sale and delivery of Three Hnndred Thousand Dollars ($300, 000. 00)
"University of Kentucky Housing Bonds of 1960" for the purpose of
financing the construction of a Project consisting of two new build-
ings for housing approximately ninety-six (96) male students,
including dining facilities with necessary appurtenant facilities,
such authorization being in conformity with the Boards s Loan Agree-
ment with Housing and Home Finance Agency of the United States
Government, identi.fied as .HHFA Project CH-KY-39(D), reference
to said Resolution being hereby made for details; and

   WHEREAS, funds have been advanced from other sources and
applied to the construction of said Project and the same is nearing
completion so that. it is in order for the Board to proceed at this
time in the offering of said bonds at an advertised, public. competitive
sale in the manner required by law and as particularly set forth in
Section 3 of the aforesaid Resolution, and the same has been recom-
mended to the B(-card bv the Univeersity' s Vice President for Business
Administration; an.d

   WHEREAS the Vice President fir Business Administration has
also tendered for apprcval certain instruments proposed to be
furnished to interested bidders upon request, for thie purpose of
providing full information with regard to the bonds, the security
therefor, the terms and conditions upon which purchase bids will
be received, and general information regarding the University, and
said instruments are found to be in order;


   Section 1. The Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300, 000. 00)
flunirv=rsiof Kentucky Housing Bonds of 1960",. as authorized by
a Resolution adopted by this Board a.; a. meeting held on December 13,
1960, shall be offered a.1: public sa.le upon thie basis of sealed, com-
petitive bids in accordance with the Board' s Loan Agreement with
Housing and Home Finance Agency of the Uniired States Government,
relating thereto, such bids to be received in the office of the President
of the University until trhe    day of             , 1961, at the
hour of                          a which7time. th e bids shall be
opened, cdng-M-ered a  acted u~pen by this Board, or by its Executive
Committee if thle Board is not then in session, which Executive
Committee is haerebyfu1j a uorized to take aii action necessary
and appropriate in the consideration of bids, accep"'ance or rejection
of bids, and establisb.ment of interest coupon raites.

   Section 2, The Vice President for Business Administration having
tendered certain instrumern.s proposed to be used in connection with
the public a.rcvert~ising of s -ch sale and for providing to interested
bidders :adequate information with. regard thereto, she same having
been prepared under th.e supervision of the Vice President for Business
Administration by Grafton, Ferguson & Fleisc-Iner, Ithe Boardv s bond
counsel, and the same consisti.ng of a "Notice of Sale of Bonds, "t a
"Statement of Terms and Cond..Alons of Bond Salem and an "tOfficial
Statement of th..e Board of ' ruskees of the University of Kentucky, "t