. 28 Bulletin N0. 1477. l
|.1ME-SULPHUR WAS . l   . P
The concentrated lime—sulphur washe;han,_=if desired, be [  _
sprayed upon weeds to good purpose, though the difficulty of  
preparation renders them less desirable than the simple solu— 1
tions of iron and of copper sulfate. .
Something has been left to the judgment of those who V
will use the following directions. lf I say, Spray on the
first of May and again on the fifteenth, the directions may
be explicit, but in practice will not work out well because
· April fifteenth may be the best timeto spray first one year, ,
May first another, and May fifteenth still another. Our
I seasons vary somewhat widely, and, moreover, there is a -
week or ten days difference in forwardness of season _
between Eastern and Western Kentucky. I When insects and i
I fungi attack a crop every year, spraying should begin, as I
` elsewhere stated, just as soon as the blossoming period is
past, whenever that may be, and on greatly neglected trees
and vines ought to begin in winter. The times of making
later applications, too, must vary with the general and local
weather conditions. Definite, dates may thus be misleading
in practice, and have not been given.
_ Coornvo Morn ANUCANKER WoRM.—Spray as soon as
the petals fall from the blossoms with arsenate of lead, 2.5
to 3 pounds in 50 gallons of water. Spray again with the ·
mixture ten days later.
BORERS. — Cut out with a sharp knife whenever observed.
If trees are properly pruned and otherwise cared for borers
give little trouble. — `
LEAF APHIS.-~Spray with tobacco extract, one part of a
3 per cent. solution in 70 par_ts of water. Or, in place of
I this, spray with dilute coal-oil emulsion, }é pound of whale-
oil, or good laundry soap, 1 gallon of water, 2 gallons of coal-
oil; for use add nine parts of water to one of emulsion. ~