HISTORY OF KENTUCKY.

Outline History-State Officers-United States Senators-Representatives in Congress-
   Eminent  en from Kentucky-Kentucky School Statistcs-Illiteracy in Kentucky
   -Population-Census of 1880           ............. . ........ .. 17-48

                   HISTORY OF DAVIES4S COUNTY.

             CHAPTER I.
Early Settlement-Early Preachers-Other
  Early Officiale-Miscellaneous Notes-A
  Retrospect ............  ............. 49-62
             CHAPTER II.
Bill Smothers ...............  ......... 63
             CHAPTER 1II.
Life and Times of Robert Triplett ........... 79
             CHAPTER IV.
Organic, Legal and Political-Origin of the
  County and of its Name-Surveys-Political
  Notes - Election Returns-Officials - The
  Courts-Federal Judicial Dietrict-County
  Courts-Bar Association ........... .. 94-111
              CHAPTER V.
Sketches of Public Men ................ 112-157
             CHAPTER VI.
The Ci-;il War-The Skirmish near Owensbcoro
  -The Battle at Sutherland's Hill-The
  Death of Colonel Netter-War Diary Re-
  sumed-Kentucky under Martial Law-
  Owensboro  captured-Owensboro    Taken
  Again-Company A, First Kentucky Cav-
  Olry-Sue 31uinday ............. .... 1.58-178
             CHAPTER VII.
M' terial Progress-Population of Daviess
  County-Census of 1880, in Detail--Agricult-
  ural Census-Daviess County Agricultural
  aud Mechanical Association - Daviess
  County Fair A ssociation-Daviess County
  Farmers' Club-Daviess County Sorgho
  Sugar Company-Importation of Foreign
  Labor-Green River N avigation-Green and
  B irren River Navigation Company-Daviess
  County Gravel Road Companies-Telegraph
  -Railroads-Owensboro  Nashville Rail-
  road-Proposed Railroads ........... 179-196
           CHAPTER VIII.
The  Press-Defanct   Newspapers-Living
Newepapers........       ....... 197-20,
            CHAPTER IX.
Authors and Artists-Song of the Hammock-
A Remarkable Autograph Album...207-222
            CHAPTER X.
ledical-The Owensboro Medical Society-
The Green River Medical Association-The
McDowell Medical Association-The Ken-
tucky Pharmaceutical Association-Physi-
cians of the Past-Present Physicians 223-244

             CHAPTER XI.
Geology of Daviess County-Physical Fpatures
  -Rivers and Creeks-The Soil-Coal-
  Limestone and Sandstone-Otber Mineral, -
  Mineral Springs ...................... 245-262
             CHAPTER XII.
Botany and Zoology-Tall Trees-Low Trees
  -Busbes and Shrubs-Vines-Native Hi rte,
  -Weeds-Zoology-Wild Bees .......- 2683-.4
            CHAPTER XIII.
Meteorology-Diary of Joseph Thomas-Tem-
  perature-Ohio Floods-The Flo.d ol 1883-
  Miscellaneous ..................... 275-94
            CHAPTER XIV.
Miscellaneous - Court-House - Jail - Public
  Square-Poor House-Lost Records--he
  First Will-Milita' y-Capital Punishment-
  Murder of Robert MIcFarland-Murder of
  Willis Fields--Lod Duke-Education-Tem-
  perance-Celebrations-Southern Relief-
  Land League-Archoeology-Daviess Coun-
  tv's Hunters' Club-The First Marriage-
  Marriage Record-First Steamboat Down
  the Ohio-Anecdotal-Distances Along 'le
  Ohio River, from Louisville to Cairo-Dis-
  tances on Green River-Distances by the 0.
   N. R. R.-Post-Offices-Countv Atlas-
  Owensboro Directory and County Gazetteer
             CHAPTER XV.
Owenebori - Morton's Day-Book - Yellow
  Banks, 1818-Owenaboro in 1820-Fragment-
  ary Items-General Progress-Owensboro
  as a City-Owensboro in 1872-Owensbero
  in 1882-Population-Citv Officers-Indus-
  trial and Commercial-First Livery Stables
  -Tobacco Houses-Distilleries-Other En-
  terprises-Banks-Hotels-Oweneboro In-
  dustries in 1880 ..........    321- 358
            CHAPTER XVI.
Owensboro Continued-Educational-Public
Schools-Enrollment and Attendance-Ex.
penses for Two Average Years-Churches
           CHAPTER XVII.
Oweusboco Continued-Benevolent Societies
-Social and Miscellaneous Organization!-
Cemeteries-Public Benevolence-Owens-
boro Postmasters-Brief Mention-Illo-
graphical .........,,,,,,,,,...... 387-50

           CHAPTER XVIII.
Boston Precinct-Whitesville Village-Busi-
nese-Educational-Rellgious- Elections-
Biographical        -5.           554