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LIONS CLUB OT EDTYVILLE (Lions International) q/e Dr. U. L. Moselev,
Eddyvillc. Founded l940. Presioeet, John 1, Flynn, Eddyvillc, Secr:tary,
. Dr, C. R. Losclev. Terms expired Julv, lC42,
Z Ligpcrskip: l7. Open to Adult mules, engaged in business or profession,
_Qe§uittops; Lions Educatienul, J. U, Blue; Civic Improvement, J. E.
A Layman; Comwumity,'Jilbur Tsldingtor, all of Eeevville.
· Purpose; Civic improvement.
2   $ctive perticipxtion with local Defense Council
E and Red Cross,
Q Defense Activities; Cmjigei in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in
hir Reid sarien service, Civilian Aircraft Turning Service. Ambulance
`— Service,
g Local Publications; None.
 i , -_ - -_ - .7- ..I ., . V .. -,, ., ;;_ . .-‘ .` an ~. • ‘
g LYOJ C@Umjf ,AR_ 3JR;;b (~merieon =erm,,urenu zeeeyntieng, c/B County
5 ~gcnt‘s Office, Eeijville. Foundeu lQ3G. President, Juli n Jones, H, 2,
? wl, Kuttswe. Secretary, Xrs. Henry ,2rrcn, Eddyville. Telephone 2361.
%· Terms expire Kardh, l9l$.
; Kembcrship; lOO. Qualifications, interested in or actively engaged in
J, farming,
Q Committees: Home reported,
{ Etrpese; To stimulate cooperrtive effort amen; the farmers of Lyon
j County,
? Normal Civic Activities: None.
f Defense Activities: lmtcrcsted in Auxilicry Felice, Auxili ry Tire
‘ Protection, Sclvege Demolition Service, Collection ot Scrap Lotils and
p Other Yetals.
I Local Qublicetionsz None,