) Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. vii
ment Station for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1910; that
we found the same well kept and classified as above; that
the receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the United
_ States are shown to have been $15,000_.00 under the act of
Congress of March 2, 1887, and $13,000.00 under the act of
Congress of March 16, 1906, and the corresponding dis-
bursements $15,000.00 and $13,000.00; for all of which
proper vouchers are on file and have been examined by us
‘ and found correct.
And we further certify that the expenditures have
been solely for the purposes set forth in the acts of Con-
gress approved March 2, 1887, and March 16, 1906, and in
accordance with the terms of said acts, respectively.
S ` (Signed) C. B. NICHOLS,
» - R. C. STOLL, (
~‘ (Seal)
A Attest: W. T. Lafferty, Business Agent, Custodian.