present Elders are Isaac T. Moseley, M. C. Moseley, J. M. Ruby, J.
H. Wilhite, J. V. Wilhite, Luther Moseley and W. G. Hansford;
Present Deacon and Clerk, C. M. Ruby. Number of communi-
cants, 103. Services the third Sabbath of each month by Rev.
Willis Smith. Sabbath-school is held from the first Sunday in
April until the third Sunday in October, inclusive; prayer-meeting
once a week during the winter. Rev. Joseph Weaver, the first
Pastor, lived in this county until his death, which occurred several
years ago. Three churches, Christian, Baptist and Methodist, are
located on one hill, known as Union Hill. At one time all of
these denominations worshiped in a small log house, where the
Methodist church now stands-hence the name. It was the prop-
erty of the C. P. congregation, and was built by members of all
denominations in a verv early day.
   Glenville Baptist Church was organized July 29, 1865, by
Elders Dawson, Givens, Blansford and Robertson, at the old log
house, sometimes called Mount Pleasant. The names of the
charter members are as follows: Bats Oost, Joseph Givens, John L.
Ileheart, Louisa Phillips, Anna Givens, Sophronia Cox, Emily
Bsaird, Eliza Clark, Amanda F. Igleheart and Palestine O'Burns.
The first Clerk was J. L. Igleheart. The first Deacons were Joseph
Givens and Bats Oost. The church continued to worship in the
old lot house until their new house was completed, in 1867. Cost
of new building, 1,200 or 1,400. The first Pastor was Elder L.
C. Tichnor, who served until August, 1870. He was succeeded by
D. E. Yeiser, and in June, 1871, Elder Tichnor was again called,
and served until 1876. D. E. Yeiiier was then re-calied, and served
fifteen months, and was succeeded by Elder William Stevens, who
served until July, 1880. After his resignation Elder Tichnor
again became Pastor, and has served to the present time. Services
are held twice a month. Present membership, sixty.


  For politics of parties see Lower Town.
  1852, Aug. 2: Sheriff-Landrum, 213; Veech, 9. For railroad
tax, 27; against, 184.
  1860, Aug. 6: Appellate Clerk-C. McClarty, 15; L. Combs, 20;
R. R. Bowling, 55. Sheriff-H. W. Scott, 73; John Locke, 80.
County Attorney-J.,JI. McHenry, 13; J. -R. Claybrook, 53. Colo-
nel-R. L. Boyd, 45. -Lieutenant-Colonel-J. P. Thompson, 46.
