at Lexington PostorTice as second that a successful season
sity has been extended an invitation
clasi mall matter
the team's efforts in 1924.
to participate in the inaugural parade
Yea, Sanders, Let's go.
Basement Main Building
to be held in Frankfort Tuesday, but
Managing Editor
as yet no funds ihavc been supplied by
2117-Phones 24
the committee to defray the transpor
tation expenses. Arrangements have
will be taken, as later orders will
Mary Corey '24
Deng C. Vest '24
been made whereby a special railroad
Dixon Davidson '24
las. R. Davidson '25
Sandburg versus Shakespeare. Bancause the photographic copy to be late.
M. Hail
Dwight L. Dicknell '24
rate has been obtained and after taking
Dickens is
The prints are fifty cents each, and
anas versus Beethoven.
a vote of the cadets, it was found that
doomed, Padcrewski is passe and Tramust accompany order. Orders
Eugene H Moore '25
about seventy per cent are willing to cash
dition, to continue the unnecessary
taken at the Ketituckian office, baseAssistant Sport Editors
pay their own expenses. The band
Robert VanPelt '26
Tom Duncan '25
is trembling; trembling in
of Education building, all Friday
will have its expenses paid by the in- ment
a gusty wind created by the turbulent
augural committee and it is probable afternoon.
Betty Rarbour '25
modernisms of jazz hounds, Dadaism
upon a favorable report by the
Strangc- - that
devotees and Cubistic
"society "EDITOR
University council the entire regiment
lv cnouch. our
Helen King '25
will accompany them.
ors refuse to believe it. On the con
(Continued from Page One)
In the event of favorable disposition
trary, they apparently do not evince
William Tate
by the committee the regiment will be
4234 Phones 2117-- y
the slightest signs of trepidation Do formed
at 9 o'clock so that they may made the excellent time of
Assistant Business Manager
they not realize that Dr. Elliotts arrive in the capitol city in time to
Gorman finished second with anoth
William Blanton '24
classics, all five feet of them, arc faced form in the parade which will move er Cat, Butler, coming third. Charles
with imminent danger? Why, on this
capoff at 11 o'clock. The regiment will Stacy, University of Louisville
Edward F. Goodson, '26
very campus, are individuals who trace
return late Tuesday afternoon, but as tain, was fourth with O'Roark of the
hair U a
Ncttlr cetabed.
futuristic phantasms with one hand, yet the exact time is not known.
same team closely following him.
basinets ami social asset.
Clifton Thompson '26
while the other has a
STACOMB makes the hair stay combed
The cadets realizing that by parad- Davidson and Hendricks were the oth
the tenets of Imagism.
in any style you like evca after it hat
ing at Frankfort they will be putting er two entries for Kentucky and they
jait been washed.
Louise Burks '25
Curtis Buehler '26
the University before the leaders of finished seventh and ninth respective
STACOMB ikt riginal hst been
Eugenia O'Hara '26
Frances Lee '26
ased for years hj stars of stage and
Yet there is something distasteful the state in a favorable light, have ly.
Margaret VanMeter '24 Virginia Kelley '26
screen leaders of style. Write today
Judith Yungblut '24 in the flippant manner our established shown their loyalty by undergoing
for free trial tube.
Kmmctt Milward '26
Jim Baughman '25
Margaret Chenault '25 Robt. Mitchell '25
hichJbrows dismiss everything smack many difficulties in order that the de35c Jars 75c
Robert Lawless '25
Kirk '26 ing of
House to house men earn $3 to $5
Since Art is sires of the military department may
Intui es STACOMB in the black,
Nancy Stephenson 24
Percy Beard '26
hour in spare time, selling Little Won
yellow and gald package.
avowedly pursued for Art's sake, what be realized.
For sale at year druggist or wherever
der Gas Savers. Only weighs 2 02..
-- Kmatters if it speaks an unintelligble
toilet goods are sold.
Press of Commercial Printing Company
Cut gas bill 50 per cent. Retails 35c.
language. As for the recent banana
Standard Laboratories, lac.
750 Stinford Amue Los Ant ties, California
question, why direct the shafts of L.
CARRISS SPEAKS IK Costs $15 gross, brings $50.40. Agents
KeySand couswn far Fraa Trial Tuba.
sample dozen' postpaid $L50.
criticism at a. modern target. Witness
stone Supply Co., 218 Duquesne Way,
this beautiful ballad from the venerRESIDENT COACH
fra trial tab.
PImm Md
ated Shakespeare: "O, do de, do dc,
do de, and Do de, de, de, Sessa."
The football season just ended disENGINEERING NOTES
closes the necessity at the University
Addresses Freshman Chapel and
we're on the subject, we
of the introduction, in our judgment,
Classes of Education
Dean Anderson left Sunday for
of the resident coach system of hand- would like to bet the In Memoriam
New York City, where he will attend
inMack Garner rode has had more
ling the teams.
the annual meeting of the American
While we are not discouraged, we fluence on American than the In MeL. H. Carriss, of New York City, Society of Mechanical
frankly admit we are gravely disap- moriam Tennyson wrote.
secretary of the National Committee While in New York, Dean Anderson
How do you visulaize your job?
pointed at the outcome of the football
for the Prevention of Blindness, spoke also epects to attend the meeting of The story of the three
season and do not mean at this moWith the possible exception of an in chapel at the fifth hour Tuesday. the New York chapter oc the Univerleaving nonugorrvTsoTnoTeaiX
overwhelming consumption of boot-le- e
ment to connect with that discourageMr. Carriss is in Central Kentucky sity of Kentucky alumr.i.
They were working on a stone. A
ment any expression of adverse critiliauor. the biggest result we ob for a .few days in the interest of this
stranger asked what he was doing.
cism upon either the coaching staff or served of the Tennessee game was a movement, and the University is very
Professor D. V. Terrill is spending
coaching system employed thru-o- prolonged outburst of heartfelt pro-- , fortunate in securing him to address this week in New Orleans attending "I'm working for $7.50 a day he rethe
you?"- the stranger ask'the season just closed.
the students along this line. He has the meeting of the American Associa- plied. "And
ed the second. "I'm cutting this stone"
It has been our custom to employ
spoken to several classes, especially tion of State Highway Officials.
growled the laborer. When the quesour coaches at the close of the footK
It is hard to understand why Ker- in the educational department, express
tion was put to the third
ball season for the brief period of one nel reporters
apply the term "eye- ing to future teachers the importance
Patronize the Kernel advertisers
The result has been that sore" to the city dump when right of care for the eyes and of means of they help to make the Kernel possi he answered, "I'm building a cathedral." The Christian Register.
the coaches have taken up their work here on the campus is Neville Hall.
detecting deficiencies and of methods ble.
about the middle of September and
may be helped. In
by which students
something erf
worked loyally and faithfully until the
While we do not wish to lower the chapel Mr. Carriss told
season closed. Then they returned to attendance at Miss Goff's functions, the institutions for the blind and the
other vocations and we did not see we feel it our duty to inform freshmen various causes of blindness, urging
them for nine months. It is not our that the coming Denishawn dancers the importance of care and protection
purpose to assume to dictate conclus- is a strictly high class production.
of the eyes.
ions to the Athletic Council of the
The musical number of the program
University, bat it is the writer's posiwas given by Mr. Robert Clem, who
tive conviction that the sooner we get
has a leading part in the opera "Marupon a resident coach basis the sooner
tha." A plan for the purpose of raiswe will be able to coordinate and uniing sufficient funds to enable the
(Continued from first page)
fy energies that are now running loose
freshman class to reach its goal in the
at both ends. A study of football in Georgetown College will give a com- stadium drive was presented to the
other institutions, we think, ' where plimentary luncheon to a select group class. The plan is to divide the class
coaches are employed throughout the of faculty men from other colleges of into 16 groups of divisions which will
year and live in the city, thus giving the state, particularly those interested solicit the alumni and friends of the
their entire time, thought and energy in Association work, Saturday, De- University over the entire state durto selection and training of proper ma- cember 8, at 12:30 p. m., at which ing the Christmas holidays, or beterial, will force the conclusion that time Dr. C. S. Gardner, Dr. A. W. fore Januarv IS.
our next selection should be upon Taylor and J. W. Bergthold will ad
the resident coach basis.
dress the faculty group. The UniverWe are not aware what steps the sity of Kentucky faculty members ex
The second regular meeting of the
Athletic Council will take with refer pected to be present are President Mc- ence to next year's coach or coach Vey. Judge Lyman Chalkley, College Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Xi will be
ing system. We can only say that to of Law; Dr. P. P. Boyd, Dean of Col- - held Friday evening,, December 7, in
a large number of studants, results of leee of Arts and Sciences; Dr. W. S. room 108 of the Science Building. Dr.
this season have been disappointing Taylor, Dean of the College of Edu Edward A. Caslick, assistant in the de
and that we are positive that a resi cation; Prof. C. R. Meloher, Dean of partment of Vetinary Science in the
dent coach system would cure many Men; and professors T. T. Jones, P. Experiment Station, will address the
of the defects that have marred the E. Karraker, Brinkley Bamett, E. A. society on "The Study of a Parasite
Bureau, C. W. Mathew, E. S. Good, Found in the Ligamentum Muchea of
season of 1923.
H. H. Downing, W. S. Webb, 11. J. the Horse." All members of Sigma
KScanbrough, II. S. Wolfe, Harry Best; Xi are. invited to attend. In the abWISE SELECTION
D. H. Peak, business agent, and Bart sence of the president, Dr.
N. Peak, Secretary University Y. M.
The election of Curtis Sanders, the C. A.
Marietta Eichelberger, will preside. t
flashy fullback of the Wildcat team,
Sixteen of the student deleOne big advantage of a Stetson is that
as its captain for the season of 1924 gates from the University are Thomas
wins the approval of the University Baird, James Russell, S. R. Hill, R. E.
you can give it so much wear and
students uniformly.
A number of studemts have not had
Clark, Elmer Leachman, John Dab-neit will still keep its shape and style.
Marshall Barnes, V. L. Sturgill, enough prints made for the KetituckThru every phase of defeat or vie
tory that has come to the team dur J. C. Brown, A. J. Glenn, A. L. Atch- ian. One print is needed for each oringi'the season just closed, Sander's ison, Bassil Frost, Marion Insko, Har- ganization of which the student is a
loyajty and ability have been a con-- , old Stenken, Frederick Elley and Wil- member, unless that organization has
Victory li.mi C r)i'nnur Thp nthpr four dpi. had a group picture made. Today is
staijit and abiding quantity.
the last day that orders for extra prints
hanirtliirned his'headu nor'has"dc 'egates have not been selected.

The Kentucky Kernel

Xmas Cards


Memory Books

University Book Store



cut-up- s.


UnralvHs iir










Funk-house- r,




