. - Index. 337
Jones, S. C., soil work by ......................................... viii
» Jury verdict against bleached fiour ................................. 112
Kenton County, analysis of mineral water from .................... 326
Leathers, T. J., analysis of mineral water from ...................... 323 - ‘
Letter of Transmittal ............................................ iii
Light and temperature, influence in germination of seeds ........... 58
Locality suited to,breeding of gadiiies ............................. 183 ‘
Logan County, analysis of mineral water from. ................... 326 ` _.
McCracken County, analysis of mineral water from ................. 326
MCPHQYSOIIIS, Judge, charge against bleached flour ................. 112 `
Meaning of term "Patent" ........................................ 76 _
"StraigHt" ...l........................ . .......... 76
_ A "Clear" ............. — ...............,............ 7 6
Meteorological Summaries .....................................,.. 330
Mineral Waters, analyses of ...................................... 323
Miscellaneous drugs .......... . ........................... ; ....... 169-171
liquids .... ; ........... . ..................... . ..... 149-150
Nicholas County, analysis of mineral water from ................. 327
Oiiicers of the Experiment Station .................,............... v
Ohio County, analysis of mineral water from ..................... 327
Opinions of millers against bleaching iiour ......,.................. 76
Orchard grass seed tests ........................................... 53
· Outbreak of Gadfiies in Kentucky, Bulletin 151, on .................. 179
cw `— Outfits forspraying .................... Z .......................... 5
, li · Preparations, drug   .....................................,....... 153-168
*’ Preservation of Drugs, The, Bulletin 150, on ....................... 125
Publications of the Station in 1910 ................................ xx
Red clover seed tests ..L ......................................... 56
Red-top seed tests ............................................... 52
Re-port of the auditing committee .................................. vi
Report of the Director ........... ' .................................. v iii
Report on enforcement of Food and Drugs Act .................... 1
Research \Vork ...» . .............................................. xvii
Richardson; Geo. D., analysis of mineral water from ............... 326
Richmond & Collins, analysis of mineral water from ............... 324
Seed Testing Apparatus, Bulletin 148, on .......................... 41 -
Scovell, M. A., et al., Bulletin 152, Commercial Fertilizers, by ........ 193 I
Report on enforcement of Food and Drugs Act ........ 1
Shedd, O. M., analyses of mineral waters by ...................... 323
Shouse, J. O., analysis of chalybeate water from .................. 328
Spraying outlits ..,............................................... 5
State Fair ....................................................... xviii
State University, Board of Trustees .............................. iv
Station Staff .................................... ‘ ................. xix
Study of conditions under which our germination tests of seeds
are made ................................................ 50
Suggestions for treatment of gadfiies ......... . ................... 185
Taylor, A. P., analysis of mineral water from ..................... 327
· Temperature and light, influence on germination of seeds ........... 58
’  Tests of alfalfa seed ............................................. 55
alsike clover seed ....................................... 57
bluegrass seed ............. . .............................. 51
orchard grass seed ...................,.................. 53
red clover seed .......................................... 56
red-top seed .............. . ................ . ...... . ..... 52