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24 Kentucky Agv·iicuZtu1·aZ Esvpcrimcwt Station  
member and its other investigations brought out the following *
important facts: _.
1. That whisky is made from the very best grain. If the Z
grain is musty or of an inferior grade, the flavor will g
be inferior.
_ 2. That during the process of manufacture, the mash must
be kept at certain temperatures.
3. That great care must be given to the yeast used and to
. the water employed. _ »
l 4. That in making neutral spirits or alcohol, inferior l
» grades of grain or other products containing starch
or sugar may be used, and less care may be exercised
in mashing and the mashing may be, and is usually,
made at a higher temperature, in all probability con-
` verting some of the cellulose of the grain into alcohol;
. and no attention is paid to the flavor, as the object
is to make the ethyl alcohol as free from Havering
substances as possible.
5. That when whisky is distilled, it has been the 'custom
for more than 100 years to ripen it in charred bar- .
rels, and prior to that time in wooden casks; and that
it is necessary to thus mature it in order to render
· new whisky potable.
6. That the proper aging of whisky is expensive and that
various artifices have been resorted to to make the
raw product resemble aged whisky, such as coloring
with caramel and heating new whisky in barrels.
7. That the process of distillatioufor making whisky and
neutral spirits is different.
8. That the chemical composition ef matured whisky and
alcohol or neutral spirits is dilferent.
9. That for these reasons, whisky and alcohol are not like
substances. .
10. That the liquor trade itself recognizes and maintains
a strict difference between whisky and neutral spir-
its up to the time that the product is ready for sale
to the consumer.
_ It follows, therefore:
1. That when alcohol or neutral spirits is reduced by
water to the proof of whisky and artificial coloring and Haver-
ing essence are added, the product is not a genuine whisky, but
is an imitation of the genuine. ·
2. That where aged whisky is mixed with alcohol or neu-