• I
I . 336 Index. ,
Crude drugs ...................................................... 129-131 Q
` Crutcher, M., analysis of mineral water from ...................... 328 . ,
· Curtis, H. E., et al., Bulletin 152, Commercial Fertilizers, by ......... 193 ]
Description of gadfly .............................................. 188 g
Directions for treatment of farm pests ............................. 28 ;
` of hous·ehold pests ........................ 38 ;
’ Director’s report ................. ,. . ., .............................— viii —
report on enforcement of Food and Drugs Law ............ ` 1  
Division of Agronomy, Work of .................................... xv j
, Animal Husbandry, Workvof ............................ xv Q
Chemistry, Work of ................................... viii ,
. Entomology and Botany, Work of ...........i........... ix
· Extension, Work of .................................... xvi
Feed Control, Work of ................ ;._ .............. xiii _
Fertilizer Control, Work of ............................. xi
Food Control, Work of ................................. xii ,
Drugs, The Preservation of, Bulletin 150, on ........................ 125
Entomology and Botany, Work of Division of ...................... ix
Experiment Station Board of Control ......,........................ v
Experiment Station oiiicers ......................,....,............. v
_ Explosive and inflammable bodies ................................ 147-149 ~
Extension, \Vork of Division of .................................... xvi »
· Farm Pests, directions for treatment of ........ ` ................... 28 ·
Farmers’ Institutes ................. . .............................. xviii xc `—
Fayette County, analysis of mineral water from ................. ' 324 l l · .
Feed Control, \Vork of Division of ........................,........ xiii 'Va
Fertilizer Control, X\’ork of Division of .....................,....... xi
Financial report .................................... T ............ vi
_ Findings against bleached flour by Judge Foster ..,................. 110
Food Control, 'Work of Division of ................................. xii
‘ Food and Drugs Act, report on enforcement of ..................... 1
Foster, Judge Rufus E., iindings of against bleached flour ............ 110
Frisbie, H. D., analysis of sulphur water from ..................... 325
Fungicides ......... I ........ » ...................................... 22 .
Gadllies, an outbreak of in Kentucky, Bulletin 151 on ......... A ..... 179
description of ........................................... 188
locality suited for breeding of ,.......................... 183
suggestions for treatment of ....i......................... 185
Garman, H., Bulletin 147, Common Insecticides and Fungicides,
etc., by .................................. 3
Bulletin 148, Seed Testing Apparatus, etc., by .......... 43
Bulletin 151, An Outbreak of Gadflies in Kentucky, by., 181
Glucosides ............................. . .......................... 150-152
Harrison County, analysis of sulphur water from .................. 325
Hart County, analysis of sulphur water from ..l............ r ....... 325
Herbicides ................................... . ........ t .......... 26
Household Pests, directions for treatment of ....................... 88
Hurd, R. L., analysis ot chalybeate water from .............,....... 328
Index to Bulletin 147, Common Insecticides and Fungicides, with A
· Directions for Treatment of Farm Pests ...... 40
150, The Preservation of Drugs ................. 172-178
Inflammable and explosive bodies .................................. 147-149 ~
Influence of temperature and light on germination ot seeds .......... 58
Insecticides .................... . . .. ............................... - 8
_ Israel, Miss Olivia E., analysis of mineral water from ............... 324